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Season 2

July 22, 2022

Escaping Diet Culture and Healing Body Image Issues

Did you know that healing your body image may require you to escape from something you've likely been trapped in for a long time? Diet Culture-the ways we think having a better or "healthier" or thinner body will save us-has…
Dec. 26, 2019

Compared to Who? Proven Path to Improve Your Body Image Book Preview

Stressed or depressed over the skin you're in? Maybe you've heard you should "love your body" but are frustrated trying. In today's episode you'll hear the intro and chapter 1 of a phenomenal resource that will give you new …
Dec. 2, 2019

The Burden of Busyness Part 2: Heart Conditions That Drive Our Busyness

You know you're busy -but do you know why? Sure, you can blame the boss, the kids, the holidays . . . but are there subtle things going on in your heart that drive you to be busier than you actually need to be? In this episo…
Nov. 18, 2019

The Burden of Busyness Part 1

Do you thrive in busyness or feel like you're falling apart? Do you go through seasons when life feels out of balance and the busyness turns to overwhelm? Does the busyness of the holiday season stress you out? Today Heather…
Nov. 4, 2019

Aiming to Bless Not Impress: A Conversation about Comparison with Author Richella Parham

When you interact with others do you want to bless them or impress them? Heather Creekmore and author of a new book on comparison, Richella Parham have a fantastic discussion about how they've both struggled with comparison …
Oct. 28, 2019

How to Stop Troubleshooting Your Life

There are a zillion and one things you could do to improve yourself and your life. But, what happens if you spend too much time (or all your time) looking at all the flaws? You get caught in the trap of troubleshooting and y…
Oct. 21, 2019

Identity, Depression & Anxiety: How to Find Freedom with Dr. Michelle Bengtson

Do you ever feel anxious, depressed, or stressed about life to the point where you don't know what to do about it? Heather Creekmore interviews neurospychologist and author, Dr. Michelle Bengtson on body image, comparison, d…
Oct. 7, 2019

Bad Hair Cuts, Bad Hair Days, What to Do if You Stress Over Your Hair

Has a bad haircut ever taken the wind out of your sails? Does a bad hair day make you want to fake the flu? Do you keep the same hair style because you're afraid of the hairdresser's power over your appearance? If you answer…
Oct. 7, 2019

What to do if you have CDD: Chronic Disappointment Disorder

Do you have CDD--Chronic Disappointment Disorder? Are you constantly let down by your expectations of others, yourself, or things that you wished or hoped would happen? In this episode Heather Creekmore talks about the ways …
Sept. 25, 2019

Making Peace With Your Body: Interview with Jen DeFrates

Today I interview Jen DeFrates of Heaven Not Harvard: Heaven Focused Parenting and Living . Jen and I talk about her story, homeschooling, life as a military spouse, and--of course, body image, comparison, and so much more! …
Sept. 16, 2019

How to Hush the Hustle, Part 2

Are you a hustler? Someone who works fast and hard, always trying to get ahead or be better? In this episode, Heather Creekmore explores how to hush our hustle--how the long view of life and how the tortoise can sometimes en…
Sept. 16, 2019

How to Hush the Hustle, Part 1

Are you hustling? Does that drive to do better, be better, find success, make it happen beat in your brain and your heart? In today's episode, host Heather Creekmore talks about how all the hustling can be a drag on our bodi…
Sept. 2, 2019

What you think about other people matters. How's your thought life?

What are your thoughts about other people? Do they matter? In this episode we look at how our thoughts about other people contribute to our comparison and body image problems and what we can do to change the way we think abo…
Sept. 1, 2019

What to do When You Feel Like You Don't Fit in?

We all struggle to feel like we fit in sometimes. If you've ever felt like you were different than everyone around you, or felt like you were having a hard time finding "your people" this episode will offer hope and strategi…
Aug. 26, 2019

Is Self Love Biblical?

Everywhere in our culture we hear that self love is the answer! More self love means more self esteem, fewer relationship hassles, and a "better" life. But, is it true? Does the concept of self love line up with the Bible's …
Aug. 12, 2019

Back to Routine? Succeeding with New Habits and Rhythms

Do Fall and "Back to School Season" drive you to make new goals or plans to 'be better' this year? If you find yourself chasing your ideals or goals and falling short, season after season, here's some encouragement as to how…