Welcome to Connect the Dots!
Feb. 13, 2022

Day 35: How the Hollis drama helped me?

Day 35: How the Hollis drama helped me?

Do you who know Rachel and Dave Hollis are? I was a big fan of theirs for a few years. Back in June of 2020, they announced their divorce. There has been so much coverage of their split and the drama that has come since. I linked some YouTube accounts below that I follow and they have covered all the "tea." 

Today I'm talking about some of the lessons I have learned from all the drama of the Hollis family.

Love and Blessings,


Social Links

@msheatherbdot @connectthedots_podcast @polkadotdesk


Hollis Commentators that I follow:

Savy: https://www.youtube.com/c/SAVYLEISER

Camelia: https://www.youtube.com/c/Camelia_Cazan

Keya: https://www.youtube.com/c/KeyasWorld

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