Phillip Greer

Phillip Greer Profile Photo


Phillip is a professional executive with over 20 years of experience, including organizational management, product development, business operations, partnerships, strategy, and software engineering.

As CEO of Best Lawyers, the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession, Phillip has fostered a multi-million dollar company with clients ranging from AmLaw 200 law firms to sole practitioners.

Prior to becoming CEO, Phillip was integral in developing the systems that Best Lawyers uses to produce rankings in 75 countries.

Specialties: management, business strategy, product development, business operations, media partnerships, and information technology

Aug. 24, 2023

Phillip Greer, CEO, Programmer, Musician

Have you ever had to move a lot and hate the feeling of change and leaving the comfort of the familiar? Constantly moving as a military kid helped turn my guest's observation skills and situational awareness into a super powe...
Guest: Phillip Greer
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