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May 29, 2024

"Faith Through Trials: A Conversation with Dr. Brenda Jefferson"

 In this episode of Conversations with Nicole, join us for an inspiring discussion with Dr. Brenda Jefferson, a resilient minister, mother, songwriter, and author. Dr. Jefferson shares her journey of overcoming a traumatic childhood, an abusive first marriage, and the heartbreak of losing her son to the prison system. We delve into her latest single, "Lamb of God," featuring Stephen Hurd, and explore the themes of her new book, "Praise Him While You Wait." Discover how Dr. Jefferson's unwavering faith has been a guiding light through life's storms, offering hope, restoration, and peace. Tune in for a conversation filled with resilience, inspiration, and the power of praising God in the midst of adversity.


#ConversationsWithNicole #FaithThroughTrials #Inspiration #DrBrendaJefferson #LambOfGod #PraiseHimWhileYouWait #Resilience #OvercomingObstacles #FaithJourney #HopeInAdversity #Minister #Songwriter #Author #HealingThroughPraise #InspirationalStories #StrengthInFaith #Restoration #PeaceWithinStorms