Thriving Despite The Pain: Jeff Seitzer's Inspiring Story

In this episode, we hear from Jeff Seitzer, a stay-at-home dad, and author of "The Fun Master," who was diagnosed with CMT at a young age. Despite facing incredible challenges, Jeff has shown remarkable resilience and positivity. He shares his story of how he learned to find joy in the face of hardship and triumph over tragedy.
Jeff discusses his journey of finding what works best for him when it comes to managing CMT. He emphasizes the importance of discovering what works best for each individual, which may require some experimentation, but the effort is worth it in the end.
Jeff also shares his deeply personal journey of coping with loss after losing his young son Ethan while trying to save their lives while swimming in the powerful currents of Lake Michigan. He talks about how he and his family have been coping with grief and how it has affected his life with CMT.
Despite the challenges he faced when his son Ethan was born with special needs, including surgeries, hospitalizations, breathing and swallowing problems, hearing loss, and a difficult social environment, Ethan thrived and taught Jeff to take things as they come. Later, Jeff and his family adopted Penelope from China, and Jeff learned that true happiness comes from putting others first and living in the moment.
Jeff's journey of resilience and positivity is chronicled in his book, "The Fun Master," where he shares valuable insights and lessons he learned through his experiences.
Jeff's story is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is light at the end of the tunnel. With a positive attitude, determination, and the support of loved ones, anyone can overcome any obstacle.
Jeff Seitzer is a finalist in the 2022 Best Book Award and is serving as a distinguished reader in the Do the Write Thing Challenge in Chicago, a program that encourages kids to write essays about how violence affects their lives. Winners of the challenge will travel to DC to speak with leaders about reducing violence that affects their futures.
You can learn more about Jeff and his work by visiting his website at His book, "The Fun Master," is available at major online retailers such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Target, as well as local bookstores.
Don't forget to follow the CMT 4 Me Podcast for more inspiring stories like Jeff's and to stay up to date on the latest developments in the CMT community. You can follow us on Instagram @CMT4Me and on Facebook at
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CMT 4 Me is hosted by Chris Ouellette and Elizabeth Ouellette, produced by iRonick Media
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