Podpage vs. Wix

Compare Podpage and Wix and hear from podcasters about what service they prefer for their podcast website.

Side by Side Comparison

Super detailed comparison lists are silly because they're always biased and out of date. But here's a quick overview of the differences.
Trusted by Thousands of Podcasters

This solution is not only trusted by a large percentage of podcasters, but is regularly recommended by industry leaders.

Large Selection of Templates

You have tons of selection when it comes to what your podcast website can look like.

Instant Setup

Your podcast website will be ready almost instantly, pulling all necessary content from your podcast feed and podcasting websites.

Built-in Automation

Your website stays up to date without the use of additional services or plugins, which often break or need maintenance.

Podcaster Focused

The world's best episode pages, transcript and chapter importing, quicklinks, player badges, media players, and more just for you.

Audience Connection Tools

Built in tools to connect with your audience, including contact forms, voicemail inbox, email signup, and more.

Optimized Design Customization

Customization designed to be effective and easy to use, not hard to use or unnecessary.

Built-in SEO

Meticulously detailed, podcast-focused search engine optimization built to get you ranking on Google quickly.

All-in Pricing

One price that includes everything. No need to pay extra for hosting, plugins, design services, templates, etc... which adds up a lot.

Podcasters switch from Wix to Podpage all the time

Don't just take our word for it. Learn directly from podcasters who used to use Wix but switched to Podpage to give their podcast website the best chance possible.
Alice Rose
Fertility Life Raft

I LOVE how easy Podpage is. I literally don't have to do anything - just upload my episode and BOOM. It's there, looking beautiful and so easy to share as anyone can click on whatever platform they want to listen to from one link.

Updating my website each time I launched a new episode created yet another barrier around publishing new episodes. The ease & automation of Podpage along with knowing it focuses on SEO for me made it a no-brainer.

Steven Kunes
Over My Dead Body

I use Wix for my TV series website, and when we decided to spin off the series into a podcast, I just figured I could add that to my existing Wix website — until I discovered Podpage, which is so custom built for a podcast that it made my attractive (or what I thought was attractive) Wix website look amateur. The website design is absolutely gorgeous. Seriously, it looks as if it came from a top graphic design firm in NYC and cost a small fortune. Everybody who sees my website comments on it.

Jamaal Solomon
36 Chambers of Taxes

Downloading all of my YouTube videos to Podpage took about less than 10 minutes. Downloading my ebook was quick and easy. Everyday, I feel like I'm learning how easy it is to upload more content. I have been blogging for over 10 years and never had all of my content on one page. I didn't even use a professional designer, however the page looks very professional. In the past, I have used Wix, Substack, GoDaddy, Blogger.com, Wordpress and other platforms. So far, Podpage is definitely the best fit

I paid for Wix hosting for a year and never managed to even publish my site because it was way too complicated. I switched to Podpage and my site was live that same day. I love the automation, and also the really useful tools like Pretty Redirects which help me to better analyze and manage my sponsors.

River Jordan
God On The Rocks

I tried to incorporate a dedicated page for the podcast and add links and audio. It was a pain and I am non a totally newbie. When I discovered Podpage would pull in the new episodes automatically and other features I decided to give it a try. Then it was so simple I was amazed at how much time Podpage saved me. The site is updated and looks great. No glitches.

Wix was too open in its options, making it more difficult. There wasn't a template for podcasts, so I had to program everything on my own. If I had the time, I could have spent hours perfecting things on my website and eventually it would have worked. But Podpage just made everything so simple and automatic! Now I can spend more time focusing on my podcast, rather than on tools to promote it - they're already there and working!

Jay Lawrence
Ambitious Minds

I tried using Wix but it was very difficult as an inexperienced website designer. I came across Podpage online and it was so easy to use and the design looks great! It’s set up perfectly for podcasts and automatically uploads new episodes, ratings, etc. It has given my podcast a really professional appearance!

John Francis
Red Dust Tapes

When I was doing video production I used Wix. But moving to podcasting, Podpage just goes straight to the core of the features I need, freeing me from having to 'build' anything. But it's really an 'out of the box', ready-to-go podcasting promotional tool. Features like automatically displaying each new podcast episode, and also automatically uploading these to Facebook, LinkedIn and X, are a real time-saver. I upload my podcast via Buzzsprout, then Podpage does its magic.

John Francis
Red Dust Tapes

"When I was doing video production I used Wix. Podpage just goes straight to the core of the features I need, freeing me from having to 'build' anything, other than refining some elements to suit my style. But it's really an 'out of the box', ready-to-go podcasting promotional tool. Features like automatically displaying each new podcast episode, and also automatically uploading these to Facebook, LinkedIn, X, are a real time-saver. I upload my podcast to Buzzsprout, then Podpage does its magic

Shasta Haddock & Jess Burkhart
I'm A Car Chick

The ease of integration and importing of episodes and guests.

Top 3 reasons why podcasters choose Podpage

We asked podcasters why they chose Podpage over Wix for their podcast website. These were the top reasons.


Podpage automatically updates your website with your latest episodes, show notes, reviews, video, and more.

Updating my website each time I launched a new episode created yet another barrier around publishing new episodes. The ease & automation of Podpage along with knowing it focuses on SEO for me made it a no-brainer.
Shay Leonia - The Millennial Musician Podcast


Podpage has the world's most beautiful podcast website templates, available to all plans at no extra charge.

The website design is absolutely gorgeous. Seriously, it looks as if it came from a top graphic design firm in NYC and cost a small fortune. Everybody who sees my website comments on it.
Steven Kunes - Over My Dead Body

Ease of Use

You can create a beautiful, professional website in 5 minutes with no coding or technical knowledge.

I LOVE how easy podpage is. I literally don't have to do anything - just upload my episode and BOOM. It's there, looking beautiful and so easy to share as anyone can click on whatever platform they want to listen to from one link.
Alice Rose - Fertility Life Raft
Podcasters Adore Podpage

Trusted by podcasters
of all shapes and sizes

Thousands of podcasters use Podpage to build and host their official website, from shows just starting out to shows with millions of listeners.
Trusted by podcasters<br/>of all shapes and sizes

Want even more features? Our friends at Podpage power over 25,000 podcast websites - wherever the podcast is hosted. So now you have excellent choices to get rid of that awful podcast website you've got.

James Cridland

Recommended by
podcasting experts

The who's who of podcasting praise Podpage because we listen to podcasters and deliver things to make their lives significantly easier.
Colin Gray

Podpage is perfect for podcasters who want the best possible podcast website, for the minimum amount of time, cost, and technical know-how.

Colin Gray
Founder of The Podcast Host
Adam Curry

I use Podpage for Curry and the Keeper and Boostagram Ball and I love the service.

Adam Curry
Inventor of Podcasting / Podfather

Podpage looked at what podcasters needed, and then gave it to us. It's simple. It's powerful, and makes great looking websites.

Dave Jackson
Host, School of Podcasting and now, Head of Podcasting at Podpage
Easier than wordpress

Leave the complexity
of WordPress behind

Podcasters switch from WordPress because Podpage is simple, automated, and doesn't require plugins, extra hosting costs, or web designers.
Leave the complexity <br> of WordPress behind
Anne Kartun

Before Podpage, I paid WAY TOO much money and spent WAY TOO much time hiring a website developer, who then suckered me into a management plan and a hosting service.

Anne Kartun
Host, Transparency in Teaching. Recovering WordPress User

I was tired of constantly needing to buy new plugins for WP to make it do all of the things I wanted to do. And I was over having to upload my episode to my hosting company, then YouTube, and then my website. I love how Podpage is simple, easy, fast, designed nicely, very intuitive, and it just works. No fuss, no hassle. And they keep adding features specifically for podcasters that I didn't think I wanted/needed until they unveil them.

Mathew Passy
Podcaster, Podcast Consultant
Switch from Squarespace

More automated
than Squarespace

Podpage is designed to take work off of podcasters' plates. Your episodes will be turned into beautiful webpages, Apple reviews turned into sharable pages, videos imported YouTube, and much more.
More automated <br> than Squarespace
Benjamin Mena

In the 6 months it took us to work on a SquareSpace podcast website, Podpage out performed what we did with Squarespace in 5 minutes.

Benjamin Mena
Host, The Elite Recruiter Podcast

I've built a six-figure podcast on top of Podpage. It's easy to use for everything I do and better than everything else out there (I tried them all)!

Chris Hutchins
Host, All the Hacks
Instant podcast website

5 minute setup

Podpage is the fastest way to create a podcast website. Just enter your podcast name and RSS feed, and your website will be live in minutes.

Podpage built what I believe to be the best podcast website builder out there. I'm going to use it for my shows. It solves a ton of pain points.

Kevin Rose
Host, Diggnation
No coding required

No technical knowledge necessary

Podpage is designed for podcasters, not developers. You can build a professional website in minutes, without any coding or technical knowledge.
No technical knowledge necessary
Julia Cowley

Podpage is exceptionally intuitive and efficient, making it a breeze to create and manage a podcast website even for the most technologically challenged individuals. I'm a complete novice, but in less than one day, I designed my entire website thanks to Podpage's user-friendly interface and seamless design tools. I am thrilled with the final result - a podcast website that is polished, engaging, and easy to manage.

Julia Cowley
Host, The Consult

See for yourself why podcasters are switching to Podpage today