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Nov. 12, 2021

Navigating Holiday Eating & More: Featuring Megan Hadley (Part 2)

Navigating Holiday Eating & More: Featuring Megan Hadley (Part 2)

This is Part 2 of an interview with Megan Hadley, MS, RDN, LDN -- a non-diet dietician whose advice you will really enjoy. In the first episode Megan talked about why we tend to overeat in the afternoon or evening (or whenever we get home) and how we can alter our habits to avoid brain fog and that "I must eat all the things" feeling at the end of a day.

In today's episode, Megan shares more about this and how restriction will always lead to over-doing it. We talk about the impact of restriction, how a non-diet approach helps, and we talk about why you should absolutely  never tell yourself that your diet starts January 1st. (Unless, of course, you want to eat more during the holidays!) There's so much good stuff in this interview. Share it with a friend!

And make sure you listen to part 1 of this interview first!

Connect with Megan at: or on her website at:

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