June 28, 2024

150 From Literature to Sustainability: Georgia Lininger's Journey

150 From Literature to Sustainability: Georgia Lininger's Journey

Ever wondered how you could publish books while saving the planet? Join us for a captivating conversation with Georgia Leninger, founder of Salus Publishing, as she unveils her journey towards eco-friendly book production. From her passion for English literature and classics to the shocking discovery of the environmental impact of traditional paper, Georgia's story is one of resilience and innovation. Learn how she overcame the challenges of launching a sustainable publishing house right before the pandemic, and how her commitment to 100% recycled paper is setting a new standard in the industry.

We also explore various strategies for promoting books, from attending writers' conferences to leveraging social media, and the power of networking. Hear firsthand how Georgia balances her multifaceted life, juggling her roles as an educator, publisher, and farm manager. Additionally, discover the potential of alternative publishing routes and the invaluable role of community and collaboration.

Connect with Georgia https://www.saluspublishing.com/

Find her on social media: https://www.instagram.com/saluspublishing/

I am your host Carol Clegg. As a coach, I help women in business explore fresh ways to focus on their projects, find the right tools for accountability and learn how to build a positive mindset which in turn allows for more empathy, for self and others.

With my personalized accountability and progress coaching combined with the powerful Positive Intelligence program, you'll find ways to shift into an overall happy space.

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I am your host Carol Clegg. As a small business coach, I partner with women solopreneurs in midlife, to confidently step out of overwhelm and create a fresh path to success through tailored accountability and mindset coaching, integrated with the powerful Positive Intelligence program. Struggling with procrastination, finding balance in your business and personal life, and cultivating a positive mindset?

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00:00 - Sustainable Publishing With Georgia Leninger

14:05 - Promoting Books and Finding Inspiration

21:49 - Empowerment Coaching for Women


00:00:00.341 --> 00:00:04.671
Well, hello and welcome to Connect Inspire Create.

00:00:04.671 --> 00:00:14.993
I'm your host, carol Clegg, a progress and mindset business coach, here to help you thrive and flourish and turn those challenges into opportunities for growth.

00:00:14.993 --> 00:00:16.263
I'm so pleased you're here.

00:00:16.263 --> 00:00:25.032
Join me for the discussions that I hope will not only encourage you but also provide the dose of inspiration that you might just need today.

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This podcast is all about giving you your weekly dose of practical strategies, motivation and insightful conversations designed to boost your business skills, personal growth and happiness.

00:00:39.627 --> 00:00:52.560
So, whether you're looking to find balance, say goodbye to procrastination or just in need of a friendly nudge towards your goals, remember we're all on this journey together.

00:00:52.560 --> 00:01:02.085
So grab your favorite cup of something, be it coffee, tea or something else, and let's dive into this conversation today.

00:01:12.111 --> 00:01:15.753
Well, welcome everybody to Connect Inspire Create.

00:01:15.753 --> 00:01:41.674
In today's episode, our focus is on not traditional publishing, but sustainability and why it is such a battle and taking this from my guest's website, for too long now, the myths that books cannot be published in the highest quality using carbon neutral, 100% recycled and environmentally friendly paper, inks and processes needs to end.

00:01:41.674 --> 00:02:04.804
So the science, technology, materials and opportunities are here and we have to choose, change, innovate and evolve, and Salus Publishing embraces a new way to publish, where sustainability is fundamental and paramount, and I am looking so forward to sharing my guest's story and bringing awareness to this topic and getting it out there in the world.

00:02:04.804 --> 00:02:08.986
So my guest today is Georgia Leninger.

00:02:08.986 --> 00:02:12.068
And Georgia, I knew that I was going to butcher your last name.

00:02:12.068 --> 00:02:13.069
I tried.

00:02:13.991 --> 00:02:17.552
You did, great you did great but welcome, thank you.

00:02:17.573 --> 00:02:18.514
Thanks for joining me.

00:02:18.514 --> 00:02:23.758
It's lovely to have you here and share more about something that I know is very dear to your heart.

00:02:23.758 --> 00:02:41.365
So Georgia is the founder and editor-in-chief of Salus Publishing, and it's a book publishing house focused on publishing high quality books by diverse authors and illustrators in a variety of genres as sustainably as possible, and I know that you share that.

00:02:41.365 --> 00:02:48.895
The shipping, promotional materials and everything is basically printed on 100% of recycled or tree-free papers.

00:02:48.895 --> 00:03:02.306
Yes, so I know that you started just before the pandemic hit and have published quite a few children's books, and they've all been on 100% recycled paper.

00:03:02.306 --> 00:03:04.693
Yes, yes, absolutely.

00:03:04.693 --> 00:03:06.887
But I would love to share with our audience.

00:03:06.887 --> 00:03:13.247
Your journey to you must have started somewhere, and then, when did sustainability come into it and where are we now?

00:03:13.247 --> 00:03:15.426
So take us on that journey.

00:03:16.060 --> 00:03:18.528
Thank you and I'm so happy to be here.

00:03:18.528 --> 00:03:26.907
So my journey started with, of course you know, just as a child like absolutely loving to write and loving to write stories and all of that.

00:03:26.907 --> 00:03:49.463
So I studied English literature and classics and university, and originally I studied to become a journalist and it was in my master's program, through journalism, that I did my master's thesis, strangely enough, on the history of paper, and I know I know so paper paper, as it turns out, is fascinating and there are basically it's.

00:03:49.463 --> 00:03:59.766
Trees are an incredibly inefficient way to make paper, and trees have been the amount of chemicals that you need to use, just the entire process.

00:03:59.766 --> 00:04:04.564
There is a ton of waste, whether it's in our water system, just um.

00:04:04.564 --> 00:04:09.563
Trees in and of themselves are very slow growing and it just the entire process.

00:04:09.563 --> 00:04:14.253
Like I say, with paper it can be so much, so much more efficiently done.

00:04:14.253 --> 00:04:21.413
And so I knew yet again just out of grad school that sustainability was something I really wanted to kind of focus on.

00:04:22.321 --> 00:04:33.245
And so when I wrote my first children's book right before the birth of my son, I was looking for publishers and I was like, okay, you know, yay, you know, it shouldn't be that hard to publish sustainably.

00:04:33.245 --> 00:04:34.329
It can't be that hard.

00:04:34.329 --> 00:04:36.002
And it turns out it was that hard.

00:04:36.002 --> 00:04:47.992
And so when I finally found a publisher and I was so excited to get my first book published and I'm like, okay, so what about what if you put it on some recycled paper, or even mixed recycled or what you know, what about?

00:04:47.992 --> 00:04:48.372
What about?

00:04:48.372 --> 00:04:48.833
What about?

00:04:48.833 --> 00:04:53.028
And they kind of, you know, patted me on the head and they're like, oh, that's, that's, that's cute.

00:04:53.028 --> 00:04:58.384
No, and because of course, they had their, their contract, they had their system already in place.

00:04:58.384 --> 00:05:04.173
And it's just like with so many industries when you already have a system in place, why change it?

00:05:04.173 --> 00:05:08.682
Why, you know why, why, why change if you don't have to?

00:05:09.826 --> 00:05:15.562
And so with my second book I thought, okay, well, you know, yet again I'm going to try.

00:05:15.562 --> 00:05:17.728
You know I'm doing this, like sustainably.

00:05:17.728 --> 00:05:19.213
So there's print on demand.

00:05:19.213 --> 00:05:24.451
And so, of course, with Amazon's KDP, you print on demand and that is in.

00:05:24.451 --> 00:05:30.730
You know, yet again it's on non recycled paper, but you're only printing the number of books that sell.

00:05:30.730 --> 00:05:36.290
So there isn't that fundamental waste that goes hand in hand with a lot of book and magazine publishing.

00:05:37.052 --> 00:05:55.807
And so I thought, okay, well, that's, that's a little bit better, like all right, but then I've been going to conferences and meeting other authors and things like things like that, and there are so many great people out there who also wanted to get their books out there and they had such phenomenal ideas and and I thought, you know, maybe it's time.

00:05:55.807 --> 00:06:04.512
So in 2019, I started kind of putting together my business and I assigned several authors and we published our first book.

00:06:04.512 --> 00:06:21.235
So we yes, yeah, started in early 2020, which was phenomenal timing for children's books, when you think you know that it'll be great to, you know, do events and do all sorts of stuff, and so that was.

00:06:21.235 --> 00:06:24.286
That was a little frustrating, but it's.

00:06:24.286 --> 00:06:25.129
It's honestly.

00:06:25.129 --> 00:06:39.685
In many ways, it's been phenomenal because it's just been an opportunity kind of to grow in different ways and I am honored to have a variety of authors that I really believe in and I love their stories and I support their works and we're just having a bunch of fun.

00:06:40.187 --> 00:06:45.668
That is fantastic, but tell me, are there always children's books or have you branched into different areas?

00:06:46.209 --> 00:06:46.971
Excellent question.

00:06:46.971 --> 00:06:51.930
So the project that we're working on kind of now, we have just launched our first non-children's book.

00:06:51.930 --> 00:06:58.235
It's actually a young adult book of poetry, and so she's yeah, she's a young author, noelle Baggins.

00:06:58.235 --> 00:06:59.418
She's in her early twenties.

00:06:59.418 --> 00:07:03.456
And so she's yeah, she's a young author, noelle Baggins, she's in her early twenties, and so we just launched her, her first book of poetry.

00:07:03.456 --> 00:07:11.096
It just came out this month and so it's called Best Supporting Actress and it's kind of got this old, like a 1950s Hollywood kind of theme.

00:07:11.096 --> 00:07:33.793
It has art in it by this phenomenal artist named Jefferson Miller and it's it's just phenomenal because it's just, it's heart wrenching, because a lot of it is about, you know, the kind of that first love and unrequited love, picking up the pieces afterwards and getting you know, dusting yourself off and gaining that confidence, and it's just, it's just I'm so proud of it.

00:07:33.793 --> 00:07:40.117
It came out so beautifully and she is just a phenomenal poet and and yeah, so we're very excited about that.

00:07:40.117 --> 00:07:42.209
So we are, we are launching into other genres.

00:07:42.550 --> 00:07:48.555
Wonderful, and I'm just so curious because if somebody is interested in purchasing books from you, do they go to your website?

00:07:48.555 --> 00:07:52.834
Can they buy them in conventional places, like everybody goes to Amazon Right?

00:07:52.834 --> 00:07:55.586
Where would they be buying these wonderful books?

00:07:56.168 --> 00:07:59.196
So of course Amazon you know Amazon is Amazon is amazon.

00:07:59.196 --> 00:08:00.197
So yes, you can buy them there.

00:08:00.197 --> 00:08:03.557
We love when people buy from our website and of course that's wonderful.

00:08:03.557 --> 00:08:07.790
And yes, um, in bookstores they are available, so you can look through them there as well.

00:08:07.790 --> 00:08:10.177
And yeah, so we're.

00:08:10.177 --> 00:08:15.266
You know, we're kind of branching out and trying to get more kind of wider distribution and international and all that.

00:08:15.406 --> 00:08:19.584
But yeah, we're working on it and then just tell me to walk me through the.

00:08:19.584 --> 00:08:21.088
Where do you find your product?

00:08:21.088 --> 00:08:27.831
I mean, how are you this recycled, it's sustainable, right, he's doing the printing in-house no.

00:08:28.132 --> 00:08:31.985
So we have had the good fortune to work with two phenomenal printers.

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So the first printer that we worked with for our first several books was hemlock printers.

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They um have um base, like their kind of base of operations in san francisco and canada, and so they have been phenomenal.

00:08:44.533 --> 00:08:57.307
And hemlock was amazing in that um they worked with just a variety of companies and printing a variety of different things and their selection of recycled papers is extensive and fantastic and they were wonderful to work with.

00:08:57.307 --> 00:09:12.773
And so you know, and I think, and I think with a lot of printers, when you go to them with the with the stipulation of we only want recycled paper, I understand you have all of these other phenomenal papers and that's fantastic, but we're looking for a just recycled and it's just.

00:09:13.033 --> 00:09:28.815
It's, I think, so often like with economics when you create the demand, they will find the supply and so and so with hemlock, they were phenomenal and, you know, whenever we said, you know we want to do this size of a print run, we want this kind of paper, they got it together.

00:09:28.815 --> 00:09:44.413
And with indigo ink, that's um, another printer that we've worked with for our um see fourth, fifth and sixth titles um, they likewise have been phenomenal in that, you know, it's just we kind of stipulate, you know, we are 100 recycled, like that's.

00:09:44.413 --> 00:09:58.532
That's the only thing we're gonna, you know, look at or tree free is always, you know, something that we would love to do as well, and so, and they've been fantastic again in just in, you know, and providing high quality papers in as sustainable a way as they can.

00:09:58.532 --> 00:09:59.335
So it's been great.

00:10:03.804 --> 00:10:14.855
Well, it's just wonderful to put the spotlight on this whole area and just bring awareness to the fact and you know and you shared sort of the fact that authors can get their books published if they're concerned about sustainability.

00:10:14.855 --> 00:10:19.274
But how do we get other book publishers on board?

00:10:19.274 --> 00:10:22.687
Could it make them more aware and become more sustainable?

00:10:23.370 --> 00:10:25.956
I think that's that's another fantastic question.

00:10:25.956 --> 00:10:33.788
I think, well, it's just kind of like that, that idea of you know, of economics, where it's just you create the demand and the demand creates the supply.

00:10:33.788 --> 00:11:05.369
And so I think, if more and more authors really do, you know, stand up for it, and you know, and, and I think what's hard is that so many first time authors are so excited about just getting published, you don't want to make waves, you don't want to be difficult, you don't want to you know, like, oh, no, no, no, don't work with that one they have, you know they're too demanding, right, too bossy and, of course, and you don't.

00:11:05.369 --> 00:11:06.613
It's not about that, it's about making you know.

00:11:06.613 --> 00:11:08.359
For an author, it's when you get to hold your book in your hand that first time.

00:11:08.359 --> 00:11:09.965
That's such a phenomenal feeling and you want to be proud of it.

00:11:09.965 --> 00:11:12.448
You know, from cover to cover, inch to inch.

00:11:12.448 --> 00:11:13.552
You know everything.

00:11:14.173 --> 00:11:29.629
And so I think I think honestly, I think publishing more sustainably is something that more and more publishers are aware of, but it's slow and I think, honestly, it's going to be the need for that increasing demand.

00:11:29.629 --> 00:11:41.312
Right, like when Kindles and you know, and the online books and online eBooks, right, you know, 10, 15 years ago that was the big oh, everything's going to go into eBooks and oh, and that's just going to be it.

00:11:41.312 --> 00:11:45.572
You know, paper publishing is done and of course, as it turns out, that's not the way.

00:11:45.572 --> 00:11:48.985
You know, people really do love to hold books in their hands.

00:11:49.044 --> 00:11:51.292
Absolutely, it's so sad.

00:11:51.292 --> 00:11:56.515
When you think of all the bookstores, I mean how much time we spent browsing and spending time in bookstores.

00:11:56.515 --> 00:12:01.707
What a special time that was.

00:12:01.707 --> 00:12:04.653
And my daughter, I know she is an avid reader and wants to hold the books in her hand.

00:12:04.653 --> 00:12:07.587
My niece is the same thing and she devours books.

00:12:07.587 --> 00:12:10.956
So she literally has books under her arm and walks everywhere.

00:12:10.956 --> 00:12:14.852
She's reading, reading, reading, but wants to hold them in her hand Exactly.

00:12:15.254 --> 00:12:22.798
Because it is that feeling right, it's the feeling of, it's the turning of the pages, it's all of it, it's that it's not just the story, it's the experience itself.

00:12:22.798 --> 00:12:35.866
And so, and I think, yet again, with our books, what I love is that texture of recycled paper because, you know, unless you know, honestly, like for our children's books, kids don't, you know, realize that there is a texture difference between 100.

00:12:35.907 --> 00:12:44.643
But the mamas do sometimes you, you know but it's funny because you know, and that was the biggest argument for so long is well, recycled paper.

00:12:44.643 --> 00:12:46.269
It doesn't have the high quality right.

00:12:46.269 --> 00:12:55.885
People immediately thought of newspaper right, because newspapers started printing on recycled paper much, much earlier on, because of course, it was, you know, very rapid.

00:12:55.885 --> 00:12:59.792
You know it's like it only needs to be good for a day and then you know that's it.

00:12:59.792 --> 00:13:09.956
And so I think people for a long time that stigma of you know the newspaper and you know the ink coming off on your fingers and things like that, and of course that's not the case.

00:13:09.956 --> 00:13:23.437
And so, um, recycled papers are just as high quality, you know, just as you can have all of the bells and whistles that you can on regular paper so I was was going to ask you that you know that feeling is it.

00:13:23.585 --> 00:13:29.488
is it something that you can notice on recycled paper, or would some people not even realize and go?

00:13:29.488 --> 00:13:31.254
This is wonderful to discover.

00:13:31.254 --> 00:13:33.591
Right, this is recycled paper.

00:13:34.245 --> 00:13:35.027

00:13:35.027 --> 00:13:42.456
I would think I noticed it now because of course I'm in the business, right, it's just, you know, feeling the weight and the pound weight and the texture.

00:13:42.456 --> 00:13:49.491
I mean you want to get into, you know all of that stuff and you know, um, yeah, so I can tell and I love it.

00:13:49.491 --> 00:14:05.027
Um, but I think most people, like whenever, like we're in stores or doing book events and things like that, most people have no idea and they're kind of go through and they're like, oh really, like this is recycled so, which is also fantastic because they can make that discovery so that's great.

00:14:05.327 --> 00:14:07.133
So how do you create more awareness?

00:14:07.133 --> 00:14:08.918
I mean, what else is there besides?

00:14:08.918 --> 00:14:12.671
Yeah, obviously you've mentioned attending some conferences and getting the word out.

00:14:12.671 --> 00:14:16.687
What else can one do to to help you bring awareness to what you're?

00:14:16.726 --> 00:14:18.149

00:14:18.149 --> 00:14:37.066
Um, I think honestly, it's going on podcasts like yours, I think, kind of the podcasts and things like that, and really kind of branching out into markets that maybe haven't really thought about this, because of course, there are so many you know writer genres and writers worlds and you know so many people trying to get their books out there.

00:14:37.066 --> 00:15:04.011
So, for the conferences, like there's the one that I have attended in the past and I've been a judge for their, for some of their books and their contests is the Pacific Northwest Writers Association and so that's, you know, of course, here in the US, that's in all of our western states and it's, and I think you know yet again, it's so many authors trying to get out there and trying to get their books noticed and, you know, picked up and by an agent and all this kind of stuff.

00:15:04.011 --> 00:15:07.375
I think it's it's really kind of it's getting that word out.

00:15:07.375 --> 00:15:15.938
Um, yeah, I think the more kind of networking and the more, you know, kind of social media and things like that.

00:15:16.424 --> 00:15:17.450
Well, you've educated me.

00:15:17.450 --> 00:15:20.250
It's the best thing to do.

00:15:20.250 --> 00:15:23.309
You've educated me and then my mind's racing and I'm going well.

00:15:23.309 --> 00:15:24.072
Book coaches.

00:15:24.072 --> 00:15:30.716
Book coaches need to know about this Because if they know about this, they can share that with their clients.

00:15:30.716 --> 00:15:35.677
So it's just yeah, education awareness keeping that wheel turning.

00:15:35.677 --> 00:15:40.157
So you're working full time as an educator and running a business.

00:15:41.144 --> 00:15:43.210
Yes, yes, I am a teacher.

00:15:43.210 --> 00:15:46.496
I've been a teacher for 18 years, and so I am still a teacher.

00:15:46.496 --> 00:15:48.566
And so I am also a book publisher.

00:15:48.566 --> 00:15:52.528
And we own a little farm, little ranch, and so I do that too.

00:15:52.528 --> 00:15:54.068
So I'm a woman of many hats.

00:15:54.769 --> 00:15:55.570

00:15:55.570 --> 00:16:05.216
Yeah, I know I joked with you earlier that I don't see any goats coming in to add to the Nope, they, you know they would love to hop on in.

00:16:05.256 --> 00:16:07.957
We have a couple of bottle babies that would love to.

00:16:08.379 --> 00:16:09.779
Oh, yeah, yeah.

00:16:09.779 --> 00:16:11.681
So you produce the goat milk?

00:16:11.681 --> 00:16:14.162
Do you use that just for local consumption?

00:16:14.403 --> 00:16:25.522
or, yeah, you know like, so we've just had our kidding season and so, yes, so for right now all of the milk goes to the babies and so that's, that's all for them.

00:16:25.522 --> 00:16:27.927
We have done a little bit with with goat milk in the past.

00:16:27.927 --> 00:16:45.879
You know kind of making cheese and and you know the soaps and all that stuff, but really it's just we just love our goats and so you know we have land and of course, here in california with like the wildfire issues and things like that, goats do just an incredible job of keeping brush and weeds and everything down.

00:16:46.466 --> 00:17:03.856
So, honestly, just like the wildfire mitigation and protection that they provide is just makes goats just phenomenal just on their own so, oh yeah, we have a goat farm just up the road from us and I know when my children were growing up I used to take them there to help with the milking and it's just such a wonderful outing.

00:17:03.856 --> 00:17:05.368
Um, and they are.

00:17:05.388 --> 00:17:15.477
They're the cutest little things that so, and especially when they're babies and they're jumping and they're practicing their little oh, oh yeah, so Georgia, you've got a very positive outlook.

00:17:15.517 --> 00:17:22.172
Tell me what drives you to keep going and keep moving forward.

00:17:22.172 --> 00:17:23.355
Keep, that will moving.

00:17:24.396 --> 00:17:26.188
I would say the biggest part is my children.

00:17:26.188 --> 00:17:30.328
I think my children are definitely my drive.

00:17:30.328 --> 00:17:37.608
It's the idea that you want to try to create for them, um, as much possibility and hope as possible.

00:17:38.411 --> 00:18:14.558
And then, and also, it's that idea of when you look back at the end of your life, you know, can you look back and think, you know I did what I could like, I I tried, you know, I I gave it my all and so and this is and this is of it's, that it's, it is the idea of, you know, of course, as an educator and as a teacher, you know teaching is amazing in so many ways and it is heartbreaking, and so many others and, and it's just and I talk with so many teachers who have been teaching for decades and it's just and it is that you put so much work in and you have no idea really how much comes back.

00:18:14.558 --> 00:18:30.461
Right, and I think what helps me is, yet again, with this publishing it's, I have been able to work with authors that I absolutely love and work with illustrators that I love and international illustrators.

00:18:30.461 --> 00:18:36.846
One of the illustrators for one of our books, the Christmas Witch, lucy Rogers.

00:18:37.086 --> 00:18:42.678
Lucy Rogers is from the UK and she contacted me straight out of university.

00:18:42.678 --> 00:18:48.317
She had just gotten her degree and she'd found our website and was just like you know.

00:18:48.317 --> 00:18:50.210
Could I please you know, would you like?

00:18:50.210 --> 00:18:51.615
Would you like want to look at our work?

00:18:51.615 --> 00:18:52.538
Or, like you know, would you like?

00:18:52.538 --> 00:18:53.441
Would you like want to look at our work?

00:18:53.441 --> 00:18:54.365
Or, like you know, my art and um?

00:18:54.365 --> 00:19:23.176
I looked at it and my and my author, and it was just fortuitous timing because we were looking for an illustrator and she was phenomenal, and so now she uses our book as part of her portfolio to kind of help launch her career, and I I love stuff like that I love, yeah, that that just paying it forward in that collaboration and that community and you're supporting people in these different areas and you never know where the ripple effect exactly is is gonna go to so well.

00:19:23.317 --> 00:19:34.655
I certainly hope that those that are listening to our episode are gonna stop for a moment and just think that there is an alternative, that there is a different way to have a book published and to look at exploring that.

00:19:34.655 --> 00:19:37.571
If somebody wants to work with you, what is the best place?

00:19:37.571 --> 00:19:39.056
Where is the best place to find you?

00:19:40.066 --> 00:19:42.731
That would be through our website, salaspublishingcom.

00:19:42.731 --> 00:19:47.510
They can contact us through there or Salas Publishing in Gmail.

00:19:47.510 --> 00:19:51.246
They still have a good old Gmail account and you know either one of those.

00:19:51.246 --> 00:19:53.692
We're on Instagram and Facebook and yeah.

00:19:54.174 --> 00:19:54.516

00:19:54.516 --> 00:19:58.848
I'll make sure to have all of those links in the show notes.

00:19:58.848 --> 00:20:03.270
And is there something exciting to add to this wonderful full plate of yours that you're working on at the moment?

00:20:04.506 --> 00:20:10.631
The other book that we have, we have published, that, yes, I'm promoting right now is a book by Cy Swan.

00:20:10.631 --> 00:20:12.653
It's called the Two Tales of Timothy Mouse.

00:20:12.653 --> 00:20:21.138
Cy Swan, this is his first book and he is 87 years old, so the story of how it kind of came about is phenomenal.

00:20:21.138 --> 00:20:27.337
He is a frequent guest on the Essential Craftsman YouTube channel, so they're on YouTube.

00:20:27.337 --> 00:20:37.429
They've got almost like a million and a half followers and anyway, Cy is this incredible blacksmith and just if people check out his videos, he's amazing.

00:20:37.429 --> 00:20:44.132
But yes, he wrote this children's book and it is illustrated by a young artist named Emma Wally, and Emma is 10 years old.

00:20:44.132 --> 00:20:46.377
Well, she was 10 when she illustrated the book.

00:20:46.377 --> 00:20:49.813
Now she's 11, which I'm sure she would want me to correct her.

00:20:49.813 --> 00:20:52.618
You know to correct if she's 11, to correct her.

00:20:52.618 --> 00:20:54.563
You know to correct if she's 11, not 10.

00:20:54.563 --> 00:21:04.576
And anyway, she did a phenomenal job and so, just with his very funny kind of dark, quirky story and her phenomenal illustrations, I'm so proud of the book.

00:21:04.576 --> 00:21:07.032
It's just a delight.

00:21:07.133 --> 00:21:22.530
That's wonderful and I did take a peek at your website, but to let listeners know, go across to the website, because you'll find all the books there and you'll be able to have a look at them and buy directly from you, which would be wonderful.

00:21:22.530 --> 00:21:23.211
Thank you appreciate it, georgia.

00:21:23.211 --> 00:21:24.074
Thank you so much.

00:21:24.074 --> 00:21:29.346
Thanks for sharing your time and your inspiration with me and with my guests.

00:21:30.027 --> 00:21:31.307
Oh, thank you so much for having me.

00:21:31.307 --> 00:21:32.009
It's been a joy.

00:21:32.009 --> 00:21:36.211
Thank you so much for having me.

00:21:36.311 --> 00:21:48.940
It's been a joy, thank you, and today I encourage you embrace your own unique way of connecting, inspiring or creating, and let it bring a sense of joy into your world.

00:21:48.940 --> 00:22:09.676
In my role as a coach, I love to work with women, business owners, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and help them explore fresh ways to focus on their projects, find the right tools for accountability and learn how to build a positive mindset which, in turn, allows for more empathy, not only for yourself, but for others and situations.

00:22:09.676 --> 00:22:21.577
With my personalized accountability and progress coaching, which I combine with the powerful positive intelligence program, you will find ways to shift into an overall happier space.

00:22:21.577 --> 00:22:31.192
If you would like to take the complementary saboteur assessment, I offer a follow-up complementary coaching session to help you explore your results.

00:22:31.192 --> 00:22:38.238
Do take a note of the link in the show notes or visit my site, carolcleggcom.

00:22:38.238 --> 00:22:39.836
Until the next time.

00:22:39.836 --> 00:22:40.925
Thanks for listening.