July 5, 2024

151 Creating Sacred Spaces for Women's Growth with Jessica Joines

151 Creating Sacred Spaces for Women's Growth with Jessica Joines

I am joined by my guest, Jessica Joines, spiritual coach for female executives and founder of the Women’s Purpose Community, a nurturing environment for women to explore their life's purpose and author of “Dare to Believe”.

Hear Jessica Joines's compelling story of rebirth and empowerment, as she shares her journey towards discovering her true purpose. In this episode Jessica opens up about her profound shift from making ego-driven decisions to embracing soul-driven actions. Her experience reveals how prioritizing love over fear can guide us towards genuine happiness and self-actualization. This episode is a treasure trove of wisdom on listening to the voice of your soul and making sacred decisions that resonate with your true self.

Step into the nurturing evolution of the Women's Purpose Community, a heart-centered initiative that began with intimate retreats and blossomed into a virtual sanctuary during the pandemic. Jessica discusses the transformative power of creating safe, vulnerable spaces for female leaders to connect and grow, spiritually and personally. We also explore her insightful course book, "Dare to Believe," which combines spiritual teachings with practical applications to help others find their true purpose.

Connect with Jessica:
Join the community - https://www.jessicajoines.com/community

I am your host Carol Clegg. I guide women coaches to enhance their personal and professional lives, manage stress, cultivate self-empathy, and set meaningful goals that resonate with their unique coaching practices. My approach includes a detailed accountability framework to track your growth and keep you motivated. Are you ready to bring a sense of ease and flow into your life?

If you would like to take the complimentary Saboteur assessment, I offer a complimentary coaching session to explore your results. Take your assessment here or visit carolclegg.com

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Connect on LinkedIn and Instagram or join my Facebook group "Mindset, Tips & Tools for Women in Business"

I am your host Carol Clegg. As a small business coach, I partner with women solopreneurs in midlife, to confidently step out of overwhelm and create a fresh path to success through tailored accountability and mindset coaching, integrated with the powerful Positive Intelligence program. Struggling with procrastination, finding balance in your business and personal life, and cultivating a positive mindset?

Let’s chat!

BOOK your ✅ 30 minute complimentary discovery call

carolclegg.com or book your call here https://bit.ly/discoverycallwithcarol

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Thanks for listening!


00:00 - Empowering Women's Journey to Purpose

10:07 - Soulful Journey of Purpose Community

19:42 - Positive Mindset Coaching for Women


00:00:00.341 --> 00:00:04.671
Well, hello and welcome to Connect, inspire, create.

00:00:04.671 --> 00:00:14.993
I'm your host, carol Clegg, a progress and mindset business coach, here to help you thrive and flourish and turn those challenges into opportunities for growth.

00:00:14.993 --> 00:00:16.263
I'm so pleased you're here.

00:00:16.263 --> 00:00:25.032
Join me for the discussions that I hope will not only encourage you, but also provide the dose of inspiration that you might just need today.

00:00:25.032 --> 00:00:39.664
This podcast is all about giving you your weekly dose of practical strategies, motivation and insightful conversations designed to boost your business skills, personal growth and happiness.

00:00:39.664 --> 00:00:52.560
So, whether you're looking to find balance, say goodbye to procrastination, or just in need of a friendly nudge towards your goals, remember we're all on this journey together.

00:00:52.560 --> 00:01:02.088
So grab your favorite cup of something, be it coffee, tea or something else, and let's dive into this conversation today.

00:01:02.088 --> 00:01:14.879
Well, hello and welcome everybody.

00:01:14.879 --> 00:01:19.728
In today's episode, we are going to touch on some really exciting topics.

00:01:19.909 --> 00:01:26.251
Let's start with healing journey, rising above fear and building a supportive community.

00:01:26.251 --> 00:01:43.490
I am joined by my guest, Jessica Joines, who is a spiritual coach for female executives and the founder of Women's Purpose Community, a nurturing environment for women to explore their life's purpose, and she is the author of Dare to Believe.

00:01:43.490 --> 00:01:44.472
So welcome Jessica.

00:01:45.221 --> 00:01:48.760
Oh well, it's lovely to be here with you today, yeah.

00:01:48.981 --> 00:01:50.325
I am looking so forward.

00:01:50.325 --> 00:01:52.010
I have so much I wanted to ask Jessica.

00:01:52.010 --> 00:01:53.444
It's like, how are we going to pack this in?

00:01:53.444 --> 00:01:56.242
But we're going to pack this in, right, we're going to pack it.

00:01:56.424 --> 00:01:58.421
We're going to pack it in All right.

00:01:58.460 --> 00:02:10.836
Well, let's start first with just sharing a little bit about your journey and I know that you're from a burnt out corporate executive in the advertising industry where that started to where you are now.

00:02:10.836 --> 00:02:12.746
Tell us more about that.

00:02:13.108 --> 00:02:15.900
Yeah, I mean it's, you know, the more I think about it.

00:02:15.900 --> 00:02:28.346
It's really a journey through being fear aligned to love aligned, and and a lot of that is the what we use, which of those energies to make important decisions in our lives.

00:02:28.346 --> 00:02:38.979
And so, for me, when I decided, like, what do I want to do with my whole life, it really was hindsight, being 2020, from a place of what I will call a fear consciousness.

00:02:38.979 --> 00:02:43.243
So it was like figure out what you're good at right Rather than what you love.

00:02:43.243 --> 00:02:48.426
What you're good at is anchored to a belief in scarcity that feels being in survival mode.

00:02:48.867 --> 00:02:50.352
I didn't know that at the time.

00:02:50.352 --> 00:02:54.960
We kind of live in a paradigm that's built upon skills and abilities and all these kinds of things.

00:02:54.960 --> 00:03:01.782
So it took me a long journey and I was deeply unhappy for a long time, but I didn't know what to do about it.

00:03:01.782 --> 00:03:05.070
And then I had a few awakening moments.

00:03:05.070 --> 00:03:09.209
I'll tell you where it just said you know what you got to figure out what you love.

00:03:09.209 --> 00:03:18.608
It's not too late, even though when I finally made the shift, I was 40 years old and this was a 20-year career in advertising, my last job in the corporate world.

00:03:18.608 --> 00:03:33.561
I was a global CMO of a really large technology company, and I realized, though, that what you choose to do with every single day of your life is such a sacred decision and it deserves nothing less than love.

00:03:33.561 --> 00:03:55.907
So that has been my journey, and today I lead a community of incredible women who are also committed to living with purpose, but really on that self-realization and self-actualization journey, and know that it's all connected and that the key to happiness is truly like rediscovery of self.

00:03:57.129 --> 00:04:14.752
So, so important and we give so much away because we are we're on that hamster treadmill and there's certain ego that gets fed along the way and then trying to separate that and put those two apart and then just sit down with yourself and realize time to make change.

00:04:14.752 --> 00:04:25.065
So I know you have made a lot of change in your life and one of the things I love what you shared and I think I saw this on your site but your soul is now in the driver's seat.

00:04:25.065 --> 00:04:27.569
Tell me more about that.

00:04:27.569 --> 00:04:28.812
It's such a beautiful picture.

00:04:29.233 --> 00:04:43.884
Yeah Well, you, you know, you said the word, you know the ego and and look, I believe we're here to have an experience with the ego, and the way I define ego, in terms of how it presents, is that voice of fear in your mind that presents as the voice of reason.

00:04:43.884 --> 00:05:05.067
And when we listen to that and we make important life decisions based on what that's saying, even though it seems logical, it seems real, but it's essentially coming from a place of fear fear being doubt, worry, insecurity, all these things we lead this the lowest trajectory of our life.

00:05:05.067 --> 00:05:18.567
When we're listened in a line to that voice, but instead when we make room for another voice and I call it the voice of your soul, and it's like that gut feeling, your heart, your intuition, that voice that's calling you, that's always trying to guide you to your highest potential.

00:05:18.567 --> 00:05:22.182
So my switch was when I stopped listening to this.

00:05:22.182 --> 00:05:28.891
It was still there, you know, as it still is today, but I stopped believing what it was saying and said, started witnessing it.

00:05:29.733 --> 00:05:35.526
This voice you know, I call it the true self, you know became louder and more present in my life.

00:05:35.526 --> 00:05:59.413
And so, even though this felt real at times, it felt true at times, I consciously made the choice to stop taking action based on what it was saying, like where it was guiding me, and that is ultimately how I led to walking away from that job, stepping into the sole purpose journey that I've been on for the last eight or so years now in a very tangible way.

00:05:59.413 --> 00:06:01.365
That is so wonderful.

00:06:01.680 --> 00:06:11.870
I can relate to what you're sharing because I use positive intelligence's program with my clients and when you talk about that analytical side of your brain that we need it.

00:06:11.870 --> 00:06:29.843
We need it at times and it serves us, but if we stay in that space and we don't switch over, we call it a sage approach and bringing in these beautiful powers of empathy and wisdom from your wiser, older self and allowing that to come back to guide you into you.

00:06:29.843 --> 00:06:36.024
Know this cause it's the fear that we we call those saboteurs and that this, this fear, derails us.

00:06:36.024 --> 00:06:39.653
And if we listen to the loudness of the voice, it's so difficult.

00:06:40.560 --> 00:06:42.841
Yeah, and look, the original intention of the ego was biological function to keep us safe.

00:06:42.841 --> 00:06:46.045
You know the original intention of the ego was biological function to keep us safe.

00:06:46.045 --> 00:06:48.307
You know a bear's chasing, you run right.

00:06:48.307 --> 00:06:56.997
And it took on a whole new level when it started being like this fear and anxiety all the time right.

00:06:56.997 --> 00:07:09.012
And putting the heart back in the driver's seat means it's still there, but it's serving the purpose of the heart, so it can help with the planning and all the thing, but it doesn't drive the big decisions.

00:07:09.252 --> 00:07:11.548
Right, as you say, it's not sitting in the driver's seat.

00:07:11.548 --> 00:07:14.105
Let's switch that around.

00:07:14.105 --> 00:07:15.826
So I am so curious.

00:07:15.826 --> 00:07:22.204
I know that you said when you took this aha moment and I think this was part of the process, but you took a year off.

00:07:22.204 --> 00:07:25.069
Tell us all about it, because I'm a travel lover.

00:07:31.660 --> 00:07:33.165
So tell me more about what it was such an important you know so.

00:07:33.165 --> 00:07:37.100
So for everyone who's listening or watching um, one of the most important points in my journey and it was going.

00:07:37.100 --> 00:07:44.959
It would have been, if I can do my math right, still five years before, four or five years before I actually made an actual change.

00:07:44.959 --> 00:07:56.860
But you know, I was working in a job that I was working in 80 hours a week, living in New York city, just felt so trapped on that hamster wheel, like you mentioned, and didn't see a way out and I started literally like praying.

00:07:56.860 --> 00:08:06.855
I was like I am praying to get laid off because I'd had a pre-negotiated severance and lo and behold, it happened and you know it took me a couple of weeks.

00:08:06.855 --> 00:08:14.968
But I said I was like I'm going to, I'm going to go travel, and I had been um to somewhere in Southeast Asia like a year before and I'd fallen in love with it and I was like you know what I'm?

00:08:14.968 --> 00:08:26.952
Just I'm, even though I'm 35, and it feels, seems really weird to take a gap year, like that's exactly what I did at the time and everyone thought I was crazy and lost my mind and I said, well, you know, like maybe I have, and I think that's probably a good thing.

00:08:26.952 --> 00:08:28.875
And, yeah, I gave my.

00:08:28.875 --> 00:08:44.148
I didn't know it was going to be a year, so I bought a one-way ticket and just decided I was going to give myself permission to really like, you know, step out of these cycles of suffering and try to get some awareness, and, and so it ended up being a little under a year that it was gone.

00:08:44.207 --> 00:09:14.783
Now this is, you know, 2011 and yeah, I mean you know too much for you know, this time today to go into all the things, but it was at one point in that, that, when I was meditating and doing some spiritual work, you know, I really heard and felt clearly this message, which was the truth in your heart, is more real than the one you see, and um, and that's just continue to take on meaning and it what it really means in a simple way, is like I can trust my heart.

00:09:14.783 --> 00:09:18.722
Yeah, it might look like a world where dreams aren't possible at times.

00:09:18.722 --> 00:09:25.346
It might look like a world where a nine to five corporate option is the only thing, but, you know, the message was like but that's not true.

00:09:25.787 --> 00:09:28.832
You know what's put in your heart, these desires, these dreams you have.

00:09:28.832 --> 00:09:30.750
They're put there for a reason, you know.

00:09:30.750 --> 00:09:36.652
I will say they are put there by the universe and nothing is put there that does not have a path of potential connected to it.

00:09:36.652 --> 00:09:37.881
You know cause.

00:09:37.881 --> 00:09:38.724
The universe isn't cruel.

00:09:38.724 --> 00:09:44.648
It's not putting dreams in your heart that you can't achieve or do if you're willing and courageous enough to follow them.

00:09:46.791 --> 00:10:04.970
So tell me then about this community that you've created, because I know you've taken various different paths and I'm sure things came along the way, but now you're sort of giving back and introducing to women that are in corporate that you don't have to struggle and I'm guessing some of them stay in corporate, but you're offering them this community.

00:10:04.970 --> 00:10:06.777
So tell us more about that.

00:10:07.049 --> 00:10:19.513
Yeah, well, look, the whole journey has been so different than anything I had done before, like there was really and it always troubles people when I say this there was no like plan.

00:10:19.513 --> 00:10:40.115
You know, my journey of this has been the tuning into my heart, seeing, like, what my next step is on the sole purpose journey, and so the first thing that came forward originally was I really had a vision around doing retreats for women that were for my former self, that had struggled through the same kind of things.

00:10:40.115 --> 00:10:51.065
I was and weren't feeling connected to other women, peer-based leaders in a heart-centered way, and so the first retreat I had was in 2018.

00:10:51.065 --> 00:10:54.615
And then the retreats are really successful.

00:10:54.615 --> 00:11:16.964
My coaching business was going, I'd written my book and then COVID happened and no in-person retreats, and so I brought everything online and it was really through COVID and seeing the magic of what we could still do virtually together and really everyone wanting a deeper sense of community at the time, that I was really guided to turn it into an annual community.

00:11:17.230 --> 00:11:32.130
So today, women's Purpose Community, it is still for female leaders whether you're in the corporate space, you have your own business, it really doesn't matter but who want to focus with women that are going through similar things, right.

00:11:32.211 --> 00:11:37.051
So if you're a woman in a leadership role and also a mom, that is a unique kind of challenge in life.

00:11:37.051 --> 00:11:41.900
But to focus on personal and, I dare say, spiritual growth together.

00:11:41.900 --> 00:11:44.011
You know all the communities out there.

00:11:44.011 --> 00:11:46.278
They're networking organizations, right.

00:11:46.278 --> 00:11:58.638
They're very transactional, they're focused on leadership development, which is great, but it doesn't get to a lot of the root issues that are blocking women from realizing all that's possible for them.

00:11:58.638 --> 00:12:00.866
So in many ways this community does that.

00:12:00.866 --> 00:12:12.376
We do have women that are looking to just stay within corporate and reinvent themselves and therefore the paradigm from within, and we have women that are feeling trapped, like I was, and want to figure out how to get out.

00:12:12.376 --> 00:12:15.376
And then we have women that have started beautiful businesses of their own.

00:12:15.376 --> 00:12:22.438
So it's really a mix, but the common thread is they all want to go deeper on the soul level, work of self-discovery.

00:12:22.990 --> 00:12:37.913
I was just thinking that as you was explaining that soul connection, because, yes, we can go everywhere for marketing and advertising and networking and how to build our business and you know what you need next, but it's that special space to connect with other women are going.

00:12:37.913 --> 00:12:41.344
We're all in this in various different degrees.

00:12:41.344 --> 00:12:43.190
Uh, let's journey together.

00:12:43.190 --> 00:12:45.096
Yeah, and it's yeah.

00:12:45.096 --> 00:12:51.970
It sounds so beautiful and I can relate to it, because within the community that I'm in, with positive intelligence, we have something similar.

00:12:51.970 --> 00:13:03.304
There's just this beautiful, non-competitive, willing to give and share, share from the heart and with ease and flow and with a soft, gentle approach.

00:13:03.304 --> 00:13:04.066
And it is.

00:13:04.066 --> 00:13:16.471
It's a beautiful place to be, because do we not spend more than enough time in this world fighting, you know, fighting fear, fighting this, fighting thoughts in our heads that are, you know, way too many and don't belong there?

00:13:17.394 --> 00:13:25.998
Yeah, and you know, I think the difference too is so many of these and I'm generalizing here and I'll be clear on that but they're all like you, don't?

00:13:25.998 --> 00:13:39.341
You need more skills, you need more training, and that's such a place of lack, and it's such a harnessing of the divine masculine energy, rather than like the divine feminine energy, which is like no, you've, you know, you've got it all within, you know it's.

00:13:39.341 --> 00:13:44.020
It's that deep inner work that I think is just missing in many ways in general.

00:13:44.341 --> 00:13:46.471
So yeah, break down the barriers.

00:13:46.471 --> 00:14:01.836
You know also what comes to the word that comes from is vulnerability, and so when you have a safe space amongst women, that you can be vulnerable and you can take off that hat just for a moment and go, this is okay, we understand each other, yeah.

00:14:01.855 --> 00:14:03.620
That's beautiful A lot of what we do, yeah.

00:14:04.529 --> 00:14:15.698
So tell me more about Dare to Believe, because that sounds fascinating in that it's it's not just a book right it's so much more started as a course book, literally.

00:14:15.839 --> 00:14:31.167
So I you know, um, and I know you know this, I'll say, if you're listeners and viewers from my very first job in advertising, I was unhappy and I was like, oh well, I made a mistake, but I didn't know how to get out.

00:14:31.167 --> 00:14:41.486
And all the traditional ways you go about it some we've already addressed, like figuring out your skills and abilities, like career assessment, all these things were not revealing the thing.

00:14:41.486 --> 00:14:43.409
They were not giving me the answer.

00:14:43.409 --> 00:14:57.336
So during this trip in Southeast Asia and when I came back and I really wanted to start figuring this out, like literally what I want to be when I grow up, even though I'm almost at midlife, all the traditional tools out there did not work.

00:14:57.465 --> 00:14:59.774
So I went back to a lot of my spiritual studies.

00:14:59.774 --> 00:15:03.606
The problem with a lot of the spiritual studies is it still didn't give me like, well, what do I do?

00:15:03.606 --> 00:15:14.115
Like the practical application, even though it was anchored to a spiritual teaching or approach, which for me was the answer, because all those teachings were like, it's about what you love, okay, but now what do I do?

00:15:14.115 --> 00:15:22.796
So I created it as a course book to really take my experience of what I did and make it tangible, real, practical, something that people could do.

00:15:22.796 --> 00:15:26.549
And the course book was just kind of boring and I thought you know it was.

00:15:26.549 --> 00:15:40.096
I think my mom probably suggested she's like you should add your own story to it, so it became part autobiographical story about me and my journey with the courses, and so you know how to truly live your sole purpose.

00:15:41.147 --> 00:15:54.995
I see that because I saw some of the feedback and some of the reviews basically saying it's 12 simple lessons and it's like having you as their coach in the palm of their hands or on their Kindle or wherever it might be.

00:15:54.995 --> 00:15:59.648
And then stories how important, yeah, stories are always so important.

00:15:59.648 --> 00:16:05.547
We want to know, we get encouraged, we get inspired, so that, so that that is wonderful.

00:16:05.547 --> 00:16:09.797
Well, Jessica, you mentioned retreats and I know that you're online with your community.

00:16:09.797 --> 00:16:12.389
Are there still retreats on the horizon of you?

00:16:12.551 --> 00:16:13.813
We do, yeah.

00:16:13.813 --> 00:16:15.878
So we we just had one last week.

00:16:15.878 --> 00:16:19.714
Actually we have twice a year.

00:16:19.714 --> 00:16:25.868
It's for community members, but and then any guests that they want to, you know, nominate to bring.

00:16:25.868 --> 00:16:31.359
So the big one is the woman's purpose retreat and that's always in the fall.

00:16:31.359 --> 00:16:39.145
We'll have be having it in October this year and it's usually about 40 or so women I would say 80% community members.

00:16:39.145 --> 00:16:41.427
But yeah, that's coming up, so super excited about that.

00:16:41.508 --> 00:16:42.448
And where is that, members?

00:16:42.469 --> 00:16:43.811
but yeah, that's coming up, so super excited about that.

00:16:43.811 --> 00:16:44.291
And where is that?

00:16:44.291 --> 00:16:48.894
We we have that in a little community called Sarenby, which is outside of Atlanta.

00:16:49.596 --> 00:16:50.496
Okay, okay.

00:16:50.517 --> 00:16:51.278
So here in the U.

00:16:51.477 --> 00:16:51.557

00:16:51.557 --> 00:16:54.941
Yes, I tell you because that's dear to my heart.

00:16:54.941 --> 00:17:03.934
So with COVID was I was wanting to host retreats in Portugal, because Portugal is dear to my heart, and had all the planning in place.

00:17:03.934 --> 00:17:06.303
You know, did all the recce trips, went there, everything was absolutely perfect.

00:17:06.303 --> 00:17:12.449
And then, you know, the same thing just totally derailed and it was like I have to give that up and then I had to close the door and let that go.

00:17:12.449 --> 00:17:18.127
But I feel that in the future, something like that, you know, you just never know You've got to listen to your heart.

00:17:18.548 --> 00:17:19.710
You never know.

00:17:19.710 --> 00:17:22.253
I could see that happening for you, absolutely.

00:17:22.253 --> 00:17:26.058
But yeah, you know, our members are US based and a lot of them.

00:17:26.058 --> 00:17:28.926
It's hard to get away and travel, absolutely.

00:17:29.027 --> 00:17:31.593
Yes, and for a decent period of time.

00:17:31.593 --> 00:17:36.651
So if anybody's interested in finding out more about the community and joining you, where do they go?

00:17:37.112 --> 00:17:42.938
Yeah, so the best way is you can go to my website, which is just my name it's Jessicaessicajoinscom.

00:17:42.938 --> 00:17:53.431
From there there's links to the community and then links to social media and other things that I'm doing, so that's really like the best hub that'll get you anywhere you need to go.

00:17:53.431 --> 00:17:54.805
Sounds wonderful, so.

00:17:54.865 --> 00:17:57.354
I'll make sure to have all those links in the show notes.

00:17:57.354 --> 00:17:59.904
Is there a preferred social media spot?

00:18:00.025 --> 00:18:01.451
that people can connect with you.

00:18:01.451 --> 00:18:10.490
I do mostly everything on Instagram, though I did recently launch on TikTok a few months ago but and both of those handles are the same it's at Jessica L joints.

00:18:11.953 --> 00:18:12.816
All right, lovely.

00:18:12.816 --> 00:18:21.417
So as we wrap up, I'd love to just ask you if there was one thing that my listeners took away from listening to us today, what would that be?

00:18:22.205 --> 00:18:23.951
Can you say that again, if there was?

00:18:24.031 --> 00:18:28.310
just one thing that you wanted the listeners to walk away with today.

00:18:28.310 --> 00:18:33.420
What would you want them to be thinking?

00:18:34.924 --> 00:18:38.556
Just gratitude for anything that's currently unfolding.

00:18:38.556 --> 00:18:47.188
You know, like you know, gratitude is so over-talked about, but I think it's because it is the magic, it is the everything.

00:18:47.188 --> 00:19:00.111
When you just notice what is and you live in that energy, um, whether it's good or bad, grateful for both, I feel like everything expands from there.

00:19:00.593 --> 00:19:10.750
I love what you said Grateful for both, because it's so often that we concentrate only on what the goodness is and you've got to find three things to be grateful for today, journal about them, et cetera.

00:19:10.750 --> 00:19:18.753
But there's a lesson to be learned on the other side of the coin Both yeah, for what is good or bad yeah.

00:19:18.753 --> 00:19:23.652
Lovely, Well thank you so much Thank you for the inspiration and thank you for being my guest today.

00:19:23.771 --> 00:19:25.416
Oh, it's lovely to be with you, thank you.

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And today I encourage you embrace your own unique way of connecting, inspiring or creating, and let it bring a sense of joy into your world.

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In my role as a coach, I love to work with women, business owners, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and help them explore fresh ways to focus on their projects, find the right tools for accountability and learn how to build a positive mindset which, in turn, allows for more empathy, not only for yourself, but for others and situations.

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With my personalized accountability and progress coaching, which I combine with the powerful positive intelligence program, you will find ways to shift into an overall happier space.

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If you would like to take the complimentary saboteur assessment, I offer a follow-up complimentary coaching session to help you explore your results.

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Take a note of the link in the show notes or visit my site carolcleggcom.

00:20:31.236 --> 00:20:32.833
Until the next time.

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Thanks for listening.