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Ep 64: Tossing The Toxins with Allison Evans of Branch Basics

Ep 64: Tossing The Toxins with Allison Evans of Branch Basics

Everyday we are exposed to chemicals in our environment, our food, and our personal products. These chemicals can have a significant impact on our health, and while most of us don’t necessarily see and feel their impact, it’s there. Today’s...

Everyday we are exposed to chemicals in our environment, our food, and our personal products. These chemicals can have a significant impact on our health, and while most of us don’t necessarily see and feel their impact, it’s there.

Today’s guest, Allison Evans, knows all too well the impact of these toxins. In high school, Allison was diagnosed with PCOS. In college, she developed severe back pain that was so debilitating she lost motor control of her body. She relied on painkillers, muscle relaxers, sleeping pills, and antidepressants just to get through the day. Despite seeing countless doctors, she had lost all hope of getting better.

It wasn’t until she spent the summer living with her aunt Marilee, eliminating toxins from life, that Allison was able to go off all of her medications, to reverse her PCOS and slowly begin to heal her body. That summer not only changed Allison’s health, but it was also the starting point of her company, Branch Basics. Her story truly shows how tossing the toxins can make a profound impact on your health and your life. 


About Allison

Allison has dedicated herself to helping others reap the benefits of clean living. She, along with her husband and two daughters (soon to be three), left Houston for the country life as she heals from a recent mold exposure and diagnosis of chronic Lyme disease. 


Connect with Allison






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