Scott Russell, Gourmand, Digital Creator, Entrepreneur

Scott Russell, Gourmand, Digital Creator, Entrepreneur
Have you ever had an idea you thought was dumb but a good friend convinced you it wasn't... and they were right?!? That's how 6 Bites In got started for Scott Russell and he is savoring every minute of it and it is allowing him to showcase and help the hometown he loves even more, and hear how the mouth that is @6bitesin recenters on the days that don't feel right.
Follow Scott's foodie side on Instagram - @6bitesin
and his everything else side - @love_augusta_guys
And also,
Facebook: Scott Russell
Tik-Tok: @6bitesin
YouTube: @LoveAugusta
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It was disgusting and amazing all at the same time.
Welcome to another episode of Chewing the Fat. I am your host, Big Robb. Thank you so much for tuning in, downloading the podcast wherever you listen to your podcast. I certainly do appreciate that. Also the folks that have bought me a coffee at And the folks that follow me on social media, thank you so much for reaching out, especially this festive time of year as we're recording this in the month of December. It's good to know that there are people that are out there. Matter of fact, I had some folks that...
reached out and told me they'd given me a five-star review on they were listening on Pandora and that they found the podcast on YouTube now as it's available to listen. You can watch the logo and listen on YouTube now if you want to, but, uh, uh, and then folks that write reviews, I really do appreciate it. It does help the podcast go further. Uh, I tried to provide something that's interesting to you and, uh, try to find people that are interesting to me. My next guest, uh, super interesting to me.
Uh, because, uh, I think he has my dream job to tell you the truth. Please welcome Scott Russell. Hey, the crowd goes wild. I am doing amazing. I'm super excited to be here. Um, kind of humbled you invited me. So I have been following you on social media, on Instagram for, for quite a while.
Scott is, if you don't know, is also six bites in on Instagram and all over the place. And that's how I got to know you. You're a guy who likes to go and eat places and talk about what you eat. I love to eat. And you make me mad because you're skinny as a rail. That's my blessing and my curse, man. I'm a constant 150. I don't know why. That's awesome. That's like Mr. Rogers. He was a...
143 pounds. He stayed at 143 pounds. Well, it's funny you say that. I'm actually catching up to him cause I'm at 145 right now. So I got to get that card again. Well, I've always thought it was neat because he, he told his, um,
He stayed at 143 because like, I don't know if you remember the day of pagers when you would send somebody a 143. I love you. I do remember that. Actually. He told his wife that's why he stayed at 143 is as an honor to her. I'm going to start using that. It'll go well in your, uh, you know, your, your relationship life as well as like, Hey, I'm gonna stay at that because I love you. Anyway, I'm sorry. You hold the 10. Just wait. Uh, so Scott, uh,
Again, following you and watching you eat some amazing food from around town and go to these cool places. Because there's so many people in Augusta that are like, oh, there's nothing to do. There's no that blah, blah, blah. I love that you decided to like, you know what? I'm going to show you. I'm going to show you what Augusta has. You're dang right. So let's get some background. Are you originally from Augusta?
Born and raised. That's awesome. I mean, I currently live in the neighborhood I grew up in. Oh, wow. So very much born and raised. I left for six months and lived in Hawaii. And I actually stayed with the estate on the Von Erick estate with the Iron Claw movie that's coming out. I was their caretaker on 27 acres of land. And I was there for six months. And it just really made me realize.
how amazing Augusta is. And, you know, there's people that say, I hate going somewhere and seeing people I know, but I love that. And that's why I'm able to do what I do is because people have known me my whole life and people in town have known me for years and years because I've always been here. And it's a big honor that what I started off as a joke with a bunch of friends at a table has turned into
this just amazing adventure of eating food. Never thought in a million years it would have turned into this and I'm still in shock every day that people know who I am because I stuff my face with food. It's pretty awesome. It is awesome. So you grew up here in Augusta, did you, when you were in school and all like that, I mean, where...
Your approach to food is you like good food, you like food. But it's not like some sort of culinary background or anything like that. Oh gosh, no. So that's why I only do good reviews. Like I'll never do a bad review because I have no culinary, I mean, I worked in a kitchen for, well, I was in Hawaii for three months and I sucked at it very bad. So I'm definitely, but I grew up in a family of four. We ate.
around the table every night. And I mean, we would laugh till stuff shot out of our noses. And it's just amazing how food brings people together. Yeah. And it just somehow transformed into this. Like, I mean, I definitely it was not on the on the books. It was not a plan at all. It just randomly happened one day between like eight or nine friends. And
I was taking pictures on Google as a joke and they were like, that's a good idea. We're making you an Instagram. And it just spiraled out of control in the best way possible. Um, so, so what was, what was the plan when you were in high school? Did you, were you athletic? Were you like in a vocational? I, uh, I played, um, football.
for one minute and 24 seconds in a season. Oh, wow. Sat the bench, the rest, went to basketball, played basketball, didn't think I would make the varsity team, so I didn't try out. Turns out I would have made the team the coach told me. But, and then no college, just kinda started working right out of high school. Yeah. Just, I'm more of a vocational, like.
work with my hands, you know, cut grass currently or landscaping, whatever you wanna call it, for a living now. So work for myself. So I'm able to have the free time to film all the videos and go to make food videos and love Augusta videos, everything, so it's fun. No, that's awesome. That's awesome. So the eight or nine friends,
Where were you at? Do you remember where you were at? Oh, I remember it like it was just- Where were you at? So we were at Sunrise Grill off of Washington Road. Okay. And I actually took a picture of one of them eating and they were like, what are you doing? Oh, I'm just posting it to Google. And they were like, that's the dumbest thing ever. And one of them actually did social media for a company downtown. And she was like, that's an amazing idea.
And I was like, I don't want to be on my phone that much. I don't need any more social media. And we were all sitting there just laughing, having a good time. Like they were looking at all the pictures I had taken. They were absolutely terrible. And just dying laughing. And my friend was like, it's like, it's like you're six bites in. And then immediately everybody was like, that's it. And we made it right there on the spot. And if you look at probably my first hundred pictures, it's God awful.
The most ridiculous Instagram. And then, uh, I had somebody, I was walking across broad street one day and somebody walked past and was like, you're that food guy. And I was like, people are actually seeing this. Oh no. But now my, um, now all my Google photos are well over 10 million views. And I can't like, that's just stupid because they're all, I mean,
The ones that have the most views are like a thing of chicken wings from, you know, a Chinese restaurant. No, I'm glad that's what people are seeing. No, I'm not all my other stuff. But yeah, I mean, it literally just at, especially during COVID, because I was I was still fortunate enough to work every day. So I was going to the restaurants, getting to go food, just doing a quick picture in the truck.
I think I did a post every day for maybe, I don't know, it was a long time. Yeah. And it was just nuts. How much traction and followers and, um, a lot more, uh, businesses found out who I was and were a lot more appreciative and you know, all that kind of stuff. But yeah, I mean,
That's what they say about like social media, you know, it's the consistency. It's, you know, so if you were doing something every day, that's, it's very tough to be consistent. Yeah. Very tough. Oh, believe me. I know I'm pretty terrible at the podcast as far as like, uh, Instagram posts and stuff like that. I try to keep stuff out there, but not on purpose, but I tend to like go and spurts where it's like, and then I just give it all and then it's like, okay, decompress for a little bit.
Um, so what, and I will say, this was, this is funny. The first, so when I first stumbled across you as six bites in, I wasn't exactly sure because all the letters were pushed together. So I didn't know if you were, if you were six bites in, six bits, sin, six bites sin. Somebody was like, why is it say sin? And I was like, why are you talking? Yeah. It's like,
Oh, did you look at any of the pictures? Well, that's what I thought. I was like, oh, it's like it's a six bites in because he, he was already six bites into the thing and then he was like, oh, I forgot to take a picture. Here's the picture of the last, you know, two inches of a sub or whatever. Yeah. So, so it's funny when it first started, um, it said, oh shit, I'm six bites in and forgot to take a picture. And.
My mom, which was one of my first followers, which I didn't know had Instagram sent me a message and said, excuse me. And so now it says, Oh crap. To keep the mom happy. Oh yeah. You don't want to upset mom. What is, what does your family think of? I think of all that now, all of the. So they have been, um, at first.
You know, I was taking pictures of all of them at family events and they were like, what is going on? And now they're my biggest fans. Like my sister edits all of my written posts. You know, my mom is the first to comment on everything. And, you know, she loves having people come up to her and say, say, your son six by ten. Oh, my gosh. So, you know that. But so I have four older siblings, like I said earlier.
or I'm the baby of four. And they're all married with a lot of kids. I have six nieces and nephews. So we still are having amazing family dinners. Just a whole lot bigger now, but stuff is still being shot out of noses. It's still just as much fun. And it's all because of food. Like that's usually whenever we're getting together, it's because we're eating. And that's just what food does. Like that's the best thing.
that makes taking pictures of people eating easy is because nobody's ever mad when they're eating. Yeah. You're always happy to be. Yeah. I can't remember who said, but there was somebody who was like, if you want to know like the culture of people is to have a meal, sit around a table with them, have a meal with them, experience their food, experience their, you know, family time. Yeah. Uh, because yeah, you're.
Your defenses are down. You're, you're, you know, usually you're not, you know, you're not eating slop. You're not eating. I mean, I was a little defensive around my older brother. Oh yeah. He's like trying to take food from me, but. But I mean, but in general, you're, you're kind of like, Hey, what's good? You know, that you're, you're, your natural defenses are down. That's awesome. What do you, what do you see happening with that? I know it happened as a, as a goof.
it's now become kind of a job for you, become kind of work and it's led to these other experiences like with Love Augusta now. So now we see your face without food in it, talking about some of the other places that are not necessarily just food related and Augusta as well. So, you know, currently it's still a hobby for me. I don't get paid for it. I still...
You know, I get free food now sometimes, but, um, if I feel like you don't get the same experience, if you get free food every time you go somewhere, you know, um, it's kind of like, like, uh, food critics, like if they know a critics coming, they do the best job that they can as opposed to like, Oh no, I'm just, and if, and you know, like if I go and it's not good, I'm not going to talk about it, but if they know I'm coming, that's going to work.
which just happens sometimes and that's awesome. But it's still fun to do the post aware. When I walk in, they don't know who I am. And it's like, I'll get the real experience. But so I met Kyle, my partner with Love Augusta. And he was putting out a video during COVID that said he was the one to make free videos for companies. And I was like, dude, we're doing the same thing.
we need to do this together. And we'd never met before, never anything. And I mean, it just, it was an immediate spark and we're well over a hundred episodes with Love Augusta now. And we now have a graphic designer, a photographer, like a web designer, like just all this stuff. And it's just crazy how far that has came. But.
I definitely love making videos when I'm not the one editing at all. And I just have to be in front of the camera, but I'm still just in shock as to, because when I started doing the food thing, it transformed into helping restaurants. But I always wanted to help the other amazing local businesses we have here in town. Yeah. And so that was the moment.
when it all happened and we did our first one at the climbing gym and it was, um, it was interesting, you know, uh, I was terrible on camera and, uh, but, you know, it's just been an amazing journey and the people that I work with now are amazing and we're all super passionate and, you know, they came up with Wiener Fest, like that was the most amazing day of my life. So it's just.
Never would have thought that would, I mean, just all thanks to food. It's crazy, man. Yeah. No, that's awesome. Um, yeah, I remember, uh, when you're talking about helping restaurants and stuff like that during, um, during COVID, um, it was, uh, we're Stuart and show pony, they did the, we give a shirt campaign and then you got a shirt. I did. I was actually the last one. That.
they did a shirt for and I. You got a unique look about you. Right. You have one of the best mustaches I've ever seen. So. And so on that one, it was a beard and I was eating a slice of pizza and they came up with the design and everything. Cause I was just in shock that they were going to do it. And we ended up selling 110 t-shirts. So.
It was a thousand and $10 for the golden harvest food bank. And, um, they actually gave me a big check to take to the golden harvest food bank and one of those big, like six foot long. And, uh, so recently, uh, reached out to them and I think we're going to try to do another campaign. And, uh, I think this time it's, we're going to try to do it for the Augusta training shop, which is a local.
really cool place for special needs people. And like furniture refinishing, but they make those amazing snowflakes. Exactly. During the holidays. They don't know this yet. So, okay. If you're listening, we may not. Okay. All right. I'm just kidding. That's where to go. One of those, but it's not official. Yes, me too. I'm very pumped. I have a new, new design for the shirt that I want to do. And, uh, but the funniest thing.
that has happened with that we give a shirt is one, the shirts are incredibly comfortable. And so there was a guy one day that I didn't know who he was, but I was like, man, thanks for getting the shirt. That's awesome. You're supporting me and all that. And he was like, I don't know what you're talking about. I just got this for a dollar at the Salvation Org.
I was like, I'm officially made to the Salvation Army. Yeah. Awesome. That's so funny. It's a great design shirt. It is. I mean, it's like, sometimes you've got to clean out your closet, I suppose. Yeah. It's better than them having thrown it in the trash. I'll tell you what. And it is a comfortable shirt. And I'm really, really excited about the next one. So we did 110 last time.
My goal for the next one is over 500. So we'll see. We'll see. But I'm going to be pushing it real hard. Yeah. So definitely be on the lookout for that. Be on the lookout. Yes. I'm sure you'll do, you'll- You're going to hear about it. You'll hear about it, probably see about it. There'll be videos, be live. Yes. There'll be all kinds of stuff going on. You're going to be annoyed, but you're going to get a shirt. I'm going to get this shirt and going to help.
The folks at the training center. That's amazing. Um, any, any other passion points in your life? I mean, I know you say you're a business owner. You, you call it that with the, uh, architectural beautification. Uh, I like that. Let's start using this. Yeah. Uh, so on top of all of that, uh, me and my brother rebuild old cars. Um, I have, I rebuild a specifically nineties, BMWs. Um,
but I'm now getting into like an older truck, which is coming out in a future Lovegusta video. So I can't say what it is yet, but it's gonna be beautiful. And then, you know, I've got an amazing dog that takes a lot of attention and editing videos. And I try to, I can't sit still, so 24 seven, I'm trying to go. Yeah. You do a bit of-
do a bit of traveling outside of August too, right? On some vacations and stuff. Cause I've seen you talk about some, you know, the restaurants you've eaten, you know, all around when you're on traveling. I'm leaving for New York on the 9th and I am Jack. Oh, is this your first time going? I went in eighth grade with the Builders Club at Tuck Middle School. And, but yeah, first time since then, me and my girlfriend are going for Christmas, staying with her friend. And he knows all the food hotspots. So I'm pumped.
Are you going to do like a special? Oh yeah. There's going to be a branded the New York trip. Southern boy goes North, you know, all that. Oh, that'll be amazing. There's a whole video series planned. That's amazing. Yeah. That'd be great. Um, anything else in the, on the, in, in, in the future, anything else on the horizon that you got that you're looking forward to just. Just.
keep, uh, I'm trying to start making a lot more content and, uh, is I'm starting to film by myself. That was what was a problem for so long. So I'm starting to not be embarrassed by having just me in a tripod in public. So, yeah. So hopefully way more content. Yeah. I mean, I guess that is a, especially for you having started as a goof, you didn't like, you weren't this, you know,
what I don't mean vain person, but this person is like, Oh, I have this thing. I want to put my tripod and I want to be, you know, I want to be an actor and I want to do this in front of the camera. And all this is terribly embarrassing. Yeah. You know, you're just like, I like this food. I want to, I want other people to come try. I still hate the sound of my cell phone on camera. Every time I'm just like, Oh, why did I, why do I sound like that? Or why did I, but I mean, somebody's got to do it right. So, and I don't mind.
I don't mind making a goof of myself or feeling like an idiot. So, I mean, I think that's the thing is like, you're genuine. You're, you're not putting on, you're not trying to, like you said, you're not trying to be some culinary expert or anything like that. You just, he was a guy who likes to eat. And I think that's, that's why it works is because I'm still having so much fun doing it and I still love doing it way more now than I ever have. So, and I think, you know, that's what it takes to.
people are like, oh, why are you so successful? And it's like, well, I've been doing it for a very long time. And I'm like, I enjoy doing it. And if you don't enjoy doing it, it's not gonna work. Absolutely. And like I said, it's offered you some other opportunities and things like that. I've seen you on a few commercials here recently as well. Yeah, me falling off a roof with Christmas lights. With Christmas lights. Yeah.
Plumas bow. I've had so many people come up to me and be like, how's those Christmas lights going? What are you talking about? I've seen that commercial so many times. It's everywhere on social media, it really is. But I mean, you know, that like- I mean, I've been able to be judges at, you know, food competitions and just, just crazy things that you never thought.
Right. What happened or I'd get to experience or getting to meet the amazing local business owners here in town, the people that are so passionate and just hearing them talk about their business, it just gets you pumped up and like there, there's just so many cool people in Augusta. They really are. Um, you were talking about judging food and you mentioned Wienerfest.
Yes. Is that going to be an annual thing, you think? It is. You all going to try to make that annual? Oh, it is. OK. It's going to be bigger and better this year. That's awesome. Yes. It's funny, being my friend Dale, we were talking just the other day about, we had seen a PBS special, and it was like the hot dog tour of America or whatever. And it was where they just went to all these different places that were known for all these hot dogs and stuff. There's a place called Rutz Hut up in New York or New Jersey.
and they do deep fried hot dogs. And so we were like, we need to go there. Yes. These hot dogs ended up, we actually just bought a bunch of hot dogs and just cooked them in all these different styles at the house and had way too many hot dogs. Yeah. But like, but just sounds like a good night. Oh, it was a great night. I heard, I heard wives did not appreciate it, but it was a great, best time. Cause like you said, it's around food and it was fun. And it was, it was hot. We were doing quote unquote gourmet hot dogs or whatever. It's like, come on, it's a hot.
hot dogs, but it was so much fun. I'm assuming that's the type of energy you got at Wienerfest. So the guy that won Wienerfest was ripped and he ate 18 hot dogs in eight minutes. Holy cow. Yeah, it was disgusting and amazing all at the same time. I was sitting there trying to keep counting. I was just like, who is doing this?
I saw him, if you saw him, you would never think. That he'd even seen a hot dog or touched a hot dog. So I attempted to do at Oktoberfest at the brewery to eat brats. And I think it was like who could eat two or four of the fastest. And I was like two bites in and the guy was already done that one. And I was like, yep, my food, my competitive food eating career is over. That is not the lane that I'm on. Not by Johnny.
That's awesome. Yeah. That's awesome. Um, well, Scott, what's bringing you joy now, man? So lately the thing that brings me the most joy is, uh, just I've been around my family a lot more in the past couple of years, they've moved back into town and, uh, just go into my niece's volleyball games, just family, man. Yeah. It's been, been pretty amazing. Having a dog is a lot of fun. That's kinda.
change life a little and having an amazing girlfriend helps. She's my biggest fan, takes all my videos, goes everywhere. So just a lot of things bring me joy. That's awesome. What kind of dog you got? As I hear Maggie barking in the background. Hey Maggie. He is a English cream golden retriever. His name's Jack. He was 40 pounds underweight when they found him and been on his own for two months. And
now in a swamp and now he's 80 pounds and sleeps in the bed every night like a big goof and living his best life. That's awesome. So, just a really enjoyable life. I have no complaints, man. I'm very happy with where I'm at right now and not having a real job helps and being able to wake up whenever I want. Recommend that to anybody that can do it. Yeah.
Just really thankful for everything that I have going on and the people in my life. So that's what brings me joy.
Scott, this is the second segment of the show where we talk more about mental health. I definitely believe that in my journey with depression and anxiety that talking about it helps and that depression wants to tell you that you're alone in this stuff. So the more we can talk about it, the more we realize that there are other people going through the same thing. So it takes some of that weight, takes some of that darkness away. But for you, how do you keep the darkness at bay?
So, I pride myself on being a happy guy all the time. But there's times when I'm not. And I think just being able, for me, I can step back from the whole situation and really think about like, why am I?
Why am I like this? What's going on? And just kind of, you know, I think the more you think about something, it kinda puts into perspective that there's a lot of other bigger deals or, you know, not saying it's not a big deal, but you know, stuff like that. And I think just being able to do stuff to take your mind off of things that are like, for me, weed whacking at work with my headphones in, that is like...
to, I always tell people that's my therapy. Like if I'm ever, you know, having trouble of thinking, like with me, when something bothers me, I'd over, over, over, over. And I get the weed whacker and some headphones and, you know, it kind of takes me away from thinking about that at the moment and just really gives me a break. So I think just coming up with things that work for, for your,
me as a person, you know, stuff like that. I don't recommend everybody out there. We'd whack and to try to, to try to, but maybe it'll work for you. Maybe it'll work. We wacky. Yes. And you're having a problem. Maybe we wacky might be the answer. I mean, I definitely can, can understand that because there is a, I think any type of like manual, you know, stuff with your hands, stuff with you, you know, you're have this tool and you're.
you're trying to, you focus on trimming down this particular, you know, fence line or whatever it is. Um, for me, I know like when I've gone to like pottery classes and things like that and working with my hands and trying to, cause you have to concentrate so much on getting this to do what it needs to do or become this mug or whatever it is. Uh, there is something about being able to take your focus off of something else. That's what I was going to say. Sometimes in that like split second,
If there's this one thing you can focus on for a split second, it can completely change everything and take your mind off of what's bothering you. But how I figured out weed whacking was what I needed. I guess just forced labor, but thank goodness. But I mean, there's other things working on cars.
But mostly working with my hands is, I think the. I feel like maybe it's, you know, that again, I'm not a psychologist or anything like that, but getting your mind, you know, a different part of your mind to focus on something else. Like if you're, you know, if you're a very artsy person, maybe you need to do something very non artsy. Maybe you need to.
do math or something. Yeah. I don't know. You know what I mean? Or if you're a very, you know, analytical type person, maybe you need to do something that's more free form. Um, you know, right. Trying, trying different things. Exactly. Until you find something that's going to be able to help you stay. And even, even just that process of, of discovery, I think can be valuable. Yeah. The people you meet along the way. The, I mean, there's a bunch of, there's a bunch of fun stuff that happens when you try new things.
For sure, for sure. And being able to allow yourself that opportunity. You know, life's hard, you know, and we all go through these things. We don't need to be hard on ourselves. I think we need to approach our own lives with a little bit more kindness. And yes, we're all going to go through bad times, hard times, whatever, but...
but at least treat yourself with a skosh more. There's enough people out there that want to beat you up, man. Don't do it to yourself.
All right, Scott, this is the third segment of the show. It's time now for the fast five. Fast five. It's time now for the fast five. Thank you so much for singing along. I appreciate that. Yes. Working on that theme song. Eventually I'll...
We're going to have to make one after the show. Get somebody to help me with that. I appreciate it. Fast Five is powered by Poddex. It's an app created by my friend Travis Brown. You can find it in any of your app stores or Google Play Store or whatever. Just search for Poddex. It's made for podcasters, but they're great icebreaker questions and stuff like that too. If you need help finding it, you can check it out on the website at slash poddex.
as well. But I'm going to use the app here. Five questions, no wrong answers. Just first thing comes to your mind. All right. And you're so good. All right. Here we go. Question number one.
It's a classic sweet or salty. Oh, I'm salty. A hundred percent. I don't eat sweets. Good. See, see I'm a salty guy and everybody's like, no, you must eat a bunch of sweets. Now I don't think every time there's a post and I'm eating something sweet. Mom's like, no, you didn't really eat that. He's like, that's just your, you're right. Yeah. I'm like, spit it out. It's like, I don't like chocolate that much either. I don't need to like a little bit, but like,
If you open up a chocolate cake in a lunch room, I'm gonna smell it and run. Like, oh, I hate it. I hate it, man. Okay, now, I wouldn't say I hate it, but that's... Like, if you were my roommate and you had a bunch of sweets, I ain't touching none of them. And you gotta worry about it. Yeah. Okay, okay, great. All right, question. I don't like sweets. He does not like sweets. All right, so then what's the salty go-to? Is it like popcorn? Is it pretzels? Is it potato chips? So I don't really snack either.
Um, but, um, I just anything salty. I'm a ham sandwich junkie to be honest. If that's my one thing. I said that on the news one time and everybody made fun of me, but I really like ham sandwiches sandwich. Little mustard and some pepper, man. I'm upset. We just came off of a holiday that made the going into those last, I mean, I was left over. That's good. I like it.
Question number two.
Name one thing on your bucket list. Um, I would like to go to Machu Picchu. Ooh. Okay. So that's one thing amongst all the places I want to go that I've never been. So, but that's, that's the top right now. That's good. Yeah. That's good. Is it, is it just have you.
been in that area is the climbing aspect is the cultural or just like in Peru you can eat guinea pig. So I would like to do that. And I have a cousin that lives there as a free place to stay. Yeah, it's a bunch of perks. But mostly the I mean, I'm more of a mountain guy than a beach guy. So the hike up seeing the
I'll pack. I don't know. It's everything about it. The colors. I love the really bright colors of all the, I don't know. Just sounds awesome. That's awesome. Awesome. Well, I guarantee you. Well, I can't guarantee, but I'm pretty sure you probably don't get there. I think so. You have to keep going to get there. All right. Question number three.
How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant? Oh, man.
So I always say, how do you even know if that one bite at a time, but one pet, that would have to be 5.3 million. Wow. Yeah. Okay. That's exactly right. Do the math.
It's the circumference of the elephant, the mass, the density. Oh, I just did all that. That's what I'm saying. Okay, cool. Math Wizard. 5.5 million chickens to kill an elephant. Awesome. Shit, number four.
in your travels, what's the most sentimental souvenir you've brought back with you?
Oh, this is so cheesy sounding. But it's sentimental. So I mean, it's going to be cheesy. I think just. Is I mean, just the videos that I've been able to make with like my family adventures is I don't ever buy like souvenirs or pick up rocks off a trailer or anything, but I'm always filming or taking pictures. And I think that that is my number one sentimental.
is just being able to have something to remember that is document experiences. Is there a particular experience that comes to mind that you? Oh, we all just love we all just went on a big hike in North Carolina, and all camped out and, you know, sitting around the campfire, doing really hard hike with my sister and brothers and all their kids and laughing at them while they're trying to hike. It's great.
Were you on the AT? So we did, um, it's near grandfather mountain, up there in North Carolina off the parkway, uh, we, they all had their campers and we camped out overnight. And it was awesome. Yeah. I love that. Uh, much harder hike than I was expecting though.
Much harder. We had to climb ladders and stuff. Oh really? Yeah. Wait a moment, were the ladders there or did you have to bring the ladders in? They built the ladders out of wood to climb up these rocks. Wow. Yeah. So we had planned on doing one hike, but we couldn't do that one, so we ended up doing another one, but it was double the distance. So it was fun. We planned on being gone for two and a half hours. We were gone for six. Wow. Yeah.
walked a long ways straight up. That'd be one of those things that like, I mean, obviously with my particular physique, I do not hike a whole lot. I do like, I mean, I've, I don't hike a lot either. That was why it was. Well, I mean, if I ran into a wooden ladder, I'm going to be like, yep, I don't know what the load rating is on that. I'm going to have a turnaround. Oh, this one would have held up. What did we say? It would have held up an elephant. It was, I mean, it was.
But I mean, I think we got up to the top and there were five people. And then within five minutes, there were probably 20. So, it's a well traveled spot. It was well traveled. And we were like, okay, well, time to go. Too many people. It's like we came up, we're gonna get away from you. Yes, yes. I know you all followed us, what's going on? I love that. All right, and question number five.
What famous celebrity chef would you want to cater your dinner party? Oh, this is Bourdain, for sure. Anthony Bourdain. Yes, for sure. Yeah. That's the easiest one ever. Would it be, I feel like it'd be more about the conversation. Yeah, I wouldn't care about the food. It's like, ah, yeah, whatever. It would just be awesome. It'd be hot dogs. Yes, you can do whatever you want to. We don't have to eat. Don't even have to eat. Let's just. Just wanna talk. That's right, let's drink some wine and talk.
Look, I'll start a podcast for them. They say, that'd be amazing. I love that. Well, Scott, that's, that's our fast five. And that's the show. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you so much, man. This was, I don't know. I was so nervous. This is so much fun. No, this is great. This is great. I love getting to know you more.
And I love what you do because you're passionate about it, but also how it is helping our community and how it's helping Augusta and even places beyond Augusta. Yeah. Really do appreciate that. If folks wanna keep up with you, what is the best way that they could do that? So it's six bites in on Instagram, six bites in on TikTok, love Augusta on Facebook, Scott Russell on Facebook, love Augusta guys on Instagram, love Augusta on YouTube.
six bites in on YouTube. So pretty much anywhere you want to find me. Yeah. Type in six bites in or Scott Russell and follow like, subscribe, share, smash the thing, smash the bell. Right. I will make sure to put all of those links on the show notes as well.
Scott again, thank you so much for being here again. I just I just love your heart. I love you I love what you are doing and just keep it up. I wish you nothing but success. Thank you so much, man I had a blast awesome And if you would like to support this podcast, I'd appreciate it if you buy me a coffee at But until next time I look forward to the next time we have to sit a spell and chew the fat

Scott Russell
Restaurant and everything local promoter
I was born and raised in Augusta and love promoting the amazing restaurants we have in and around augusta