June 14, 2024

Hijacked by Your Saboteurs Insights from Coaching Experts Kiri, Francesca and Carol

Hijacked by Your Saboteurs Insights from Coaching Experts Kiri, Francesca and Carol

Ever wrestled with the inner critics that seem to sabotage your success? Join me as I sit down with coaches Kiri and Francesca to explore this topic.

We peel back the layers on three specific saboteurs—the Restless, Pleaser, and Hypervigilant—and share personal stories and strategies on how to recognize and manage these patterns.

Throughout our conversation, Kiri, Francesca, and I open up about our unique journeys with our respective saboteurs, offering you tangible takeaways to apply in your own life.

From the importance of focus and discipline in tackling the Restless saboteur, to setting boundaries and practicing self-care with the Pleaser, and repurposing the Hypervigilant into an unexpected strength—this episode is packed with wisdom to help you grow personally and professionally.

 Connect with us join our monthly LinkedIn Live events " Paths to Pleasant Places"

Francesca Oduoza: https://www.linkedin.com/in/francesca-oduoza/

Kiri McRae: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kiri-mcrae4coaching/

Carol Clegg: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carolclegg/

I am your host Carol Clegg. As a coach, I help women in business explore fresh ways to focus on their projects, find the right tools for accountability and learn how to build a positive mindset which in turn allows for more empathy, for self and others.

With my personalized accountability and progress coaching combined with the powerful Positive Intelligence program, you'll find ways to shift into an overall happy space.

If you would like to take the complimentary Saboteur assessment, I offer a complimentary coaching session to explore your results. Take your assessment here or visit carolclegg.com

BOOK your ✅ 30 minute complimentary exploration call HERE

Connect on LinkedIn and Instagram or join my Facebook group "Mindset, Tips & Tools for Women in Business"

I am your host Carol Clegg. As a small business coach, I partner with women solopreneurs in midlife, to confidently step out of overwhelm and create a fresh path to success through tailored accountability and mindset coaching, integrated with the powerful Positive Intelligence program. Struggling with procrastination, finding balance in your business and personal life, and cultivating a positive mindset?

Let’s chat!

BOOK your ✅ 30 minute complimentary discovery call

carolclegg.com or book your call here https://bit.ly/discoverycallwithcarol

Connect on LinkedIn and Instagram

Thanks for listening!


00:00 - Exploring Saboteurs in Coaching Conversations

13:59 - Understanding and Overcoming Personal Saboteurs

31:30 - LinkedIn Connections for Mental Health Coaching



00:00:00.160 --> 00:00:04.669
Welcome to the next edition of Connect, inspire, create.

00:00:04.669 --> 00:00:07.442
I have something a little different for you this week.

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I am going to share the live recording that I have done with two fellow coaches, kiri and Francesca.

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This is something we do every month live on LinkedIn.

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So make sure that you're connected with us on LinkedIn so that you can catch the next episode and join us as we discuss being hijacked by your saboteurs.

00:00:35.670 --> 00:00:46.633
Well hi hello, kiri, francesca, lovely to see you both and welcome Welcome to everybody who is watching the recording live or watching the replay.

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You are joining us for our monthly event here on LinkedIn, and that's part of our series called the Paths to Pleasant Places, and you will find us here once a month, usually around the end of the month and always on a Thursday.

00:01:02.223 --> 00:01:09.087
So, although some of us are in different time zones, I will say it's a Friday in somebody's part of the world today.

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So thank you for joining us.

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We plan to be with you for about 30 minutes and we are going to be talking today about the saboteurs that get in our way of building a positive mindset.

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So we welcome thoughts, comments, ideas, what you might want us to talk about on our next live.

00:01:29.484 --> 00:01:46.881
So each month we do, we pick a topic that we are related to the journeys that our own clients have been navigating, and we plan to offer some actionable steps that you can try or maybe just relate to by listening to what we have to share today.

00:01:46.881 --> 00:02:11.271
So the topic today is hijacked by your saboteurs, and the three of us are each going to be mentioning one of our top saboteurs there are nine in total, along with the judge, but we've decided to just focus a highlight on three, and then one additional one, just to give you an idea of what we're talking about and what this is all about.

00:02:11.960 --> 00:02:14.247
So let me introduce my co-hosts.

00:02:14.247 --> 00:02:44.026
We, the three of us, met together through our positive intelligence coaching community and we are we're coaches from different corners of the world, each with a different market segment that we serve and a different style of coaching, different talents, even different perspectives, and we include the methods and ideas from the Positive Intelligence Toolbox along with our own individual training and coaching frameworks, so giving you an opportunity to meet each of us.

00:02:44.026 --> 00:02:57.709
I am Carol, a progress and mindset business coach, supporting women business owners to overcome procrastination, cultivate a positive growth mindset and find balance and flourish with ease and flow.

00:02:57.709 --> 00:03:00.413
So over to my co-hosts.

00:03:00.413 --> 00:03:02.902
Hi Kerry Kia, ora koutou.

00:03:02.983 --> 00:03:04.044
Hello to you all.

00:03:04.044 --> 00:03:07.372
I'm a big mihi from Aotearoa, New Zealand.

00:03:07.372 --> 00:03:20.731
I am a professional coach and I love working with professional women, particularly indigenous women, to build their confidence and therefore their impact in male-dominated industries.

00:03:24.300 --> 00:03:26.646
Thank you for that brilliant introduction.

00:03:26.646 --> 00:03:27.669
Cairo and Kiri.

00:03:27.669 --> 00:03:32.086
I am Francesca and I'm joining today from Vancouver, canada.

00:03:32.086 --> 00:03:35.813
I'm a certified business and organizational coach.

00:03:35.813 --> 00:03:48.930
I love working with non-profit leaders, as well as women and family-owned business leaders, supporting them to achieve business or sex personal mastery and community impact.

00:03:51.181 --> 00:03:57.230
Well, I am excited Francesca is going to share with us as we jump in just kind of an overall view.

00:03:57.230 --> 00:04:03.725
When you hear us using this word saboteurs, I'm trying to think Kiri or Francesca.

00:04:03.725 --> 00:04:11.431
Is there another word that you would use to describe that, to sort of a word that would perhaps help people who are not familiar with our terminology?

00:04:16.461 --> 00:04:22.329
I think saboteur is kind of very self-explanatory.

00:04:22.329 --> 00:04:33.865
It means something that stops you from achieving your best outcome or from performing at your best, something that hinders you, something that limits you.

00:04:34.120 --> 00:04:35.105
Yeah, very much.

00:04:35.105 --> 00:04:35.365

00:04:35.365 --> 00:04:40.952
Well, I'm going to pop a slide up on the screen just for our viewers to watch.

00:04:40.952 --> 00:04:46.742
And then, Francesca, I'd just love to tell you about you, tell us about these saboteurs.

00:04:46.742 --> 00:04:49.148
So let's see if we can add that onto the screen.

00:04:49.148 --> 00:04:49.670
There we go.

00:04:49.670 --> 00:04:51.120
I hope everybody can see that.

00:04:51.701 --> 00:04:53.024
Yeah, here you go.

00:04:53.024 --> 00:04:57.634
Yeah, Picture speaks a million words.

00:04:57.634 --> 00:05:02.064
Yeah, saboteurs are a universal phenomenon.

00:05:02.064 --> 00:05:06.512
Every one of us are afflicted by these saboteurs.

00:05:06.512 --> 00:05:14.228
The question is not whether you have them, but which ones you have and how strong they are.

00:05:14.228 --> 00:05:22.610
And you may be looking at that picture and wondering how can a hyper-achiever be a saboteur?

00:05:22.610 --> 00:05:27.511
But saboteurs don't initially show up as saboteurs.

00:05:27.511 --> 00:05:30.809
As they say, the devil wears Prada.

00:05:30.809 --> 00:05:39.233
So saboteurs may show up as behaviors or personality traits intended to produce good outcome.

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But when taken too far, these traits and behaviors start to generate chains of negative emotions and outcomes.

00:05:49.779 --> 00:05:59.113
Gradually, and sometimes unwittingly, embracing your saboteurs, you start to think, feel and react in patterns.

00:05:59.113 --> 00:06:07.730
That becomes self-coded in your brain through neural pathways, self-coded in your brain through neural pathways.

00:06:07.730 --> 00:06:18.769
When these neural pathways are triggered, you can become easily hijacked by your saboteurs as you start to think, feel and act using the saboteur patterns.

00:06:18.769 --> 00:06:54.879
These saboteur patterns are often rooted in fear, in anger, regret, shame, guilt, and they sabotage your overall well-being, performance and relationship.

00:06:54.879 --> 00:06:59.942
Take a second look at that image on the screen.

00:06:59.942 --> 00:07:14.281
Maybe you identify with the hyper-rational saboteur and you tend to intensely focus on the rational processing of everything, including relationships.

00:07:14.302 --> 00:07:23.242
When hijacked by your saboteurs, you will most likely come across as emotionally detached and intellectually arrogant.

00:07:23.242 --> 00:07:24.362
Attached and intellectually arrogant.

00:07:24.362 --> 00:07:41.137
Maybe you identify with the hyper-vigilant saboteur like myself which creates continuous, intense anxiety about all the dangers around you, always thinking about when the next shoe would drop or what could go wrong next.

00:07:41.137 --> 00:07:49.702
Imagine living in that heightened state of anxiety.

00:07:49.702 --> 00:07:50.786
What would that do to you and to your constituency?

00:07:50.786 --> 00:07:53.012
Continue to look at the images you see on the screen.

00:07:53.012 --> 00:08:09.410
Reflect on the saboteurs you identify with and, as you reflect, just think, reflect, just think what happens when you feel hijacked by these saboteurs.

00:08:09.410 --> 00:08:20.295
As we continue with the conversation, I am curious to know can these saboteurs do some good?

00:08:20.295 --> 00:08:28.791
Kiri, can you share with us some of the ways these saboteurs might actually bring about positive outcomes if we strategically and consciously use them?

00:08:30.180 --> 00:08:31.987
Thank you so much, francesca.

00:08:31.987 --> 00:08:48.514
And we all have saboteurs, and I relate to the saboteurs as that negative inner voice that impacts how I feel inside me.

00:08:48.514 --> 00:08:53.225
So does that have a feeling of positivity or negativity?

00:08:53.225 --> 00:09:00.222
And I'm here to share today positivity in some of our saboteurs.

00:09:00.222 --> 00:09:07.014
So we are born with our greatest strengths and we nurture those throughout our life.

00:09:07.014 --> 00:09:19.732
Sometimes those strengths are overused, like using one hand over the other hand, so the muscles on one hand are stronger and more dexterous than on the other.

00:09:19.732 --> 00:09:45.133
There are some amazing strengths in each of us and in all of you and, listening to what we are all sharing today, look for what resonates with you and see if you can recognize what shows up with positive emotion, when it shows up with that pain, that feeling that it's hard, that you don't want to do it or that you're missing something.

00:09:45.133 --> 00:09:48.621
That's when you're overusing your strength.

00:09:48.621 --> 00:10:07.873
And we can share how to recognise these and how to build the muscles to let them go and go back to more balance and using your strength in a neutral, positive way, and we label this our sage.

00:10:09.105 --> 00:10:12.856
So one of my saboteurs is my pleaser.

00:10:12.856 --> 00:10:31.958
I am empathetic, I am loving and giving, I'm tuned into others' feelings and needs and I'm really self-aware emotionally and I'd like to introduce one of Carol and mine that we share, which is the avoider.

00:10:31.958 --> 00:10:43.019
So we're both looking at ways to pursue peace and harmony within ourselves and within others.

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We're both easygoing and have even keeled temperaments.

00:10:48.976 --> 00:10:54.087
Easygoing and have even-keeled temperaments.

00:10:54.087 --> 00:11:03.756
We are flexible and adaptable and are often looking for the positive in others and in situations, and I know you're about to hear from Carol on her restless saboteur.

00:11:03.756 --> 00:11:12.280
See if there's any traits that you recognize, you can see the strengths in Carol.

00:11:12.280 --> 00:11:14.988
With high energy and vitality.

00:11:14.988 --> 00:11:25.049
Carol is open, so curious, and I know from experience that her enthusiasm and appreciation of life is contagious.

00:11:25.049 --> 00:11:30.558
I also really appreciate Carol's great productivity and creativity.

00:11:30.558 --> 00:11:53.475
Most of what's happening here on this stage is because of Carol's creativity and Carol is so able to have a lot on her plate with the breadth of her activities and pursuits.

00:11:53.495 --> 00:11:58.703
Francesca is going to share about her hypervigilance saboteurs.

00:11:58.703 --> 00:11:59.644
Her vigilance is amazing.

00:11:59.644 --> 00:12:14.427
Francesca is sensitive and aware of true risks and dangers to herself, to businesses, and it is clear that this is put to good use in the work that Francesca does for small businesses, non-profit and in the banking industry.

00:12:14.427 --> 00:12:38.565
Francesca is loyal, reliable, dependable and very hardworking With perseverance, francesca works tirelessly towards what she wants to achieve, and those businesses are able to implement systems and structures required to enable order and stability.

00:12:38.565 --> 00:12:51.256
Well, that was such an honour to read out loud to the world and to honour you both around the positives and the strengths that you have.

00:12:53.926 --> 00:12:55.692
That was wonderful, Kerry.

00:12:55.692 --> 00:13:11.650
Thank you, because it is so easy for our clients to run down the rabbit hole when you first meet the identification of the saboteurs that are yours and just wonder well, my goodness me, they're always going to be so strong and they're always going to be with us.

00:13:11.650 --> 00:13:18.735
And that is not the case, and I just love the contrast of bringing out the strength of that.

00:13:18.735 --> 00:13:25.052
There are strengths to these saboteurs, so I'm going to dig into my one and before I do that, the rest is.

00:13:25.052 --> 00:13:30.647
It is interesting because all three of us cross over and share some of these saboteurs, because all three of us cross over and share some of these saboteurs.

00:13:30.647 --> 00:13:40.397
And then we also can be amused when we look at the contrast of I'll take mine, for example the avoider, the restless and the controller.

00:13:40.397 --> 00:13:44.361
How does the controller control the avoider?

00:13:44.361 --> 00:13:48.825
But we're not going to go there right now.

00:13:49.667 --> 00:13:51.538
Let's go with the restless Next time, Carol.

00:13:54.086 --> 00:13:59.172
That's all I love Right, yes, absolutely, but strengthen all of them.

00:13:59.172 --> 00:14:10.432
But when I think of the restless, I specifically think from a business point of view and how this does not serve me, because the restless likes to chase after whatever is the next shiny object.

00:14:10.432 --> 00:14:23.778
And of course, for myself, I love marketing I'm not finding out anything new about marketing but when I see what somebody else is doing off, I go wanting to chase the next shiny object.

00:14:23.778 --> 00:14:25.250
How could I implement that?

00:14:25.250 --> 00:14:26.330
How could I try that?

00:14:26.330 --> 00:14:27.086
How could I?

00:14:27.086 --> 00:14:40.613
You know, instead of saying, carol, you have a task in front of you, let's focus on that, let's get that finished, and then you can allow yourself to move over and consider and explore an alternative.

00:14:41.235 --> 00:14:52.014
But I think some of the other things you know with the rest list is you want to start all these things and you think you can do them all and realistically you cannot and it just burns you out.

00:14:52.014 --> 00:15:02.226
And I find, especially when there's an overwhelm of negative emotions, I want to get busy, I want to get out and I need to do things.

00:15:02.226 --> 00:15:28.427
And, as opposed, you know, the advice for a restless is to just stop, be mindful we call them doing PQ reps but to switch from the analytical side of your brain to the other side of your brain and to stop using busyness as a distraction, to stop for a moment and acknowledge these feelings, feel them in your body and acknowledge these emotions.

00:15:28.427 --> 00:15:40.312
But what I have really found helpful for me is planning my workday, having my calendar very visual for me to be able to follow that and then theming the days of my week.

00:15:40.312 --> 00:15:47.030
So there certainly are ways to counteract the negative talk of our saboteur.

00:15:47.030 --> 00:15:50.195
So with that, kiri, tell us about the pleaser.

00:15:53.924 --> 00:15:54.907
Thank you so much, carol.

00:15:54.907 --> 00:16:08.370
And what that brings to mind is when there's something that I am avoiding in terms of my restless, how I actually start doing housework, which is not my favorite thing, but sometimes it's more favorite than what I am avoiding.

00:16:08.370 --> 00:16:10.735
Yeah, appreciate your rest list.

00:16:10.735 --> 00:16:35.159
So for me, my pleaser is more of a personal story that I'd like to share, and it comes from being from a single parent family with little money, and I believe that people would not like me because I was different, I didn't have what they had and because I was seen as poor poor in my eyes.

00:16:35.159 --> 00:16:52.572
So I went out of my way to please people, to make up for something that I felt as if I didn't have and something I could offer to help people find something in me to like, and that's a habit that has continued.

00:16:52.913 --> 00:17:24.954
I look for ways to make make people like me about what I can do for people, and what I realize is I find it hard for people to do anything for me, and those times when I did want to feel special, that I did want someone to do something for me, and it didn't happen because I assumed that people would read my mind, that yucky feeling and feeling resentful and that feeling of hurt came up.

00:17:25.875 --> 00:17:39.955
And that actually happened to me on my last birthday, as an example, when I wanted to be made special and that didn't happen from the person that I really wanted it to my partner but I didn't actually say to him or organize anything with him.

00:17:42.645 --> 00:17:48.309
So I realized that when I do not give unconditionally, that I actually have conditions.

00:17:48.309 --> 00:17:55.893
There is a feeling of resentment, a feeling I need to do it as compared to want to do it, and that's now clear.

00:17:55.893 --> 00:18:12.112
And so that feeling of not giving unconditional love, that something else there is a priority, that actually sometimes the answer doesn't have to be yes, it can be no.

00:18:12.112 --> 00:18:32.281
When I get that feeling of resentfulness, I can simply stop, spend a few seconds deliberately wiggling my toes, counting how many toes I feel, and then reset.

00:18:32.281 --> 00:18:37.474
And now I recognize that I don't have to drop everything.

00:18:37.474 --> 00:19:11.087
If someone wants something, I can be clear about when I'm able to, and sometimes that's a no, and that no comes what I call sage, what we call sage, because a no is a good answer and I don't have to please everybody else all the time.

00:19:11.087 --> 00:19:23.348
Sometimes I need to put my oxygen mask on and please myself, to give myself the energy I need to then give to others.

00:19:26.256 --> 00:19:29.282
Such an important reminder for those that are listening.

00:19:29.282 --> 00:19:39.669
The analogy of the oxygen mask yeah, definitely, you have to take care of you and then you can pour out into others.

00:19:39.669 --> 00:19:41.843
So thank you for sharing that story, kerry.

00:19:41.843 --> 00:19:50.847
It's walking the road and understanding it and I think certainly as women, we tend to have a pleasing element in all of us.

00:19:50.847 --> 00:20:08.580
And even with that on the saboteurs, when one does do the assessment, you will find you have predominant ones up at the top and certain numbers that relate to them, but we all certain circumstances will bring in, you'll get hijacked by other saboteurs that you thought weren't yours.

00:20:08.580 --> 00:20:21.915
I think we all have an element of each of them and I know that Francesca is going to share with us on the hypervigilant and how that plays out for her and how you've managed with that, francesca.

00:20:23.377 --> 00:20:26.663
Thank you so much for sharing Kiri and Carol.

00:20:26.663 --> 00:20:48.867
The hypervigilant saboteur, of course, has been my predominant saboteur and I think primarily because, as a mother and maybe most of you out there who have young kids you suddenly feel this need to be protective of everyone around you.

00:20:48.867 --> 00:21:11.277
Suddenly you become the defender of the universe and the guardian of the galaxy, or what would you call it and you know, start to feel this intense sense of worry and fear that something might go wrong with the family, something might go wrong with travel, something might go wrong.

00:21:11.277 --> 00:21:22.691
I mean the endless feeling of anxiety about what could possibly go wrong, and it's a very nerve-wracking place to be actually.

00:21:22.691 --> 00:21:31.650
But gracefully I have been able to make a strategic use of the saboteur.

00:21:31.650 --> 00:21:36.261
So what was intended to be a saboteur, I've kind of turned it out for good.

00:21:36.281 --> 00:21:51.435
A saboteur, I've kind of turned it out for good, just like it sounds like the song that stays the grace that taught my heart to fear.

00:21:51.435 --> 00:21:54.059
The same grace relieved my fears, and so that's how I have been able to manage my hypervigilant saboteur.

00:21:54.059 --> 00:22:19.943
So, instead of staying in the state of intense fear and anxiety, I shift to a place of prayer and meditation and gradually that helps me to overcome whatever fear I'm having, whatever worries might be, you know, encumbering my thoughts, and I emerge with a sense of renewal and hope.

00:22:19.943 --> 00:22:36.588
And the truth is that I'm able to also transfer this hope from myself to people around me, so I kind of spread it around and so from being fearful, from fearful to being faithful, to being fierce and to being fearless.

00:22:36.588 --> 00:22:39.003
So that's how it's been for me.

00:22:39.255 --> 00:22:58.430
And within the business arena, where you know I show up every day, my hypervigilance has helped me to be a better risk manager, because I can predict, analyze and mitigate risk as effectively as possible.

00:22:58.430 --> 00:23:01.884
And also it helps me with problem solving.

00:23:01.884 --> 00:23:14.303
You know, when I'm vigilant about any problem, I first of all try to identify what really is the problem right and how can I solve this problem, what are the options available to me.

00:23:14.303 --> 00:23:17.734
You know what are the risks associated with these options.

00:23:17.734 --> 00:23:19.085
You know what would be the optimal with these options.

00:23:19.085 --> 00:23:22.644
You know what would be the optimal decision that I need to make in this regard.

00:23:22.644 --> 00:23:47.445
So in one sense, the hypervigilant saboteur has caused some havoc, but overall I have been able to move from the place of fear to the place of faith and to, you know, the perspective of the sage that helps me to turn what is expected to be a bad outcome into a good outcome.

00:23:49.276 --> 00:23:55.749
I love that, francesca, and I really appreciate that move to fearless.

00:23:55.749 --> 00:24:09.077
And then it's a journey, just like our paths to pleasant places, that journey of understanding your strengths and how that is supporting others in their businesses by avoiding risk.

00:24:09.077 --> 00:24:16.387
Um, you are supporting their journey and their pathway to the present place.

00:24:23.674 --> 00:24:28.607
So a beautiful share from everybody and sort of shining the spotlight on the different areas and creating awareness, which was important.

00:24:28.607 --> 00:24:37.765
So you know, going back if you wished you to have a look at that slide of all the different saboteurs and then just realising there are strengths that are associated with them.

00:24:37.765 --> 00:24:42.326
And I know earlier we mentioned that we share some saboteurs.

00:24:42.326 --> 00:24:52.285
So Kiri and I, we both share the avoider, so we thought we'd have a little bit of fun and just show you what this could look like if you were in a coaching scenario.

00:24:54.037 --> 00:24:56.964
So Kiri, let's do a quick recap on that.

00:24:56.964 --> 00:24:59.058
Avoider saboteur what is it?

00:24:59.140 --> 00:24:59.560
What comes?

00:24:59.642 --> 00:24:59.721

00:25:00.835 --> 00:25:07.949
So the avoid a saboteur has a tendency to avoid difficult tasks or conflicts.

00:25:07.949 --> 00:25:22.190
We prefer comfort and harmony over facing challenging situations, and it often results in procrastination and avoidance of our responsibilities.

00:25:23.394 --> 00:25:24.958
Absolutely so.

00:25:24.958 --> 00:25:34.865
I totally relate to what you're sharing and I just think of this example of tending to put off difficult conversations, and those could be at work.

00:25:34.865 --> 00:25:47.800
Personal, I have a situation right now where there's a conversation that I should be having and I'm not having, but one does that because of the fear of conflict that we're wanting to keep the peace Right.

00:25:47.881 --> 00:25:50.616
Kerry, absolutely so.

00:25:50.616 --> 00:25:59.223
Recapping on some of the negative impacts of our avoider is that sometimes we miss the opportunities for growth.

00:25:59.223 --> 00:26:19.190
It can also increase our stress and anxiety because we're putting off something that would release some of that tension, and sometimes our relationships can be strained due to the unresolved issues.

00:26:19.190 --> 00:26:26.365
That particularly happens when there's something I'm not sharing with my partner, but he knows that there's something wrong with me.

00:26:26.365 --> 00:26:34.256
So I'm wondering, carol, what about you and the example that you provided?

00:26:35.787 --> 00:26:36.912
What comes up for you.

00:26:36.912 --> 00:26:48.673
Absolutely, the stress levels increase, the knowledge and awareness of more vulnerability is required in the avoider situation.

00:26:48.673 --> 00:26:51.534
And then, as you mentioned, the missed opportunities for growth.

00:26:51.534 --> 00:27:12.496
Because if you step into this conversation that you're avoiding because of the conflict, but you approach it with a sage aspect, as opposed to an attacking, and lay the ground for an open conversation, you know just to stop from just the fact that you've also then taken care of it and to release that tension.

00:27:12.496 --> 00:27:17.537
So I know that we can apply these different sage powers.

00:27:17.537 --> 00:27:23.715
So, kiri, is there any that stand out to you to counter this?

00:27:23.715 --> 00:27:24.718
Avoid a saboteur?

00:27:24.718 --> 00:27:27.291
There's some sage powers that we can use.

00:27:28.454 --> 00:27:29.766
Absolutely so.

00:27:29.766 --> 00:27:36.151
What I encourage with the example that you provided is that empathy that we have for ourselves.

00:27:36.151 --> 00:27:53.557
And really, when we think about our energy levels like where are our energy levels, as to what we can handle at this point in time, sometimes our energy levels aren't able to to handle the really hard stuff and that's hey, be kind to ourselves.

00:27:53.557 --> 00:28:06.912
And right here, right now, carol, based on the things that you have shared on your avoider, what are you doing to be kind to yourself?

00:28:09.376 --> 00:28:10.058

00:28:10.058 --> 00:28:20.358
It just takes you know, as you say that empathy and to realize that sometimes the timing is not right and that to create the situation.

00:28:20.358 --> 00:28:32.161
I love the other point that one of the tools that we were given is when we procrastinate, whether it be from a conversation that you want to have or things that you need to do.

00:28:32.161 --> 00:28:34.554
I'm very guilty of this, especially the washing up.

00:28:34.554 --> 00:28:37.013
I think we all spoke about things in the household.

00:28:37.013 --> 00:28:39.534
It's like, ah, I'm going to leave that washing up.

00:28:40.204 --> 00:28:47.636
But one of the recommendations, if you find that you're an avoider, is to make a long list of all the things you're procrastinating on.

00:28:47.636 --> 00:28:49.931
And now you're not going to beat yourself up.

00:28:49.931 --> 00:28:55.471
You're going to do as Kiri shared finding her toes and maybe counting them and moving them.

00:28:55.471 --> 00:29:06.088
Perhaps it's rubbing fingers together, the touch sensation to move your brain away from being analytical again and then look through the list.

00:29:06.088 --> 00:29:09.615
Okay, what am I willing to tackle right now?

00:29:09.615 --> 00:29:15.132
And don't let the judge tell you that it has to be the item on the top of the list.

00:29:15.132 --> 00:29:29.497
You go down that list until you find something that's ease and flow and that you're willing to tackle and move into that and, to me, getting that wheel moving, taking those baby steps will help.

00:29:29.497 --> 00:29:36.778
All of us avoiders celebrate as we accomplish one little thing and the next little thing.

00:29:36.778 --> 00:29:47.451
So I think that that's just my piece of action advice for those that are listening that might find themselves avoiding lists or conversations.

00:29:48.788 --> 00:30:03.397
I love that sharing and I love that idea of doing something that actually takes you away from that logical brain and allows you the permission to choose one thing on the list, not the biggest thing, but just one.

00:30:04.326 --> 00:30:14.755
Francesca, how does that relate to anything that sort of resonates with you on the avoider, or is that not very high for you on your list of saboteurs?

00:30:14.755 --> 00:30:16.137
You'll probably tackle it all.

00:30:18.008 --> 00:30:18.509
Not really.

00:30:18.509 --> 00:30:23.196
I think I pretty much share some of the avoider traits as well.

00:30:23.196 --> 00:30:27.056
You know, the insight that you provided is really very helpful.

00:30:27.056 --> 00:30:35.554
You know, I think the thing to do to overcome procrastination is to find one little thing to do one day, one step at a time.

00:30:35.554 --> 00:30:47.452
Just keep taking one step forward and, as Kiri also mentioned, be aware of your energy level, because your energy grows where it goes, you know.

00:30:48.915 --> 00:30:50.619
Absolutely Wonderful.

00:30:50.619 --> 00:30:58.476
Well, we hope that everybody has enjoyed listening to our conversation this month and we'd love to have you join us next month.

00:30:58.476 --> 00:30:59.529
We will be back.

00:30:59.529 --> 00:31:07.836
If you would like to take the complimentary saboteur assessment that will identify which of these are your top saboteurs.

00:31:07.836 --> 00:31:10.740
It's provided by the company Positive Intelligence.

00:31:10.740 --> 00:31:16.317
Feel free to reach out to one of us right here on linkedin and we can share the link with you.

00:31:16.317 --> 00:31:29.605
We're also each one of us happy to walk you through your results so you can book a discovery session and we can explore not only what holds you back, but the positive elements of these saboteurs as well.

00:31:29.605 --> 00:31:34.334
So, francesca, the best place to find you it's on LinkedIn.

00:31:34.334 --> 00:31:36.116
Wonderful, all right.

00:31:36.116 --> 00:31:38.180
So you can private message Francesca.

00:31:38.180 --> 00:31:39.411
Make sure you connect with her.

00:31:39.411 --> 00:31:43.136
Reach out and connect Kiri, best place to connect with you.

00:31:43.619 --> 00:31:44.365
It is for LinkedIn.

00:31:44.365 --> 00:31:48.515
I love moving people from survive to thrive.

00:31:48.515 --> 00:31:53.775
With a three-month program to develop your mental muscle and let go of panic.

00:31:54.395 --> 00:31:56.190
Wonderful, that sounds fantastic.

00:31:56.190 --> 00:32:01.211
Say me on, let go of panic.

00:32:01.211 --> 00:32:11.473
You can find me at carolclinkcom or here on LinkedIn as well, and I will be starting a new pod in June.

00:32:11.473 --> 00:32:20.707
So if you want to kick off with the foundation program from positive intelligence, send me a message and I'd love to walk with you through the tools that can stay with you for a lifetime.

00:32:20.707 --> 00:32:24.861
So thank you, kiri, thank you, francesca, for being here with me.