Welcome to Coffee Talk…a Venue Managers Guide

4: Event Industry terminology - Face to Face, Hybrid, Virtual, Digital, Hub & Spoke

Confused about all the terminology being used in the Event Industry these days? ((Me too)). Today we are discussing, actually Sarah is educating, I, TJ, am just here to clarify amongst my confusing... "we" are discussing the different types of events happening and new things on the horizon!

All these "new" terms can have a dizzying affect! Are they interchangeable? Does anyone really know? What about now?! Or will the powers that be change the rules once I get it all sorted out?! *spoiler alert: They did.. update to follow*

Join us in exploring all these questions. Don't forget to like, comment, and share!

#Events #Life #virtualevent #meetingprof #eventpro #digital #hubandspoke #TAMU

Sidebar: I threw away that dress.