Born in Cleveland Ohio, Babette Hughes grew up in the time of Prohibition and bootleggers. Her father was one of the first rum runners in the country and was murdered by the Mafia in a turf war at the age of 29. Babette was just two at the time.
Writing has allowed her to draw from her unusual life experiences to create her characters and tell their stories (and sometimes cautionary tales) in vivid detail. Though she had always been an excellent writer throughout her life, and had even published a memoir, Lost and Found, Babette’s first novel, The Hat, wasn’t written and published until she was in her late eighties. She followed that with the other two books in the Kate Brady trilogy, The Red Scarf, and The Necklace. Other books followed: Searching for Vivian, 97 Speaks. The Secret of Happiness, She did a well-received national interview on AARP radio and was interviewed on TV and radio.
Now 101, she still writes every day with a fluidity and grace of a woman half her age. “The truth is liberating, but sometimes elusive.” She explains. “I’m always looking for it and how to best write about it, and I probably always will.”