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Jan. 31, 2023

Praying for Body Image: Tune in to Him Finale

Praying for Body Image: Tune in to Him Finale

I pray that this month-long series to help you pray for your body image and "Tune in" to God while you tune out the voices of marketers and Diet Culture has made a powerful impact in your life. Today we finish the series with a look at what's next. What should you do if you started feeling freedom? How do you stay on the road to body image freedom without falling back into hold habits and patters of behaving or thinking. Heather gives suggestions today to help you stay on track and stay connected to the only One who can truly heal our body image issues.

Some suggestions from today's show to help you keep praying for your body image:
  1. Be in the God's Word every single day. This is the only way to renew our mind and change our definitions and cultural programming on topics like beauty and food. Your body image battles are not about your physical body; even models struggle. Instead, they are about what you believe and tell yourself. Only God's word can stop the lies from penetrating our hearts. If you don't know where to start with Bible reading, go to You Version and start with one of Heather's plans.
  2. Keep praying for your body image issues everyday. Consider going through last September's 30 days to pray series: Find the episodes here.
  3. Listen to this series daily again, whenever you need it. Find every episode organized here:
  4. Go through the series again with a friend. Listen and text about what you learned or what God spoke to you each day.
  5. Read Heather's books (or read together with a friend and work through discussion questions at the end of each chapter together). Compared to Who? (Body Image Book and Workbook) and The Burden of Better (How to Live a Comparison-Free Life)
  6. Subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode. Episodes release on Tuesdays and Fridays again starting next week.
  7. Consider coaching. If you need one-on-one help to pull you out from where you're stuck, Heather offers sessions by the hour. On average - coaching clients make great progress in 6-8 weeks. But, you can start by booking just one or two sessions to help you get on the right track. Learn more or book your first session here: 
  8. Consider getting help if you think you have an eating disorder. Reach out if you need a suggestion for a non-diet dietitian to help you with food issues.

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