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Jan. 27, 2023

Praying to Be More Loving Towards Our Bodies and Others

Praying to Be More Loving Towards Our Bodies and Others

Today we pray to be more loving. There are many ways being more loving can help us overcome body image issues and insecurity, but today we talk about how believing and receiving God's love can help us feel more of that love so that it overflows into the way we love others and the way we treat our bodies. Loving our bodies is something talked about a lot in culture today, but I don't believe the way culture talks about it is helpful. Culture says to flaunt what you have and show your middle finger to anyone who doesn't see it. But, real love thinks about others more than self. Real love is humble. There is a way that we can love our bodies well, biblically. That is being kind to ourselves. Treating our bodies in a gentle and respectful way and speaking kindly to ourselves. Today we pray that we can have that kind of love.

Verse of the Day and Action Step to Learn to Be More Loving Towards Body and Others:

Verse: 1 John 1:8: There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

Action Step: Watch this video from Andrew Peterson with a song called, "Be Kind to Yourself"

Ready to get free this year and stop stressing over food and your body?

Try Christian Body Image Coaching with Heather or check out her Christian body image book here.

Grab an individual, one-on-one coaching appointment or preview appointment here: Christian Body Image Coaching or

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