While working long hours as a consultant, Kate Flynn realized how very few convenient and healthy food choices existed. Having worked in the consumed packaged goods space, she saw there was a gap in the market, and in a true This or Something Better...
While working long hours as a consultant, Kate Flynn realized how very few convenient and healthy food choices existed. Having worked in the consumed packaged goods space, she saw there was a gap in the market, and in a true This or Something Better moment, she decided to do something about it.
The result was Sun & Swell Foods. Founded by Kate and her husband, Sun & Swell is the first food company in the US that offers a wide variety of healthy foods in 100% compostable, plastic-free packaging.
Kate believes that as a company, it is not only its responsibility to create healthier, more convenient food choices, but also to be a business that takes action to be better for people and the planet. As a Certified B Corporation, they pay attention to all aspects of their business from ingredient sourcing, and employment practices to environmental sustainability.
Kate is a passionate entrepreneur with a mission to be better and do better in all aspects of her business and life.
About Kate
Kate Flynn, CEO & Co-Founder of Sun & Swell, has an MBA from Harvard, a BA from UC Santa Barbara, and a background in management consulting. She lives in Santa Barbara, CA with her husband and co-founder, Bryan, and her two children.
Several years ago, she set out to build a new kind of packaged food company – one that is better for both people and the planet. Sun & Swell uses only healthy, organic, whole foods that are free from harmful ingredients and chemical additives, and is a pioneer in the packaged food industry when it comes to using compostable packaging.
Kate has met her fair share of challenges along the road to transitioning her company to fully compostable packaging but remains focused on her goal of disrupting the food industry and pioneering a circular food system.
Connect with Kate
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kate-flynn-15187726/
Website: www.sunandswellfoods.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunandswellfoods/
For 25% off your first order with Sun & Swell foods, use the promo code somethingbetter25
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