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April 23, 2021

How to Recognize an Idol (Day 12 Spring Break Free!)

How to Recognize an Idol (Day 12 Spring Break Free!)

God surprised me a few years ago with a concept I never learned about in church.

Okay, that's not entirely true. Of course I had heard about idolatry in church. But, I knew I didn't have to worry about breaking that commandment. We didn't have a single statue in our home!

When I learned what modern day idolatry actually looked like . . .Boy! Was I surprised.  Here's how to recognize an idol in today's video:

Questions for reflection

How familiar are you with this definition of idolatry? Do you struggle with the pursuit of things that don't have eternal value?

Do you think body image or beauty idolatry could be a struggle for you? Why or why not?

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