Welcome to Coffee Talk…a Venue Managers Guide

2: The First Week of Classes at the APCC, Catering, and Virtual Networking

Aren’t y'all excited?! We are pretty excited (ignore the tremendous amounts of sighs, it’s cloaked excitement!)

Today’s topics consist of surviving the first week of classes in the Annenberg, catering, virtual networking and much more! Did we really survive? I am still struggling with this. It has been the LONGEST past few days, as I am sure many of you have experienced! #facts

I am going to need you to like and comment below! Don’t know what to comment about besides our shining personalities and overused hand gestures? Let us know about any topics you want us to cover! *Appropriate topics only please*

#meetingprofs #events #eventprofs #eventtips #covid #eventmanagement #facilitymanagement #eventvenue #TAMU #conversations #hybridevents #eventinspiration #weddings #quarantine #catering #virtualnetwork