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May 2, 2023

What the Gospel Speaks to Our Body Image Issues

What the Gospel Speaks to Our Body Image Issues

In today's About 7 Minutes of Scripture episode, Heather explores how the message of the Gospel can specifically encourage us around our specific body and food issues. We have so many messages coming at us, and every day we choose to believe certain things are true and certain things aren't true. We can choose to believe that carbs are bad or that intermittent fasting is the best way to live. We can choose to believe that more exercise is always better or that taking a rest day is akin to laziness. We can choose to believe all of these things based on the words of people on the Internet, influencers who tell us their ways are best and we follow them. But, what about the greatest influencer of all? What about Jesus and His word and His Truth? Why is it sometimes harder to believe that the Gospel is enough to pronounce us worthy and accepted? How can we believe the Gospel and its message as easily as we believe the messages of human influencers?

Today, Heather explores the first part of 1 John 4. Look it up to follow along or read later

Check out the Burden of Better on Kindle for only .99 starting May 1st! (Amazon affiliate link)

Do you need Christian body image coaching? You can connect with Heather or schedule a free ten-minute call here.

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