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Jessica L. Morris

Jessica L. Morris Profile Photo

Author/Spiritual Director

In the beginning of November 2024, I walked away from over 30 years working in the profession of higher education advancement. My intention when starting out in that field was to get a job that would allow me to continue partying and misbehaving as I had while I was in high school and college. Needless to say, I received a rude awakening when confronted by the realities of being a responsible adult.

Fortunately, at the age of 29, I was blessed to find my way to recovery from my main addictions – food and alcohol. After many years of searching within myself, I finally did the one thing I always knew, deep down inside, that I was meant to do – write a book. That book was Dewdrops: Morning Meditations to Cultivate Faith, Love, and Service, and was published in October 2014. Writing Dewdrops was the catapult to the next season of my life – attending seminary to learn more about the Higher Power (…who I choose to call God) that had saved me from myself.

While studying the academic side of the Bible and all things theology, I stumbled upon an introductory class called “Individual Spiritual Direction.” Almost immediately, I knew I was going to be adding a Spiritual Direction Certificate to my master’s degree. Doing so added some extra time to my studies, but I did not care, as studying and practicing spiritual direction had become more fulfilling than anything else in my life. In the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, I successfully defended my master’s thesis: Personal Eschatology: The End of My World as I Know It, and completed all my practice hours and course requirements in spiritual direction. On May 9, 2020, with no pomp and circumstance, I became an official recipient of a master of arts in theological studies and a certificate in spiritual direction from Moravian Theological Seminary (Bethlehem, Pa.). The sense of accomplishment I felt upon receiving these academic “titles” is far from what I had expected. Instead of being proud of myself, I was overwhelmed with gratitude for the path God had chosen for me. Instead of feeling like I finally had all the answers, I knew more than ever before how much I did not know!

Now that I am no longer working full-time, I have the time to give to several writing projects I started during seminary but did not have the time to finish, while also providing spiritual direction on the side. I have been able to turn that previously mentioned master’s thesis into a book entitled, Higher Powered: One Woman’s Journey of Personal Eschatology.

March 18, 2025

Faith After Trauma: Jessica Morris’ Powerful Testimony

Sponsored by Window Depot of Baltimore In this powerful episode of Conversations with Rich Bennett, Jessica Morris shares her deeply personal journey of overcoming addiction, childhood trauma, and finding faith. She introduces the concept of personal eschatology—a transformative process of spiri…
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