Author, Teacher & Practitioner
Emily Greene, the Ordinary Guru, is a proud wife and mama of 2. Her skillset is varied as it is long- from radio DJ to college professor.
Growing up in the north end of the county meant agriculture and arts. Emily's parents, Jackie and Jeff, ran an apiary which eventually shifted to a small beef cattle farm. The family brought their 5 children up in the way of the arts. Emily excelled in dance, music, and writing as a young child. She became interested in yogic philosophy & movement as a young teenager. As with all of her siblings, she was also gifted academically.
When she arrived at McDaniel College in the early 2000s, she quickly shared with her professors that she intended to pursue a terminal degree in a helping profession. During undergrad, Emily joined and eventually became a staff member at the Phi Sigma Sigma National Headquarters. She studied for her masters in school counseling at Bowie State University, and graduated in 2014 with a PhD in Counselor Education & Supervision online with Walden University.
Emily worked as a school counselor in various Maryland counties at both the primary and secondary levels. As she gained experience in her mental health practice, she also developed her love of movement and yoga moonlighting as a yoga and dance fitness group fitness instructor. She also focused back on her writing talents and self-published 5 books- four of the children's genre and one technical book. Several titles and ideas are in the works.
In 2022, she opened Ordinary Guru Studio in Hickory MD to offer individual and group sessions that blend movement and mental health techniques to sustain personal wellness. She works as a career navigator and adjunct instructor at Harford Community College, Wilson College Online, and University of Phoenix. She started taking commercial voice lessons at HCC this year.
Emily has been included in several author's events and reading celebrations since publishing her first book, Look Up, in the Fall of 2022. Other titles include Yay or Nay on the PBJ, Grab a Pen, and Kat & Pilar. When asked about her writing process Emily commented, "I try to give each and every one of my books the same two things that children need most- roots and wings!"