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Jan. 5, 2023

Pray Daily for Body Image: Prayer for Consistency

Pray Daily for Body Image: Prayer for Consistency

We often think about the word consistency in a dieting context. "If I could just be consistent. . . " Or, "if I could just eat only these foods and not these foods or if I could just work out every day . . ." If you’re like me, at the beginning of a new season, I feel like I have all this willpower to do things every single day! Then by day 14 or 15, my willpower runs out. I feel guilt and shame, and I wonder what’s wrong with me that I can’t be consistent!

Today Heather encourages you that the type of consistency you need most if you want to improve your body image is consistency in your bible reading and prayer life. Unless you are regularly being fed the truth of scripture – it will be difficult not to believe the lies of this world about your value and your worth. This applies to every part of a struggle with insecurity, food, eating disorders, and other things we battle. Without arming ourselves with the truth of scripture every morning, it is hard to defeat the lies and negative thoughts.

Today's Verse and Action Step:

Today's Verse: 1 Corinthians 15:58 – "Therefore my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain."

Today's Action: Start a new Bible plan – make a commitment that you won’t check your social media or email until you’ve read some scripture each day. If you need one to start with, try Heather's 10 Day Bible Reading plan on You Version here:

Ready to get free this year? Try Christian Body Image Coaching with Heather.

Learn more about group coaching which begins January 23rd here: Christian Group Body Image Coaching or

Grab an individual, one-on-one coaching appointment or preview appointment here: Christian Body Image Coaching or

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