In this episode, Rich Bennett and cohost Joe Ayler, host a touching conversation with George Wooden and Bobby Anderson, sharing Bobby’s story of resilience and community support in the face of Potocki-Lupski Syndrome. Sponsored by Tar Heel Construction Group, this episode highlights the challenges and triumphs of the Andersons, emphasizing the power of hope and collective effort in overcoming adversity.
Major Points of the Episode:
- The Anderson family's experience with Potocki-Lupski Syndrome, affecting their children.
- Personal stories and challenges faced by the family.
- The significance of community support and fundraising efforts.
- Insights on resilience and hope amidst adversity.
Description of the Guest:
Bobby Anderson is a devoted and resilient father. He openly shares the emotional and practical challenges his family faces due to Potocki-Lupski Syndrome, which affects his children. Bobby's narrative in the episode reveals his deep commitment to his family and his determination to overcome obstacles. His story is a powerful testament to parental love and the strength found in family and community support.
The “Transformation” Listeners Can Expect After Listening:
- Enhanced understanding of the challenges faced by families dealing with rare genetic disorders.
- Increased empathy for individuals and families navigating health and developmental challenges.
- Motivation to support and engage with community efforts that assist families in need.
- An uplifted sense of hope and the power of resilience in overcoming adversity.
List of Resources Discussed:
- Rally Around Rylan and Landon: Mentioned as an event to be held on March 22nd at Martin’s West to raise money for the Anderson family.
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This episode is sponsored by Tar Heel Construction Group
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Rich Bennett 0:00
Thanks for joining the conversation. So today I am joined by three gentlemen, one I haven't seen in a long time. You all recognize his voice or you will hopefully. I know it's probably been five years since he's been on the damn show. So I got Joe Eyler joining me again, along with George Wooden, who you've heard on the podcast before. He's the one in his says is too damn big to fit into a tank.
And we're joined by Bobby Anderson, who also actually works with Joe at Tar Heel Construction. And we're going to be talking about something very special. We're going to be Bobby Bobby's guy, the story he's going to be telling us about his kids. Then afterwards, we're going to be talking about an event that's coming up.
Well, to help out with everything, right? Yeah. To help out with everything is going on with was Landon.
Bobby Anderson 0:54
Rylan and Landon.
Rich Bennett 0:55
Rylan and Landon, you know. All right, now I'm getting confused because I remember.
George Wooden 1:02
I wish you'd have called me on this. Like I've told you all the background.
Rich Bennett 1:05
Oh, no. Rylan is the one that's in the wheelchair, right? Yes. Okay. See, I did it right. All right. So. Well, first of all, how's everybody doing?
George Wooden 1:14
Cold. Cold or cold? You're doing.
Joe Ayler 1:16
George Wooden 1:16
Doing good.
Rich Bennett 1:18
Joe's got all the heat hitting him. He's in front of the damn heater.
George Wooden 1:20
Joe is lucky, as always.
Rich Bennett 1:22
I'm sure. Look, you were here before him. I'm surprised you didn't jump over in that seat.
George Wooden 1:26
I should have.
Rich Bennett 1:26
He would have been blocking all the air from us, you know? Yeah, that's okay.
Joe Ayler 1:30
It came off his bald head.
George Wooden 1:32
See? So why did you have to go there?
Rich Bennett 1:35
Say I say. Oh, I right there. They look between my body to two bald heads. We're just. We were just like the two of those two were.
George Wooden 1:43
It's like reflectors. Think about, like.
Joe Ayler 1:45
Like the wind coming over the mount. Mt. Everest. That's it. Big.
Rich Bennett 1:49
That's it. That's it.
George Wooden 1:50
That's exactly what he's going.
Joe Ayler 1:51
The mountain.
George Wooden 1:52
That's. I don't look at it like that. I'm going to feel like that.
Rich Bennett 1:54
You know what? When you get our age now you're so hostile.
George Wooden 1:59
They're hailstones.
Rich Bennett 2:02
Oh, God. All right, so Bobby explained everybody. Well, let's just talk about Rylan and Landon,
what Rylan is going through, which will build up the premise for, you know, what's going to be going on.
Bobby Anderson 2:17
Yeah. So Rylan Landon are my twin sons. They were born when my wife was only 28 weeks pregnant, so they were born about three months early. And when they were born they only weighed two and a half pounds. Rylan Experi inst a grade four brain bleed on both sides of his brain. He was injured when he was born, and that led to an emergency transfer to Johns Hopkins. He was diagnosed with hydrocephalus, which is like fluid building up on the brain. And then he had to have what's called a shunt place. He had a temporary one place at first, then a permanent one. The shunt basically drains spinal fluid from his brain into his stomach so he can pick it out where we don't have that issue or why just do it naturally in his current. So all that fluid was building up on his brain. Um, and then the twins are both diagnosed with a genetic condition called Pataki Lipski Syndrome, which is where they have an extra part of chromosome 17. Um, so with being born premature and having, you know, the injury, Rylan has a lot more needs than than linen does, but they both do due to the prematurity and the genetic condition that they have.
Rich Bennett 3:31
And what is the genetic condition?
Bobby Anderson 3:33
It's it's called Pataki Lipski Syndrome or petals. It's where they have an extra part of chromosome 17.
Rich Bennett 3:40
Now, what is chromosome 17?
Bobby Anderson 3:42
Um, I'm not sure exactly what it's responsible for. I just know that with the Pataki Lipski syndrome, it's like a spectrum disorder. It's a really it can be very mild or it can be very severe. Um, and yeah, they both have that.
Rich Bennett 3:56
And how old are they now?
Bobby Anderson 3:58
The twins are four.
Rich Bennett 3:59
Their four. Yeah. Plus you their, your other your other son's older right.
Bobby Anderson 4:05
Rich Bennett 4:05
Hayden's five. Hayden's five. And you correct me if I'm wrong, but you guys also just had another baby, right? Yeah.
Bobby Anderson 4:11
Yeah. Um, Kate was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020, and right before she started chemo, we were sat down by a doctor and said, You know, you'll never be able to have kids again unless if you want to freeze your eggs now. And, you know, that was when Rylan had just come home from being in the nick for seven months. So like and he came home on like a N.G. feeding tube and stuff. So, like, we weren't thinking about having kids, you know, we were like, you know, that's way down the road if we ever wanted to do that. So we were surprised when on Memorial Day last year when she had a positive pregnancy test.
Rich Bennett 4:44
Okay, wait a minute. So after seven months, he comes home and then you find that she's got breast cancer? Yeah.
Bobby Anderson 4:50
Weaver is right before Valentine's Day. Um, in 2020, we were watching a movie, and, um, I just have this thought I just said. Have you ever gotten checked for breast cancer? And she said, No. Why do you ask? And I was like, I just thought about it. And she said, Yeah, maybe I should get examined just to make sure. And she, she, I checked out and she had breast cancer.
Rich Bennett 5:12
George Wooden 5:14
It's crazy.
Rich Bennett 5:14
Yeah, it is. I mean, it's the weird thing of that is you're the one that thought about it.
George Wooden 5:22
It's almost like something put that.
Rich Bennett 5:23
Yeah. Yeah. And then she. Then she got pregnant again just last year. Just last year? Yeah. So three years later. Yeah. And it's something you guys weren't expecting, right?
Bobby Anderson 5:37
No, not at all. Um, I jokingly around said, I think you're pregnant. And then she took a pregnancy test on Memorial Day and it was positive to women.
Rich Bennett 5:47
Then what the hell is going on here? Because your sense in all this stuff.
Bobby Anderson 5:52
Yeah, I.
Rich Bennett 5:53
Guess. Like, that's kind of scary, Dad. Man. Now, how's a you're the youngest one who's that was just born? Is Boy Another boy.
Bobby Anderson 6:04
Yeah. Boy Yeah.
Rich Bennett 6:05
Four boys now. Yeah, this one's fine. This baby's.
Bobby Anderson 6:08
Fine. He's in a neck right now because of the C-section Kate had with the twins. She couldn't go full term, so they had to do a C-section in between 36 and 37 weeks. And it's typical for a kid that's even full term, that's born by C-section to go the neck. Ew. For just for like respiratory support, which is why he's there. But he should he should be coming home tomorrow if everything goes as planned. Good.
Rich Bennett 6:30
Yeah. Good. Yeah. So with everything that's been going on, especially with Ryan and Landon,
it thank God you work for a good company, but that's that's got to be a lot on both of you.
Bobby Anderson 6:45
Um, yeah, it is. I guess. I think that we handle it pretty well. You know, it's like a lot of times, you know, when we hear that it's hard, it, it can be hard at times for sure, but it kind of just feels like natural for us, I guess, just because it's our reality. And, you know, when Rylan has his surgeries and stuff, Kate and I will pray together and we thank God for the opportunity to be their parents, you know? So it's like when people say it's so hard, it's like it is hard. But we feel like honored to be their parents. We feel like it's a blessing to be their.
Rich Bennett 7:17
Parent and change anything. Yeah.
George Wooden 7:20
I want to interject. I've been to their house a couple of times. Yeah. And every time he is so alert to little noises from the kids. Yeah. That he will jump up and go and like, check because he knows a certain noise that they'll do or something like that. And I'll say to him everything's alright, she's in there but he's so attuned to it. So he's on top, he's like on edge the whole time listening to the kids.
Bobby Anderson 7:42
Yeah, I know. Like Rylan is nonverbal and Landon is can speak a little bit, but it's like, I know by like certain sounds like what is going, going on with them.
Rich Bennett 7:54
How many surgeries has he has before.
Bobby Anderson 7:56
Um, Rylan has had I don't even know. He's had like around like seven or eight neuro surgeries and he's probably had about four or five, just like other surgeries, like g tube surgery. Um, he had a hernia repair. Um, he had a cranial restructure surgery, which I guess that would be considered a nerve surgery too. But, um, yeah, he's had a lot and Landon's had it just a couple.
Rich Bennett 8:21
Where do you guys go to Hopkins all the time for this.
Bobby Anderson 8:23
Or, Um, we actually go to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. It's. It's a hospital. Yeah, It's further of a drive, but they're the second best children's hospital in the country. And, you know, if they're going to get that level of care and it takes us an extra hour to drive, it's definitely worth it.
Rich Bennett 8:37
Now, does your wife stay at home with the kids?
Bobby Anderson 8:40
Yeah, she's a full time stay at home mom. She's basically a physical therapist, occupational therapy, speech therapist. And then she's not certified as those things, but she has to do all those things with the twins, like on a regular basis, so. Right.
Rich Bennett 8:53
George Wooden 8:54
Wow. Holy cow, man.
Rich Bennett 8:56
I that's just. I can't even imagine.
Just I mean, your everyday life, everything that you're going through.
George Wooden 9:09
Is for kids.
Rich Bennett 9:11
Yeah, I know for kids. But plus, everything. That is what he's been through, too. Yeah. You know, um,
and, you know, a lot of guys would have I hate to say this, but a lot of guys would have walked away. But not you, because you're sensitive to things. Yeah. If. If it wasn't for you sense in these things. Yeah.
Joe Ayler 9:34
but I think, I think the idea behind the event is for people to, um, you know, try to relate on some level to, you know, some of the challenges that this family has. And for them to understand this isn't, this is a lifetime
situation. Right? It's a it's, it's lifetime care that the twins are going to need. It's not just, you know, some some challenges with a premature birth early on. This is, you know, 100% care into adulthood 100% of the time.
Rich Bennett 10:14
Joe Ayler 10:15
So, you know, I want people to understand that, you know, and obviously, you know, I'm close with Bobby and have been for many years. And we were talking this morning, you know, and they did and they did just have a newborn. And, you know, I also want people to understand that, you know, him and Kate, you know, wanted to have a son between the two of them because, you know, Hayden, you know, is from a previous
they wanted to have a healthy, normal son or a healthy, normal child, you know, and we don't want people to, you know, kind of misunderstand and say, hey, well, if they've got all these challenges, why are they having more children? Right. You know, but I want people to also understand the other side of things that, you know, for for a young growing family, you know, two to want, you know, a normal you know, how maybe I'm not using the right word, the healthy, healthy, typical. Yeah, you're right. You know, so the idea behind the event and, you know, you know, and Bobby is an absolute joy and a value to have on the Tar Heel team and has been for about six years.
But just the the disparity between, you know, earning potential and what it's going to cost to care for these kids for a lifetime. For a.
George Wooden 11:39
Lifetime. 24.
Joe Ayler 11:40
Seven. You know, I mean, he he you know, he could be making $1,000,000 a year, you know, and and, you know, it's just going to be just constant
care and the care is going to change as they grow. Right? So the care that they need now as toddlers isn't going to be the kind of care that they need when they're eight now. Exactly. And then when they're teenagers. And so it's going to change.
George Wooden 12:01
And and that's not even to mention the house being outfitted.
Joe Ayler 12:06
Right, Right, right.
George Wooden 12:07
Right now, it's not outfitted.
Joe Ayler 12:09
So they.
Rich Bennett 12:10
Have to be ADA compliant.
George Wooden 12:11
And everything ramps, wheelchair ramps.
Joe Ayler 12:14
So the idea behind the event is to, you know, provide you know, tools and, you know, provide money so they can acquire tools and resources to outfit their family with the, you know, with the things that they need to, you know, give his boys a more comfortable life.
George Wooden 12:33
Yeah. One of the first things he doesn't he doesn't know this, and neither does Joe. But, you know, because you know as well as I do my position, one of the first things after Joe called me and asked that, look, you know, could you help him? And I said, Yes, I'll do it. It's you. Of course I'll do it. The my my wife and I my wife never goes with me. You don't know that. My wife and I never, never goes with me to the meetings she went with me to meet him, his wife and his family. Because what many don't know is we were born with challenges, too, of with our son. Our son was born to puff up in power. We went through six major surgeries. I don't know if you know.
Rich Bennett 13:12
That or not. Yeah.
George Wooden 13:13
Yeah, he's great now. So that, like, you're hitting home with me by saying, like, the word normal, You know, we were one of those. We've lost. We lost. We lost our family. Our family abandoned us. The whole thing over that normal, that they were ashamed. And so the fact that I know the challenges we went through are a shadow of what he I, I was there. Yeah, right. And I saw the kids. I saw that we met the kids. My I wanted my wife to meet the kids. You know why? So that we could get tied into it. Normally, you know, we're separated from our clients, but. But knowing her as a mother, I wanted to take her and get her to get the feel of what they're going through.
Rich Bennett 13:58
Yeah, and that's the one. And because I've had other people on here who have kids that have some type of different abilities and everything and other things growing up, but it's amazing how it's pulled their family together.
That doesn't always happen.
George Wooden 14:17
Didn't happen with.
Rich Bennett 14:18
Us. But the other thing is, too, when you talk to the parents and I'm sure Bobby can attest to this already, you're learning so much more when you're going through this. Yeah. You know about not just about your kids, about life in general. I would think, you know, just for example, how much we take for advantage every day.
George Wooden 14:43
Take for granted.
Rich Bennett 14:43
Or take for granted, too. Yeah. Yeah. So this event, this is coming up March 22nd, right.
George Wooden 14:51
At Martin's West.
Rich Bennett 14:52
Martin's what? Tell everybody what this event is and what it's for, what we know what it's for.
Bobby Anderson 14:58
Yeah. So I had you know, Kate and I were kind of waiting to see like, what the, um, future would look like for Rylan and Landon before we would even ask for help, because we know when to ask for help if we didn't need it. And, you know, after everything we've been through over the last four or five years, you know, we realized that Rylan are going to need our care for the rest of their lives. And so I reached out to Joe because I knew that he knew George and just kind of just said like, Hey, do you think that this is something that we could do for Rylan and Landon? And there's certain features of our home that we need handicap accessible that are beyond our means and um, insurance covers some stuff, but, but it's like they'll categorize certain things and be like, okay, we'll give you this, but we're not going to give you another thing in that category for ten years. And we might need like two or three things in that category. And then just, you know, and our home in general, just like, you know, just things that there's things that like we didn't even think about that we learned that we need for our home. And then also there's probably still things that we haven't thought of yet that we probably need to. So anyway, yeah, so I got on the phone with George and he got on the phone with Martin's and locked in the date pretty quickly for March 22nd. And um, yeah, it's for Rylan and Lynn and.
Rich Bennett 16:15
Yeah, you're home. Is it two stories or one?
Bobby Anderson 16:18
It's two.
Rich Bennett 16:19
It's two. Yeah.
George Wooden 16:21
With a basement, right?
Bobby Anderson 16:22
Yeah, with the basement.
Rich Bennett 16:23
Oh, my God. So, yeah, yeah. There is a lot that.
Bobby Anderson 16:26
Yeah, yeah.
Joe Ayler 16:27
But no, no, I mean, not only and obviously I know the situation,
you know, because I've known Bobby for, for several years now, but not only is it, you know, wheelchairs, you know, it's, it's medical supplies. It's monitoring equipment, it's machinery, It's, you know, it's it's.
Rich Bennett 16:47
A not just for the house.
Joe Ayler 16:49
Either. Like when you walk into like a a like a hospital room, like, you know, if you got to visit a family member or something happens or whatever, and you see all the monitors and the and this and the and the special beds and the mechanical beds and the.
George Wooden 17:04
Mechanical wheelchair, just all.
Joe Ayler 17:05
All that stuff, you know. And then you got to understand, as these boys grow, they grow like, you know, physically, right, with size and weight. Right. So just like it's just like when I you know, I have an 11 or nine year old and I'm complaining every time that my daughter grows out of a pair of pair of snow boots. You know, and I just imagine if, you know, when land and, you know, grows out of the wheelchair or the wheels, you know what I'm saying? Or whatever it.
Rich Bennett 17:34
Is, right.
George Wooden 17:35
Then you could take it even as far as as they grow, You know, when they're babies, they need they can you could use baby things.
Rich Bennett 17:43
George Wooden 17:44
But as you grow, you're still going to need that that same amount of stuff of equipment or whatever supplies. But in adult sizes. Yeah. Which they don't readily make. And I want to tell you a little part of me, this is what kills me is with him is that even with my son, they with a cleft palate, the insurance company said, Oh, this is cosmetic. So we're not covering that. Right. So you can imagine on my small scale what they're telling him. It's because they don't want to pay.
Rich Bennett 18:19
George Wooden 18:20
And he's it's it's mountainous to what he needs. You know.
Rich Bennett 18:27
Bobby, with everything with with you and your wife. We're going through with the kids and I don't even I don't know if there's anything out there like that, but are there any support groups for you guys that you've been able to join? Anything out there?
Bobby Anderson 18:42
Like there there's like different like Facebook groups and stuff. Like a lot of times when we're crossing like, well, a new challenge or something that we're kind of like unsure about or if there's like resources or something. I think that other parents are like one of the greatest resources for advice because they've been through it. You know, doctors, you know, I don't I have rarely seen a doctor have seen a child Pataky Lopes syndrome. So and the particular rescue syndrome support group, you know, we can go to to them. And the lady from the Pataki Lipski syndrome Foundation like we can go to them for advice about stuff. So.
Rich Bennett 19:15
Oh, so there is a foundation. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay.
Bobby Anderson 19:19
Um, and so basically, like other parents, just like through social media, has been like one of the bigger support for, um, trying to navigate stuff.
Rich Bennett 19:29
Okay, So with this event, because I know with you, Georgia, you're like, traveling the country all the time, doing events everywhere.
George Wooden 19:39
Going to Twin Falls, Idaho, on Thursday.
Rich Bennett 19:42
Oh, shut up. Oh, it's freezing cold.
George Wooden 19:46
Just cold.
Rich Bennett 19:47
But but because of all the like we said, this is a lifetime thing. Um, and money only goes so far. Yeah. I don't know if you would do an event every year, but do. Is there any plans to do more stuff in the future?
Bobby Anderson 20:05
Um, I haven't really cross that.
George Wooden 20:08
Bridge right now. What we're. What we're focused on is the main event. If there's a follow up, great. Yeah, we're focused on this, the main event, which is going to be very big, gargantuan. And we'll talk about that in a few minutes. But right now it's all focus is on establishing that first event is the hardest one to do.
Rich Bennett 20:27
George Wooden 20:29
Because you're dealing with, you know, you don't even have house money to play with. You're literally you don't know where hands are going to be dealt. So thank God for Joe and Tarheel and the staff at Tar Heel and Danny McGee from the Victory Team and Agape Projects and all of our contacts and all Joe's contacts and everybody else. I'm positive and I already have a very close I just want to mention, it's a very close friend of mine who runs a major charity up in Pennsylvania. Her name's Pat Maloney. She's not only buying a table, but she donated a week in Paris and a week at her private condo in Saratoga, Florida, for the live auction. The Paris Places sits 283 yards from the Eiffel Tower will be in the live auction. It's going to be an incredible, incredible event. But the hardest part is to get the village.
Rich Bennett 21:21
Takes the village.
George Wooden 21:22
It takes a village to get the village involved. And the Harford County, especially since, you know, Tar Heels from Hartford County, we're all basically I'm from sea, so but to get everybody involved, given my great event for the the one of the best causes that there is these children and that's when I remember where it was when I was sitting on my head, my phone rang and I went out on the deck to talk to him. And it was the summertime when he called me and kids and for him, kids, we should all be happy if you've got a child that had no problems, well, now let's help a family that has problems that he doesn't have little problems. He's got big problems. Yeah. And we're doing everything we humanly can. I'm calling in all my favors I can possibly call in.
Rich Bennett 22:09
And for those of you listening
Georges events is. It's that. It's an event. I know Joe's been to probably a few of them right? I've been to the one, and it's just. It's. It's something you're never going to forget. You're going to have a lot of fun.
George Wooden 22:31
Tell them about the event you went to. Oh, you a part of Santa's?
Rich Bennett 22:34
Well, that's right. His kids better not be listened to. That's right. That's. No, it was great. Even though you gave away my chair. No, it's just amazing. I was the first year I've ever been to. I hear about them all. The tiny you and I had. Well, that's been at an event together, But that's something else.
George Wooden 22:56
We didn't give away your chair. We sold.
Rich Bennett 22:58
Your chair. Yeah.
George Wooden 22:58
20 $100.
Rich Bennett 22:59
Well, I'm sorry, everybody else. You should give this. This.
But the the stuff that you have, there is no dancing. That's what I love about it. And yes, his event, I was Santa and it was pretty cool. Sit there and say it'll do Christmas music going on and I'll just sit there I'm pop and I'll get the music.
George Wooden 23:21
People are drinking spiked apple cider.
Rich Bennett 23:23
Yes, Abbey was a hell of an event, but the items. Oh, my God. The silent auction items. The live auction items there. You're not going to find stuff like that anywhere else with Ray. The Ravens are playing well.
George Wooden 23:39
I'm excited. I'm really excited. And if anybody knows Memorabilia Warrior, a Lamar Jackson Lamar Jackson rarely signs. He rarely does. And it's all done through his mother. And if anybody knows, his mother is his agent.
Rich Bennett 23:54
Oh, wow.
George Wooden 23:55
So what he does is he keeps his autograph very, very rare. It's hard to get to. I saw the aforethought was going to end of this and I was able to secure a black when they were that, you know, black in Jersey, a black authentic autograph with a certificate of authenticity autographed Lamar Jackson, Jersey. And I'm positive being a major Ravens fan that they will be in a Super Bowl. He will be the MVP again. And they will when when that happens, his autograph is going to skyrocket. He'll probably be in the range of 2500 to 20 $700 wholesale. What I can get it for after that happens. Mm. So I was able to secure a jersey before all this, before they got anywhere near close to the Super Bowl holding it for his event. That will be in the live auction. And we're looking for a sponsor for it is great. We're going to have a lot of incredible things. Like I talked about Paris. We're going to have the Saratoga, Florida would have a lot of great stuff. We're going to give them an event like they've never seen before. If you've been to our events, you know how big they are. And 100% of the proceeds I mean, say this again, 100% of the proceeds are going to the Agape Project through Danny McGee, who runs that copy project. And those proceeds will then be given to the Anderson family from the Agape Project to get done what he needs to start at least to get them. He needs to get on the more involvement we get through sponsorships, business sponsors, any types of event sponsors of get a lot of advertising. We could talk about that. All that ads in ticket sales, table sales, all of that adds in the coming to the event there'll be live auction saw an auction raffles donations it would be all kinds of different things a lot happening, a lot of great food, a lot of great drinks, good music. Well, it's.
Rich Bennett 25:52
Martin's the fruit is also Martin's.
George Wooden 25:54
West to.
Rich Bennett 25:55
George Wooden 25:56
So and I'm
here's the way I look at it A lot of people if I say sell 500 tickets, people go crazy. They look like me pulling their hair out. By the way, I'm bald, born and pulling their hair out, right? Oh, my God. Oh, my God. But if I say, okay, look, I get 50 people to either buy or sell a table ten, that's 500 people, right? So that's the way you knock it out. He's already got a lot reserved and pre-sold by himself. But imagine if we could get 880 people or we could get 100 people to buy or sell table ten. Then there's a thousand people there. The amount of money that we'll be able to raise. And if more businesses from the area get involved as a sponsorship, we're going to give an amazing amount of advertisement through Facebook, all the social networks on the Internet, everything else. And at the event itself, we get really, really, really pull together and make a real change for a local family with two beautiful little boys who need our help. Yeah, I'm standing up for it. I know Joe. Is Joe's the reason for this, right?
Rich Bennett 27:08
Yeah, because that's unusual for you. And correct me if I'm wrong, but unusual for you to do because of the way you travel to do an event here.
George Wooden 27:16
And that's what he called me. He called me and he said, look, and I'll tell you, he said, I know you don't like doing events here. And because we were in California, where I spent a lot of time in Texas this year, we're booked out for 2024 already. And he said, Would you do one with him? So I'm like, What do you want me to do? I'll do it.
Rich Bennett 27:34
Can you say no to Joe?
George Wooden 27:36
Can't say no to Joe. Come on. So. So your shirt.
Rich Bennett 27:39
Can't say no to Joe.
George Wooden 27:41
You say, this is my wife makes shirts now so we can make that happen.
Rich Bennett 27:45
In fact, watch.
George Wooden 27:46
Us Have that happen, Joe. In fact, wait a minute. Remind me.
Joe Ayler 27:50
So we're on that. I need four tickets to the AFC championship.
George Wooden 27:55
Yeah, so do Y. So. So we're going to give them we're going to put a lot in right now what we're our concentration is on and I you know, I worked through a recipe kind of like what Tar Heel does Tar Heel knows how to the best in the business when it comes to roofing and siding and everything else that they do. So we're right now we are concentrating on selling tables and business sponsors, tables, tables, tables, tables, tables, tables of ten. How much is the table?
Bobby Anderson 28:24
Ten, Bobby? 850.
George Wooden 28:26
How much?
Rich Bennett 28:26
858 For table of ten, your table ten.
George Wooden 28:29
Eight, ten.
Bobby Anderson 28:30
Rich Bennett 28:30
That's cheap.
George Wooden 28:31
Four out. Yeah. 4 hours. All you can eat, all you can drink for 4 hours. Music the whole deal.
Rich Bennett 28:38
How you go out nowadays to any restaurant we're number one. You're not going to be able to get all you can eat for that.
George Wooden 28:47
For three and four, you're there for 45 minutes and you're spending. And I was I was literally about ready to rattle off some local restaurants that I know that are much more. But this is you're not there for 45 minutes. Well, here for 4 hours.
Rich Bennett 29:00
4 hours. All you can eat and drink.
George Wooden 29:01
Yeah, you can eat, sit down, chill out and then go back up and sit down. You can't eat all that food so much food.
Joe Ayler 29:08
Well, George, there is a third is an incredible event. And the auction items are just one of a kind, very, very unique items.
You know, it's fun, it's different. You know, it's not like your, you know, your standard kind of born oyster raised with a you know, not a.
Rich Bennett 29:28
Born oysters at all. Yeah, that's.
Joe Ayler 29:29
What I'm saying. You know, if that's what you're if that's what you're thinking, you know, with the with the wheel and all that, this is a unique, unique auction items, unique flow. It's a positive vibe. And, you know, I mean, what better way to, you know, spend a night out supporting a good cause, having a great time on a good time.
George Wooden 29:51
Than one where 100% of the money. Nobody's getting a cut of the money. Nobody's taking a piece.
Nobody's getting a commission. Everybody, 100% of the money raised that night goes directly to him while his family. Wow. Via because of he he made a phone call.
Rich Bennett 30:10
George Wooden 30:11
There. There's so much opportunity and that all of us need need a reason to feel good. We all do. Right. Well, I've been there. I've seen it. I've seen the reason. And these little beautiful little boys. I've seen it. And then when somebody who I trust says, Look,
this is real. We're in. We're going to give them we're going to give them an event rally around Rhode Island and land that we're going to give an event like they've never seen. This is the this is the one thing I will interject. A lot of people, a lot of other people from from Hartford County will say, well, it's got to be in Hartford County. This should be in Hartford County. The problem is, is that this event is going to be so big, there's no place in Hartford County to host it.
Rich Bennett 31:07
George Wooden 31:09
And to get what you get from Martins, you can't you can't touch it. And it's going to be phenomenal. And right now, what I'm I am personally asking and challenging every business out there to step up. We have 3 to 4 different levels, but we have three because Tarheel Construction and Joel are the platinum, platinum presenting sponsors. Danny McGee from Agape Project and through the Victory Team. The Victory Team is our ticket sponsor. We have three other levels and we have a bunch of other things for sponsorships. We're challenging everybody to step up. This is the event for you because what I have to say and I'm going to say it with I'm sitting here,
all I do is watch Joel are giving and giving and going and going and going and giving in giving and giving and giving. Some times a hundred to local causes and local charities. This is a time for everybody who has watched Joe and do what he does to step up for Joe
because everybody loves him. And now he reached out because he's trying to help somebody who's a part of him.
Rich Bennett 32:25
George Wooden 32:26
And it's 100% legitimate. And in every aspect, there's no the money's not going to be wasted. I can guarantee you that. And this has happened before that. The following week that the Anderson family is not going to be in like Cabo San Lucas with the money. Now, that's not going to happen. It's going to go to what what it's needed.
Rich Bennett 32:47
And what needs what the kids need, which need in the house. Yeah, well, what's needed in the house is for the kids.
George Wooden 32:52
Joe Ayler 32:53
Yeah. I mean, I appreciate the kind words, George. I mean, the the ultimate, you know, nod to us, you know, as as a company. Right. And as me myself would be, you know, if we could influence one person or one company to to give. Right. You know, the famous book Go giver, you know what I'm saying? It's like the more you give, the more you get. Yeah. You know, and, you know, early when we started this company, you know, it was, you know, obviously everybody becomes an entrepreneur to, you know, chase after money. But yeah, once you get once you get to assert once you want your quote unquote arrive, you know, the you realize it was never about the money, you know, And, you know, for us, it's you know, we want to give back to the community, right? You know, so we can influence other people and other businesses to do the same, you know, and just follow, you know, biblical principles like the Golden Rule, You know, how would I want to be treated in this situation if somebody reached out to me? Yeah.
And to ultimately bless others with the blessings that the Lord has has provided to me and my family. And that's kind of, you know, the foundation of which, you know, I live my life and obviously, Bobby, you know, has been a a friend, you know, first and a and a dedicated and valued employee. Vittorio Construction Group is our media coordinator for for going on six years. So you know obviously us being a a family and friends, you know company where we're we're a titan that group
it's it's just a side effect you know get emotionally involved with, you know, all the families of all the people that work for us. So when Bobby reached out to me, you know, obviously, you know, he's he's got a lot of challenges. And, you know, it's been our pleasure to, you know, to provide employment for him first, because he's such a great guy. But but more importantly, it's been our pleasure to
support this event. You know, and and, you know, give back to him, you know, so.
George Wooden 35:13
Good I want to Riner one tapas what he just said I and I watch it all because my it's my world, right It's my world to know what's going on in the area. The reason why we don't do much here is because I like doing things at larger venues to put on large, large events. And there's a certain qualification you have to get to in order for me to help you.
Rich Bennett 35:36
George Wooden 35:37
So that's why I don't like doing stuff around here. So. So I watch it all. I watch all the local events, I watch all the local people, all the local things, all the locals, and there's nobody
know. I would say weather here. Here is not because you and I've talked about it on my phone privately, There's nobody that gives back more to the community than him, than José or
one half of Tarheel and his employees. They're always there. They're always giving out toys. They're always doing this. They're always at this event, the CI, AB and all these other events they're always sponsoring. So you can imagine the money, the profit that comes, and he's giving it right back out again.
So the return and the return back to the community through that companies phenomenal juicer.
Rich Bennett 36:26
Yes. I'm going to give you praise here for it. But seriously, you know, honestly, you're a role model not just to people but to a lot of businesses.
And I applaud you for everything that you do, because you do you're always you're always giving back.
George Wooden 36:44
I use the fact that he don't know it, but he's affected me with that.
Rich Bennett 36:47
I I'm the same way. I'm the same way. I got your last couple times like you're given what the who's like. Mm hmm.
Joe Ayler 36:57
Well the biggest thank you or does have the you know, community leaders and and his fellow businesses you know support this event would be, you know.
George Wooden 37:06
Who I would love, honestly. Like I keep posting on Facebook and on my talk. I know we're not talking more about you, but now we're calling out the community. I would love to see the half for County community, the Hartford County family or Hartford County, everybody in Hartford County to be a part to be there. And listen, this is like just like when you build a house, you know, it takes brick by brick. And how we're doing that brick by brick is by filling these seats. The most important part of a of a fundraising of any successful fundraising. I've told him him. I mean, I sit down and grill him the most important thing and I draw the center. My clients across the country and this town, one in Sacramento, California, right now is you don't have an event if you don't can't fill the seats. And a lot of the times people will say, well, I'll I'll buy a table. And but they won't come. They're just plain or buying. And it was I think that was going to help. No, no, no, no, no, no. If you're going to do that and just be a sponsor. Sponsor. But we need butts in the seats because butts in the seats or who will bid. And I'm going to give you an amazing items to bid on vacations and jewelry and all kinds of different things. But in the seats, what's important now, you imagine this place, Wolf, can fit a lot of people. Right now, tickets are limited to 500 and he's already more than halfway there. If we can get there, I will then go back to Morton's and beg, borrow and steal to try to get more room. I'm positive we're going to pay us 500. I'm positive that right now the the idea is fill the seats and get as many sponsorships as humanly possible, get as many businesses involved. This is the time to give back and you know where it's going. It's not going to some lofty thing where you don't. The administrative costs and all this other things. It's not going to that. It's all of it. It's going right to the. Danny Danny from a gap a project great guy is not keeping a dime of it for his own for his own charity. 100% is going to them through them. The reason why we had to get the Agape A project, everybody knows this business is out there because he's a confirmed 501 C3 through the IRS, which means your donations are tax deductible. That is why when we started this, I said we need to get hold of a charity, right? And that was Danny. Because we've worked with Danny in the past. We got a hold of Danny. Danny came in, said, Yep, I'm in, it's ticket sponsor. And now so everything will go to the Gap project. People will write checks, the payments will go through the Agape Projects Bank account, and then you can claim on your taxes.
Rich Bennett 39:43
So it's big. So if a business wants to become we know what it is to buy a ticket. It's a 150 a table for table of ten, right? Yeah. If somebody wants to become a sponsor, a business wants to become a sponsor or person, what are you different? The different sponsorship levels.
George Wooden 40:00
Do you want to do what? You want me to do it? Okay, so there's there's three different levels that are sponsorship levels. And then there's all the things
the three financial sponsor event. Financial sponsors are $1,000 for a brand sponsor, which you get two tickets. This is basically a philanthropic donation, which means you're not doing this to get tickets. You get tickets. Right. But you're doing it to sponsor to become a sponsor, which you'll get a lot of advertisement all over the place through Facebook and social media. Plus at the event. That's $1,000. That's bronze. Then there's a silver sponsor for 2500, which gets you five tickets and then we'll hit you up, see if you want to buy another five to fill a table.
That's 2500. Right. Which also gets you a lot of charities. But then there's a gold. Gold is 5000 that get you a full table ten and an enormous amount of of of advertisement. You be up front and center up to the event now.
Rich Bennett 41:01
Closer to closer.
George Wooden 41:02
To the auction, closer to that guy. The bald guy. Yeah.
And then if you can't do any of those. But you still like to like the sponsor something we have a little like for instance, the Lamar Jackson jersey, a framed Lamar Jackson jersey. You could sponsor that, which basically means cover the cost of it and you will be your name will be announced when it comes up for sale. Let's just say Tar Heel Construction says, yeah, I'll sponsor that. So it will say when I because I'm the auctioneer. Obviously you all know that. I'll say that Lamar Jackson autographed and framed. Now he's a super because now he's a Super Bowl quarterback MVP. Thank. Hopefully.
Rich Bennett 41:42
George Wooden 41:43
Sir. I'm sorry. I'm the guy. Like I always said on Facebook, I'm not going to say nothing. Okay. Let's a Lamar Jackson Baltimore Ravens autographed and framed spotlight jersey. Talk about the jerseys. It's sponsored by Tarheel Construction. Everybody give Tar Heel construction Roundup.
Rich Bennett 41:58
George Wooden 41:59
Everybody will stand up and everything will have a ten card on it. You could sponsor an auction item.
Joe Ayler 42:05
You don't see if you can get a Taylor Swift signed Jersey artist.
Rich Bennett 42:08
I told you my Kelsey Jersey on by Taylor Swift I.
I got to listen to this. This is crazy.
Joe Ayler 42:15
So signed by Taylor Swift and Lamar Jackson.
Rich Bennett 42:19
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
George Wooden 42:20
I like to get it dirty and bloody as a Kelsey dirty and bloody signed by Taylor Swift. And but so we work with the NRA a lot. We send them thousands and thousands and thousands and auction items. Can you believe they're asking me for Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey signed I mean things I said absolutely positively not and I'm not going to make it because here's what's going to happen. Give it another six months. We'll be hearing about the breakup of Taylor Swift.
Rich Bennett 42:48
George Wooden 42:49
Yeah. So, you know, no Taylor Swift stuff.
Rich Bennett 42:52
All right, So back to back to the sponsorships.
George Wooden 42:54
So the sponsorships, I mean, the sponsorships, as we're talking, you're not talking about putting up brick by brick, right? You're talking about a wall when you're become a sponsor, a major event, silver, bronze, silver.
Rich Bennett 43:08
George Wooden 43:09
Or by sponsoring the auction items. Yeah.
Rich Bennett 43:14
Okay. In that coverage, explain how that works.
George Wooden 43:18
So all right, so I'm going to touch on this just.
Rich Bennett 43:21
George Wooden 43:22
This isn't about this is lives and silent. Okay. And then there's also donations. You can donate items.
Rich Bennett 43:28
George Wooden 43:29
Gift baskets, gift certificates. Those are going to be mainly used in this in the raffles.
So just briefly, because it's a whole nother podcast, donated items are great. However, they don't bring much in in fundraising events, right? They're bringing I mean, I see this all over the country. They're bringing about an eighth to maybe a half of retail, if you're lucky, half of retail, most of them are bringing eighth to a quarter of retail because it's donated items. It's a local people going to a local event with stuff donated by local businesses that people wanted that stuff, they would go buy it themself. People walk in. It's a myth. It's a charity myth that people walk in and say, Oh, it's for charity. I'm going to pay well above retail. That's not how that doesn't happen. You want to believe it, but it doesn't happen. Sadly, this
these items are items you don't see anywhere, Right? The reason why is because they come from my company. There is a cost associated if it's sponsored, if an item is sponsor for 250, it's completely covered. It's tax deductible. Your name will be on it. You'll get the sponsorship, your name and 100% of that money, the 100% of your sponsorship money goes to the Anderson family. Let me say that again. If you just say you can sponsor an item or items 100% of your money that you're donating, it goes to the Anderson family, not to me, not to my company. It goes to them when it's paid for, when somebody else bids on it and they win it and they pay $500 for 250 thing, right? 100% of that money goes he made $500.
Rich Bennett 45:10
George Wooden 45:11
If that doesn't sell, we take the items back. He still keeps that money. There's no track in the sponsor. Right. So your levels
sponsor sponsorships are big and legitimately. Not only is Phil in the room very important, that's the most important. Sponsorships are most important. But getting these auction items sponsored is really big. Very big. And then we can come in with donations, gift baskets, gift certificates, grills, liquor or whatever else.
Rich Bennett 45:44
So can somebody. That's a business. Well, you put a post out not too long ago about how businesses are constantly hit with donate. I'm going to ask Sirkin.
George Wooden 45:55
I'm going to ask him, did you read my blog if you didn't sign out your blog? I wrote a blog about half your county. How many charities you think there are enough going?
1746. You know, two square miles of the county is No. 437 square miles. That means there's four charities for every square mile. Yeah. So you can imagine the businesses. How many of these local small businesses are hit up to donate? It's astronomical. When you talking about square miles. Harford County is a big county, but there's a lot of charities in Harford County.
Rich Bennett 46:35
I was going to say how many times are are people hitting you all for donations? Joe Yeah, a lot of time.
George Wooden 46:40
All the time, yeah.
Rich Bennett 46:41
So but my my question was, let's say, because if a business wants to sponsor auction items but they don't, it will auction items you have, can they just like write out a check for say five say we want to sponsor whatever auction.
George Wooden 46:57
They can do that or they can Bobby and I'll go give it to Joe and maybe to Danny too. They'll Have a catalog they can sign on the catalog. Get it, get it, pick it, pick an item that they want to sponsor.
Rich Bennett 47:11
George Wooden 47:11
And that'll go all the way from jewelry. That's 50, 60, $70 up to a Lamar Jackson jersey, probably $800 framed.
And they'll have their name on it. It will be their own, their name on it. It will put it up on Facebook, will make sure that everybody knows that it's them and 100% tax deductible because they'll be cutting a check to the Agape Project.
Rich Bennett 47:35
George Wooden 47:36
They can reach out to me. They can reach out to talk to Bobby. They can reach out to Joe. They can reach out to any of us.
Rich Bennett 47:43
Well, I was going to say, what's the best way for people to find it, to get tickets or to become a sponsor or contact you?
Bobby Anderson 47:51
Bobby Yeah, they can call or text me a form. The flyer. Yeah, it's on the flyer.
Rich Bennett 47:56
So the number effort is listed.
Bobby Anderson 47:58
439290718. Okay. I also made a Gmail account. It's a rally. Ariella. Why the number four? And then Rylan y Ella and and Landon at So rally for Alan Lanning at Gmail dot com.
Rich Bennett 48:17
Yeah. And spelled out right. Not the symbol and uh. Correct. Okay. Yeah.
George Wooden 48:23
It I'm just telling you we're going to make it incredible. Yeah.
Nobody, nobody puts on a better event space than Martins and the price that he's getting because I pulled some strings I was able to get. He's They're also benefiting from buying tickets. Yeah, he's benefiting the innocent families, benefiting from everything. Sponsorships, ticket sales, donations, auction items. People are amazing. Raffles, live auction Sonos or raffles, you name it. And there's people in the county that I'm going to specifically talk to. Like I'd I'd like to see a lot of the people in the county that you often see in the same events that he's been to. MM You know County Council President. I'd like to see him there. I'd like to see everybody else there.
What's this is one of those things. It's like you're not given to give books to people or choose. You're changing, saving lives of babies. It's not going to a foreign land. You know, this is something.
Rich Bennett 49:36
What's the date again? March 22nd.
George Wooden 49:38
Bobby Anderson 49:39
Eight to midnight.
George Wooden 49:40
8 a.m. in the morning. To us now, there will be room blocks next door for anybody who wants to imbibe a little bit. Have a few. You could crawl it. So there's hotels right next door. I will have room blocks will put it up. You can crawl to those places. I've had events there before where people have actually crawled. I've seen it. You can crawl next door to go to go to the hotel. There's the Hampton and there's a quality. And right next door I will have room blocks. They'll give specialty room rent, you know, rates. There's a lot of parking down there, by the way. It's extremely safe. Yes, I know. It's Baltimore. It's extremely safe there. A lot of people say it's Baltimore I'm scared to go to walk.
Rich Bennett 50:19
Outside the city.
George Wooden 50:21
Now. It's not the city, but usually Baltimore County. It's one of it's very safe. Martins is a beautiful place, extremely safe. The the the there's adequate parking. We've had some major events there that Joe has been in like already. We've got a lot of people that I'd like him to mention. Can you imagine who's already came on and said they were sponsor?
Bobby Anderson 50:45
Yeah. Elite Power WHOOSHING Jimmy's famous seafood Mattingly Electric Window Depot, Baltimore, obviously Tar Heel Construction group and the Victory team. Um and other people have expressed interest but haven't committed yet. Yeah.
Rich Bennett 51:01
George Wooden 51:03
What's it Rafi from? It riffs construction.
Bobby Anderson 51:05
Yeah and chaps Beef express interest and in sponsoring and Plaza Ford was interested in sponsoring an auction item. Um, yeah.
George Wooden 51:16
So we're throwing the gauntlet to all the businesses in the area or anybody in the area. Help us out. Step up, sponsor. Come to this incredible event and help us fill the room.
Rich Bennett 51:32
Joe, You got anything?
Joe Ayler 51:34
Yeah. Just, you know, good people help and good people. I mean, and, you know, it's just a local, loving family that that's in need. I mean, obviously, you know that
they have insurance and then there's supplementation, Right? But it's just there's just such a big disparity on what this family needs. And,
you know, it's it's just good people helping good people, you know? So I challenge everybody out there, you know, whether it's just a in-kind donation of $100 or if it's a platinum, you know, sponsorship of $5,000, just, you know, just
help us out. You know, help us help us share this family, some love and some and some support. And let's let's step up and let's have a great event, you.
George Wooden 52:28
Know, And I promise you, I will give me and my entire staff will give you an event like you've never seen before. If you've never been to one of our events.
Rich Bennett 52:37
Just don't sit on your lap. Yeah, well, Harvey, Bobby will explain that if there were time to wrap this up, tell everybody listening why it's important for them to come to either come to this event or sponsor something.
Bobby Anderson 52:52
Um, it's. I mean, it's important to me because these are two of the most important people in my life. Um, it's, you know, like I said, people say it's unfortunate some of the stuff that we go through and I feel blessed to be their parents, but it is unfortunate, you know, to see when Riley gets sick, ends up in the hospital, or there's certain things that we are powerless over that we want to help them with. So, you know, and I know that both of you have been giving Joe accolades, you know, and everything. And I kind of felt like a fourth wheel for a second. But anyway, it's like, you know, I don't think Joe necessarily likes getting all that attention. Sometimes I think that he just does it because that's the kind of person he is, you know? And I get teary eyed like talking about this stuff because it's about my kids. Like, I know I've seen him do this for plenty of other, you know, charities and stuff, but this is about my kids and like, it just feels extra important to me. But this is just something that he does on a regular basis for a lot of people. So I'm really grateful not only to be an employee at Tarheel, but also to just have that kind of friend in my life. But yeah, it's important. Um, Kate and I are committed to taking care of Rylan and Lynn for the rest of our lives, and there are certain things that we need that are beyond our means. And, you know, this event will definitely help, you know, our family, especially Ryan and Rylan and Lynn.
George Wooden 54:11
And so as I'm sitting here because he's 100% correct about him as I'm sitting here, you you guys don't see it, but he has an R tattooed right here on his ear. And I asked him what is what is that? What does that our talk show him and then tell him what that is.
Rich Bennett 54:31
Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah.
Bobby Anderson 54:34
I mean, just to be 100% transparent when in 2020, like my wife has gone through chemo, Rylan was on Angie Tube. We're stuck inside because of COVID. I got, you know, majorly depressed. It's like there are so many things I want to help my family with, and I wasn't sure I wanted to be here anymore. And, um, one night I thought that I didn't want to be here anymore. And, um, Rylan started crying and I was the only person in the home that knew how to take care of him. And he quite literally saved my life. And right behind his right ear, he has a that's where you can feel his VP shunt that I was talking about earlier that saved his life. So to honor him and like, you know, a little boy that saved my life and changed my life forever, I got to r right where his VP shunt is.
George Wooden 55:19
The shunt that goes into his head.
Rich Bennett 55:21
Yeah. Wow.
George Wooden 55:23
So right there behind his right ear.
Rich Bennett 55:28
I didn't know that.
George Wooden 55:30
So, everybody, we need you. He needs you. The babies need you. All of us. All sitting here at this table myself. Trailer. Rich Bennett, Bobby Anderson. We'd love for you to be a part of us on March 22nd at eight from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. and Martin's West Baltimore.