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Jan. 2, 2023

January Tune in to Him Daily Prayer Series for Body Image and Eating Issues

January Tune in to Him Daily Prayer Series for Body Image and Eating Issues

This month we'll be spending every weekday praying for issues related to body image and comparison issues. January is the time when everything and everyone around us beckons for us to tune in to their way to be "better" in the new year. Through this series, Heather encourages you to focus on deepening our trust for the only One who can truly make us better. We'll spend a few minutes each day talking and praying for issues like fear, trust, health, food, and more. Invite a friend to listen along so you can have a partner for this journey towards body image and food freedom. 

Heather shares how she used to believe that God cared about what she did, but that her "body issues" were her's to tackle alone. Now, she sees how deeply God cares about us and the bodies he created for us, and how we can trust him to help, lead, and guide us in the care of these bodies--without relying on the ever-fluctuating messages of culture to tell us what is best.

Today's Prayer for Your Body Image, Health, and Food Issues

In today's episode, Heather reads the Francois de Fenolon, Prayer of Surrender. Feel free to print this out and read it every day to encourage your journey!

Prayer of surrender to start your day:

Dear Lord Jesus, it is my will to surrender to you everything that I am and everything that I'm striving to be. I open the deepest recesses of my heart and invite your Holy Spirit to dwell inside of me.

I offer you my life, heart, mind, body, soul, spirit, all my hopes, plans, and dreams. I surrender to you my past, present, and future problems, habits, character defects, attitudes, livelihood, resources, finances, medical coverage, occupation, and all my relationships.

I give you my health, physical appearance, disabilities, family, marriage, children, and friendships. I ask you to take Lordship over every aspect for my life. I surrender to you all my hurt, pain, worry, doubt, fear, and anxiety, and I ask you to wash me clean.

I release everything into your compassionate care. Please speak to me clearly, Lord. Open my ears to hear your voice. Open my heart to commune with you more deeply. I want to feel your loving embrace. Open the doors that need to be opened and close the doors that need to be closed. Please set my feet upon the straight and narrow road that leads to everlasting life.


(Prayer by Francois De Fenelon 1651-1715)

Ready to get free this year? Try Christian Body Image Coaching with Heather. 

Learn more about group coaching which begins January 23rd here: Christian Group Body Image Coaching or

Grab an individual, one-on-one coaching appointment or preview appointment here: Christian Body Image Coaching or

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