In this haunting episode, Rich Bennett is joined by podcasters and friends Brad Cox and Derek Pentz to share spine-chilling stories of the paranormal. Recorded in a building with its own eerie history and a possible spirit presence, the crew uses a spirit box to see if any energies are lurking nearby. Hear about real-life ghost sightings, eerie historical sites, and the unsettling possibility that energy from the past lingers in places, songs, and objects. The team explores famous haunted locations, haunted dolls, and their theories on different types of spirits—playful pranksters, residual energies, and those with unfinished business. If you’re drawn to ghost stories and the mysteries they hold, tune in for an episode that delves deep into the supernatural!

In this haunting episode, Rich Bennett is joined by podcasters and friends Brad Cox and Derek Pentz to share spine-chilling stories of the paranormal. Recorded in a building with its own eerie history and a possible spirit presence, the crew uses a spirit box to see if any energies are lurking nearby. Hear about real-life ghost sightings, eerie historical sites, and the unsettling possibility that energy from the past lingers in places, songs, and objects. The team explores famous haunted locations, haunted dolls, and their theories on different types of spirits—playful pranksters, residual energies, and those with unfinished business. If you’re drawn to ghost stories and the mysteries they hold, tune in for an episode that delves deep into the supernatural!

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Major Points of the Episode:

  The Haunted Studio and Spirit Box Experiment: Rich and guests discuss the possibility that the studio they’re recording in may be haunted, leading them to use a spirit box to capture any potential ghostly activity.

  Personal Ghost Encounters:

  • Brad shares a story about losing a cherished ring 3,000 miles away, only for it to mysteriously reappear at his feet, hinting at a supernatural connection.
  • Rich recounts eerie experiences in Gettysburg, including an encounter with a Civil War apparition that vanished suddenly.
  • Derek describes a spine-chilling sighting of a shadow figure crawling on a hospital wall, his most terrifying paranormal encounter.

  Famous Haunted Locations:

  • Discussion about experiences at well-known haunted sites like Gettysburg and Harper’s Ferry, places where ghostly phenomena are almost expected.
  • Derek's eerie experience with the Annabelle doll at a horror museum, where the doll “called out” his drag name through a spirit box.

  Stone Tape Theory:

  • The team explores the “stone tape theory,” which posits that certain places retain past events like recordings, replaying them as ghostly echoes.

  Energy Trapped in Objects and Songs:

  • Brad introduces the idea that songs and objects can trap energy from the past, particularly intense emotions, creating a haunting atmosphere.

  Hauntings in Pop Culture:

  • Conversations touch on haunted movie sets like Poltergeist and The Wizard of Oz, and how certain films and songs seem to hold a darker energy.

  Speculations on Ghosts and Spirit Types:

  • The guests speculate on different types of ghosts, from playful spirits to those with unfinished business, and debate whether some hauntings are simply energy imprints with no conscious awareness.


Description of the Guest:

In this episode of Conversations with Rich Bennett, we’re joined by two dynamic guests, Brad Cox and Derek Pentz. Brad is a multifaceted Baltimore musician, author, and the voice behind the Mouthful of Graffiti podcast, bringing his artistic insight and a wealth of supernatural tales. Derek, aka Zenobia Darling, is a vibrant force in the Baltimore art scene, blending painting, drag, and paranormal investigation with his bold pop-culture brand, Zenobia Darling Creative, and podcast host of #RockStarLife: Coffee Break. Together, they dive deep into stories of the eerie and unexplained, making this a chillingly memorable episode.


The “Transformation” Listeners Can Expect After Listening:

  • A Deeper Understanding of the Paranormal: Gain insights into theories like the stone tape hypothesis, types of hauntings, and the role of energy in paranormal phenomena.
  • Curiosity About Haunted Sites and Objects: Feel inspired to explore or research famous haunted locations and the concept of energy-imbued artifacts.
  • Reflection on Personal Beliefs: The stories may encourage listeners to rethink their own experiences and beliefs about ghosts and the supernatural.
  • Appreciation for Art as Expression: Discover how the paranormal influences artistic expression, from music to visual art, offering a new perspective on creativity.
  • Open-Mindedness to Unseen Forces: Through chilling firsthand accounts, listeners may find themselves more open to the mysteries of the unknown.

List of Resources Discussed:

  People:

  • Brad Cox (Baltimore musician, author, and podcaster)
  • Derek Pentz, aka Zenobia Darling (artist, drag performer, paranormal investigator)
  • Gene Wilder (actor, referenced for his role in Willy Wonka)
  • Judy Garland (actress, discussed in context with The Wizard of Oz)
  • Edgar Allan Poe (noted with references to Baltimore hauntings)

  Businesses/Places:

  • Gettysburg and Harper's Ferry (haunted historical sites)
  • Boonsboro Inn (mentioned as a haunted location)
  • The Horror Museum in Las Vegas (where Derek encountered Annabelle the doll)
  • Spencer Silver Mansion (discussed for potential hauntings)
  • Chesapeake College (noted for rumored hauntings)
  • Odyssey Salon (Aberdeen location, noted as haunted)
  • Devil’s Den, Harper’s Ferry, Little Round Top (haunted areas at Gettysburg)

  Books:

  Theories/Concepts:

  • Stone Tape Theory (concept on recorded energies in locations)
  • Sound Tape Theory (variation in context of recorded spirit energies)
  • Haunted artifacts and “trigger objects” in paranormal investigations

  Media:

  • Mouthful of Graffiti (Brad Cox’s podcast)
  • #RockStarLife: Coffee Break (Derek Pentz's podcast with Zenobia Darling)
  • The Gift (Song written by Brad Cox, performed by Skitzo Calypso)
  • Films: The Wizard of Oz, Poltergeist, Three Men and a Baby (noted for hauntings and eerie phenomena)

Engage Further with "Conversations with Rich Bennett"

As this episode wraps up, we’d love for you to dive even deeper into the mystery! If you heard anything unusual or strange in the spirit box recordings, let us know in the comments. Plus, share your own eerie encounters or thoughts on the paranormal—we’re curious to hear what haunts our listeners! Join the conversation and let’s keep the chills going beyond the podcast. 👻

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Rich Bennett 0:00
So here it is, October. 

I told a friend of mine that I wanted to do some podcasts this month about hauntings, especially the creepy woods is opened up on the farm. So I could just. 

Everything just goes together. And I've had four different people tell me that they sense a presence where we record in person, which of course we're here today for that. But I have with me Zenobia, darlin. 

Derek Pentz 0:36

Rich Bennett 0:36
Derrick Pitts. You know, we. You need a podcast nickname. 

Derek Pentz 0:41
Zenobia. Zenobia on the podcast. 

Rich Bennett 0:43
And it's not the same because, I mean, you've got the mob father 

Derek Pentz 0:47
That's very 

Rich Bennett 0:47

Derek Pentz 0:47

Rich Bennett 0:48
Cox. I mean, come on, man. And me. 

Yeah, me too. In case you guys don't know what creepy Woods is, have you heard of Bennett's curse? 

Brad Cox 1:01
It's Bennett's curse. 

Rich Bennett 1:02
No relation. 

Derek Pentz 1:02
That I've heard about. 

Brad Cox 1:05
The whole thing. 

Rich Bennett 1:06
Sir Bennett's curse. It comes around every Halloween. I think it started in Anne Arundel County, and now it's been at East Point Mall for a while. 

Brad Cox 1:14

Derek Pentz 1:15
That mall is. 

Brad Cox 1:15
Actually, I have heard of it. 

Rich Bennett 1:16
Okay. Well, I think it's. Alan Bennett, who own it, which live here in Joppa. 

Brad Cox 1:22

Rich Bennett 1:23
But they wanted to do something else in coordination with Bennett's curse. Creepy woods, which is actually at my brother in law's farm in White Marsh. But they when they want to do stuff that helps. I think not just during Halloween. I think later on about teaching kids about agriculture and all animals start doing helping a lot of nonprofits out. 

Brad Cox 1:50

Rich Bennett 1:50
So it. 

Derek Pentz 1:52
Well, that's the thing about the paranormal that, like, I feel like people get so freaked out about it, but it's a way to tell history. It's a way 

Rich Bennett 1:57

Derek Pentz 1:57

Rich Bennett 1:57

Derek Pentz 1:58
You know, get people engaged with that stuff and to learn different stuff because people are always loving ghost stuff and all that. 

Rich Bennett 2:04
Oh, they I'm sure 

Brad Cox 2:05

Rich Bennett 2:05

Brad Cox 2:06
kind of like ancient aliens, like. 

Derek Pentz 2:07
Oh, that's my 

Brad Cox 2:08

Derek Pentz 2:08

Brad Cox 2:08
kind of a vehicle for history. It's like I'm not even sure what we're watching at this point, but it becomes the vehicle. 

Derek Pentz 2:13
Yeah, but the history and the research itself is all based. 

Brad Cox 2:16

Derek Pentz 2:17
That's the best part. So you're learning actually about ancient history. 

Rich Bennett 2:20
So you got stories about here in hall for right? Or just stories in general. 

Brad Cox 2:25
I've got stories just in general, but the House was in Harford County, so that helps, you 

Rich Bennett 2:30

Brad Cox 2:30

Rich Bennett 2:30
do you mean was? 

Brad Cox 2:31
I mean, it still is. I used to live. 

Rich Bennett 2:33

Brad Cox 2:33
Well, it all started. 

Derek Pentz 2:34
Hardy neighbors. 

Brad Cox 2:35
Yeah, it was. 

Derek Pentz 2:36
I loved 

Brad Cox 2:36

Derek Pentz 2:36

Brad Cox 2:36
it all. It all actually started or predated that? Yeah, it started before that, but then it just kind of followed. So I'm actually starting to write a book about that and all the stories. 

Rich Bennett 2:50
About time you brought out another book. 

Brad Cox 2:52
Yeah, right. It's been. It's been a whole year and a half, 

Rich Bennett 2:55

Brad Cox 2:55
right? Yeah. So. But yeah, there's definitely stories that. 

Rich Bennett 2:59
Let me rephrase it, because your last book was the songs. 

Brad Cox 3:03
The songs 

Rich Bennett 3:03

Brad Cox 3:04
are poetry. 

Rich Bennett 3:04
it's about time you brought in. This is going to be a novel. 

Brad Cox 3:07

Rich Bennett 3:07
So it's about how you brought out another novel. 

Brad Cox 3:09
Right. So that's been you know, that's been since 20 whatever kind of August 2020. 

Rich Bennett 3:13
20. 20. 2019. 

Brad Cox 3:15
It's been a little while, about two or three years. 

Derek Pentz 3:17
If the last four years felt like it's been two decades. 

Brad Cox 3:19
Yeah. Back in 19. It all started for me back in like 1996. 

Rich Bennett 3:25

Brad Cox 3:26
I was about to run away to Hollywood and become a rock star. That was kind of the goal and. 

Rich Bennett 3:30

Brad Cox 3:30
My girlfriend at the time gave me this ring and it was a real special ring and I never took it off. And one day during a band practice, I lost the ring in Westwood Village behind the couch. So me and the girl that I was playing music with at the time were doing everything we can to find this ring, 

Rich Bennett 3:46

Brad Cox 3:47
because I was like, If I don't come home with this ring. 

Rich Bennett 3:49
You're in trouble. 

Brad Cox 3:50
I'm in trouble. She's gonna be like, I was almost like an engagement ring to an engagement that never happened. Of course, we were kids, you know, so it didn't really equate to that, but. 

Derek Pentz 4:00
Was a promise ring. 

Brad Cox 4:01

Rich Bennett 4:02

Brad Cox 4:04
Anyway, I knew I was in trouble. I knew we had to find this ring and we. We never found it. So I come home months later. And so just to kind of describe the aesthetic of my house, it's kind of like American Psycho. It is pristinely clean. Like my house. Like you would notice something on the ground. 

Rich Bennett 4:24

Brad Cox 4:25
So it's having a lot of disturbances at my house at the time, doors slamming TV's turn on and off, that kind of thing. 

Rich Bennett 4:32
This is before you left. 

Brad Cox 4:34
No, This is when I got back from Los Angeles. 

Rich Bennett 4:37
Oh. Oh. Okay. 

Brad Cox 4:38
Yeah. So anyway, I just kind of had enough one night and I flipped on the lights, got in the middle of the room, was like, If this is you. And I assumed it was my grandfather, you 

Rich Bennett 4:48

Brad Cox 4:49
know, that's what I thought. Give me a sign. I need. I need a sign. I need something like, legit. And this ring that I lost 3000 miles away was right on the middle of. 

Derek Pentz 5:00

Rich Bennett 5:01
Get the hell 

Brad Cox 5:02

Rich Bennett 5:02

Brad Cox 5:02
it was right. It was right below my feet where I was standing. 

Derek Pentz 5:05
Oh, I love it. 

Brad Cox 5:07
I looked down, I picked it up. And obviously when I got back, we'd already had discussions like, I lost this thing out there, you know, so. 

Rich Bennett 5:14

Brad Cox 5:15
Yeah. So that's those things kind of validated all the things that were happening in the house at the time. So it's like, okay, so I think it's my grandfather, you know? And so then when my wife and I moved, where it kind of got weird. 

Rich Bennett 5:29
That's where you're at now. 

Brad Cox 5:30
Now I'm. 

Rich Bennett 5:31
Oh, look. 

Brad Cox 5:32
As a matter of fact, the person we sold the house to, she's not there either. 

Rich Bennett 5:35

Brad Cox 5:36

Rich Bennett 5:36
Lisa, all of this. 

Brad Cox 5:39
The woman who sold the house she is. She had a priest and everything. 

Rich Bennett 5:44

Derek Pentz 5:45
did a whole exorcism thing. 

Brad Cox 5:46
Yeah, it was. It was a. 

Rich Bennett 5:47
It was that bad. 

Brad Cox 5:48
Well, I mean, for us, not not as much. We think that maybe whatever she brought with her aggravated what was maybe already. 

Rich Bennett 5:56

Brad Cox 5:58

Derek Pentz 5:58

Brad Cox 5:59
Yeah, but. 

Rich Bennett 6:01
Wow. Sue, do you ever have anybody come in and do an investigation or anything? 

Brad Cox 6:06
Well, not now. No, we. We talked about it a lot, and. 

Rich Bennett 6:10
You were comfortable? 

Brad Cox 6:11
We were comfortable was 

Rich Bennett 6:12

Brad Cox 6:13
like my daughter. So there's another kind of weird story and they're all kind of percolating now. But my daughter actually saw my grandfather walk into her closet. 

Derek Pentz 6:22

Brad Cox 6:22
She was a kid. She'd never met him because he died way before. She would have, you know, ever got a chance to meet him. So we pulled out a bunch of pictures like, is do you see him in these pictures? And she's like, It was him. So it was a younger version of. 

Derek Pentz 6:35
How old was she? 

Rich Bennett 6:36
Murdered out. 

Brad Cox 6:37
Pointed them right out. And so we were going to 

Derek Pentz 6:39

Brad Cox 6:39

Derek Pentz 6:39
old was she? 

Brad Cox 6:41
She was really young. 

Derek Pentz 6:43
Okay. Normally, kids like that. They still have their likeability. 

Brad Cox 6:47
Yeah, so she remembers it. 

Derek Pentz 6:49

Brad Cox 6:49
But so we were going to have a CD release party for our EP Ghosts back in 2012, 

Derek Pentz 6:56

Brad Cox 6:56
and we contacted this woman, Janie Daley. She was a medium and so I got on the phone with her. I don't know her from anybody. She doesn't know I'm going to call. There's no there's no heads up or anything. Somebody just gave me a phone number to call this woman, Janie Daley. So I did. And I get on the phone with her and she's like, So do you believe in this kind of stuff? And I was like, I mean, I yeah, I do. But to what degree? I don't. 

Rich Bennett 7:17

Brad Cox 7:18
And she's like, well, you know, your daughter does because she saw your grandfather in her bedroom and. 

Rich Bennett 7:23
But she didn't do that. 

Brad Cox 7:24
You didn't know any of this? You didn't know I was calling that day. 

Rich Bennett 7:26

Brad Cox 7:27
And so at that point I was like, you know what? I appreciate that, but we're not going to have you to our city release party because the last thing we want is you walking up to people who are drinking there to have a good time being like, hey, by the way, your your mother is right next to you and she wants you to know, like, 

Derek Pentz 7:45

Brad Cox 7:45
we just thought it was probably a bad. 

Rich Bennett 7:46
Yeah, that would be kind of freaky, man. 

Brad Cox 7:49
So we called that off. But yeah, it. 

Rich Bennett 7:52
Wow, man. That's just who. 

Brad Cox 7:56

Derek Pentz 7:57

Rich Bennett 7:57

Derek Pentz 7:57
you have experiences in L.A., though? Because L.A. is insanely haunted. 

Brad Cox 8:00
I had a mental disturbances. 

Derek Pentz 8:05
Well that's that comes with the. 

Brad Cox 8:06
But no, nothing. Haunted. Really? 

Derek Pentz 8:09

Brad Cox 8:09
Nothing like that. It was just more my own psychology. The point was 

Derek Pentz 8:13

Brad Cox 8:13
debate. Yeah. 

Derek Pentz 8:15
Cause I know there's a lot of dark hauntings in L.A.. Like most of the stuff I have, like, experience out there or what are, like, way more darker than I. 

Brad Cox 8:22

Derek Pentz 8:22
Which is interesting because it's like you think Southern California, it's sunny, nice, and then you're like, Oh, there's. Demons and stuff. 

Rich Bennett 8:30
Have you ever actually seen that? What do you call it? An apparition. 

Derek Pentz 8:34
Apparition Ghost spirit. 

Rich Bennett 8:35

Brad Cox 8:36
I have it and I have three different theories on ghosts themselves. I feel like there's either there's two different types. There's like the ones that are doing like these kind of, like rascally things, like moving things around, turning. 

Rich Bennett 8:47

Brad Cox 8:47
On knocking on the doors, slamming doors. And then there's, like, just trapped energy, like I'm. 

Derek Pentz 8:52

Rich Bennett 8:53
Mm hmm. 

Derek Pentz 8:54
The sound tape theory. 

Brad Cox 8:55
Yeah. Yeah. So. Yeah. But I've actually never seen a ghost. Ghost? 

Rich Bennett 9:01

Brad Cox 9:02
I don't know that I could handle that. And I think they. 

Derek Pentz 9:05
It still freaks. 

Rich Bennett 9:06

Derek Pentz 9:06
I've seen a few and it like it you get you jump and it's it scares you. 

Brad Cox 9:11

Rich Bennett 9:12
The first time I did that. At least that I remember. 

Brad Cox 9:16
And you have. 

Rich Bennett 9:17
Yeah. More than once. I was. I was with the young lady. We were together for six years, and she was married before. 

Brad Cox 9:26

Rich Bennett 9:27
But she lost her husband and. I was spinning later house and I just woke up. And I saw this shadow in the doorway and I went to scream and I just. Nothing would come out that you're that scared. You're just like. And nothing came out. So the next morning was like, okay. Didn't think anything about it. But a lot of times whenever I would go in there, keep in mind her dresser is like a shrine to him. A lot of his stuff on it. 

Derek Pentz 10:00
Trigger objects. 

Rich Bennett 10:00
Yeah. So a lot of times I just feel something there. We ended up moving to a house in Edgewood. Same thing happened there. But this. I mean, this. I didn't scream or anything. I just sat up and locked. And then it went away. Now, the strange thing is the I, of course, we had split up and she ended up I think she's still with him with a guy we used to be friends and I saw him like several years later. I mentioned it to him. He's like, Holy shit, dude, are you serious? I'm like, Yeah. I said. Same thing happened to me. So yeah, but that. 

Derek Pentz 10:46

Rich Bennett 10:46

Derek Pentz 10:47
They're like, Oh, let's come back. 

Rich Bennett 10:48

Derek Pentz 10:49
Or did this do you think he knows he's dead, though? I've had that before. Okay. 

Rich Bennett 10:52
I don't know. 

Brad Cox 10:53
With the sixth sixth sense. 

Rich Bennett 10:56
The other time we. 

Derek Pentz 10:57
Love it. 

Rich Bennett 10:58
We were all camping in Gettysburg, which, of course. 

Derek Pentz 11:01
Gettysburg. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. 

Rich Bennett 11:03
We wrap it up. What is it? Little round Big Ranch or whatever it is. And me and my son were sitting there on the rock and we look over and we see this other guy sitting on a rock re-enactor. Full gear and everything. 

Brad Cox 11:15

Rich Bennett 11:15
And so me and my son were talking, and then we turned around to look at him again and he's not there and he is nowhere around to be found. 

Derek Pentz 11:24
Well, the thing about Gettysburg is the ghosts are know that you're there to experience them, so they'll, like, play with you. They'll show themselves. 

Rich Bennett 11:31
Oh, they definitely 

Derek Pentz 11:32

Rich Bennett 11:32

Derek Pentz 11:32

Rich Bennett 11:32

Derek Pentz 11:32

Rich Bennett 11:32
with you. 

Derek Pentz 11:33
Why you're there. 

Rich Bennett 11:34
Yeah. We 

Derek Pentz 11:35
Really cool. 

Rich Bennett 11:35
watch the one tower there are at on top of little round top, but we're not. 

Derek Pentz 11:40
Oh, that little light Castle towers. 

Rich Bennett 11:42

Derek Pentz 11:42

Rich Bennett 11:42
So me, me and my sister in law's boyfriend went in there and we were going up the steps. Well, we heard people. The top of the tower talking. 

Brad Cox 11:53
Mm hmm. 

Rich Bennett 11:54
But you can't get in the top of the tower because 

Brad Cox 11:55

Rich Bennett 11:56

Brad Cox 11:56

Rich Bennett 11:56
door was padlocked. 

Brad Cox 11:57

Derek Pentz 11:58
Oh, wow. 

Rich Bennett 11:58
Yeah, We're looking at each other like, what the hell? So there's we. I mean, we boogie down the bottom of the steps. He's standing in one doorway. I'm saying the other doorway. We're looking up. There's nobody up there, and nobody came out. It were like. 

Derek Pentz 12:15

Rich Bennett 12:16
Okay. So we went we wanted to we wanted to leave and we wanted to walk back the way we came. And at the time, my daughter was little, maybe three or so. Her and another little boy same age started freaking out saying they didn't want to go back that way because there's monsters. 

Derek Pentz 12:34

Rich Bennett 12:35
Yeah. Little kids see stuff. 

Brad Cox 12:37

Derek Pentz 12:37

Rich Bennett 12:37
But I love going to Gettysburg. 

Derek Pentz 12:40
Do you get anything at Devil's Den? Because I always do. I always feel safe. 

Rich Bennett 12:43
Not at Davos. Then 

Derek Pentz 12:44

Rich Bennett 12:45
you know where something really mean. I may have told you this before. Harper's. You've been to Harper's Ferry? Oh. It was me, my son. 

Brad Cox 12:52
That hotel that burned down or. 

Rich Bennett 12:54
No the cemetery be. We're all walking through the cemetery, I guess, walking towards the top of the hill. With our naked eye. All of us. An orb following us. 

Brad Cox 13:05

Derek Pentz 13:05

Rich Bennett 13:06
Yeah, which is weird. I mean, that's 

Derek Pentz 13:08
That is. 

Rich Bennett 13:08
integrative, which is. That's very rare, but yeah, I mean. 

Derek Pentz 13:12
Yeah, because I've only seen Orb like that, like, once or twice. 

Rich Bennett 13:14
Yeah, it was. 

Derek Pentz 13:16

Rich Bennett 13:16
It was wild. 

Brad Cox 13:17
It would seem like if you were able to stay here as a ghost. Like, I don't know about ghost themselves, but I feel like I would travel. Like I'd be in 

Derek Pentz 13:24

Brad Cox 13:24

Derek Pentz 13:24
I would say. 

Brad Cox 13:25
and eat. 

Rich Bennett 13:25
Oh, yeah. 

Brad Cox 13:26
What I 

Rich Bennett 13:26

Brad Cox 13:26
wouldn't be doing is hanging out in the same spot every single 

Rich Bennett 13:30

Brad Cox 13:30

Rich Bennett 13:30
filling out my bucket list. 

Brad Cox 13:33
So I'm going to hang out here and getting. 

Rich Bennett 13:34
Iceland. Here I come. 

Brad Cox 13:36
200 years. 

Rich Bennett 13:37

Derek Pentz 13:38
Oh, yeah. And someone's like, addict that no one comes off like, Yeah, I want to go to see the Eiffel Tower. Let's go. 

Brad Cox 13:42

Derek Pentz 13:43
For the museum. And since your go, you're not going be bothered by people. That sounds fun to me. 

Rich Bennett 13:47
Yes, You. I probably run into, like, some other ghost. I mean, if I was a ghost doing that, apparently some other guys are kick my ass because, like, I would love to go to Norway. The Vikings would probably kill me again. There's so. 

Just my luck wouldn't show it. What about you? 

Derek Pentz 14:04
do you mean? 

Rich Bennett 14:05
I mean, would you got to share a good story with us? 

Derek Pentz 14:08
Oh, let's see. 

Rich Bennett 14:09
You got several. 

Derek Pentz 14:09
Oh, I got I got a tie. And so I was at. I think this place, I don't want to be known as haunted, but I was at a actually on investigation in West Virginia that I'd like an old hospital. I was on the third floor, which was a psych ward. This was this is probably the most scariest thing I've ever had happen to me. I was there with my friend and we were looking down the hallway and we looked up and we saw this shadow thing crawling on the wall up like it was on the ceiling of it. It was a human, but it was like crawling like this. And it. 

Brad Cox 14:38
A spider. 

Derek Pentz 14:39
Yes. And it like, looked like crawled down like a doorway and then, like, saw us and like, ran back and like we both were like shot 

Rich Bennett 14:46
Oh, hell 

Derek Pentz 14:48

Rich Bennett 14:48

Brad Cox 14:49
Sure. Yeah. 

Derek Pentz 14:49
And then, like, we didn't, we just laughed. And then afterwards when we were like kind of like debriefing, we both saw the same exact thing. That's probably the scariest. First of all, 

Rich Bennett 14:59
Well, I mean, 

Derek Pentz 15:00

Rich Bennett 15:00
somebody's walking like frickin spider man, which 

Derek Pentz 15:02

Rich Bennett 15:02
scared the shit out of me, too. 

Derek Pentz 15:05
At first I thought it was just like the light or something, 

Rich Bennett 15:08

Derek Pentz 15:08
But then I'm like, No, it's solid black. And then it like it reacted to us, which was what else? That was what scared us too, because we're like, Oh, it knows we're here. It saw us. 

Brad Cox 15:17

Derek Pentz 15:18
And like in that hallway, they were, you said, like shadow figures, like walking past the doors and stuff at the end of the hallway. But this was, like, totally different. I don't know what it was, but like, it was probably one that freaked me out. 

Rich Bennett 15:32
With Edgar Allan Poe's grave. 

Derek Pentz 15:35

Rich Bennett 15:35
Do they. Does the every year two. 

Derek Pentz 15:37
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. 

Rich Bennett 15:38
Does that still happen? 

Derek Pentz 15:39

Rich Bennett 15:39

Derek Pentz 15:40

Rich Bennett 15:40
know what I'm talking about. The 

Brad Cox 15:40

Rich Bennett 15:40

Brad Cox 15:41
The bottle. 

Rich Bennett 15:41
or the cognac. 

Derek Pentz 15:42
I think now they've they. I think there might have been something paranormal happening, but I think now people are so aware of it that they're doing it just. 

Rich Bennett 15:49

Brad Cox 15:50
Keep it alive. 

Rich Bennett 15:53
Huh? But. 

Derek Pentz 15:53
But Edgar Allan Poe is apparently one of the bars and falls plain. 

Rich Bennett 15:57
I've heard. 

Brad Cox 15:57
Chilling out. 

Derek Pentz 15:58

Brad Cox 15:58
Now, that kind of makes sense. 

Derek Pentz 15:59

Brad Cox 16:00
Yeah. Yeah. Huh? 

Rich Bennett 16:02
Yeah, considering his history, I would say so. You got another one, Brad? I could tell. 

Brad Cox 16:07
There's plenty of them. 

Rich Bennett 16:08
Go ahead. 

Brad Cox 16:09
No, no, I just. 

Rich Bennett 16:10
I love hearing this stuff. 

Derek Pentz 16:11
Oh, yeah. No, it's my fave. 

Brad Cox 16:12
I'm just curious, like, what do you guys think about the paranormal and things getting trapped into songs themselves? You ever listen to certain records and you're just like. Like Zeppelin's a great example. 

Derek Pentz 16:24

Brad Cox 16:24

Derek Pentz 16:24

Brad Cox 16:24
there is something mysterious about those records. Almost like when they went to record them, Like Spirit's Spirit Energy got trapped in the song. Well, I have a song like that. I won't even listen to it unless like. 

Derek Pentz 16:39
You got to set it to. 

Brad Cox 16:40
A beautiful day. It's three in the afternoon. The sun is shining and I still don't like listening to it because something got stuck in this song. It's called The Gift. It's very, very. It's very weird. If you want experience, if you want to experience it, turn out your lights. Turn on the candle. Play the song. But yeah, I think energy can get stuck in recordings. 

Rich Bennett 17:05
I've never thought about that because, I mean, you know how much I love music. 

Brad Cox 17:10
Yeah. Yeah. 

Rich Bennett 17:11
And I love putting on the headphones and just pulling out the pieces of music, but I never thought about doing that. You're like the old was it the old Beatles thing 

Brad Cox 17:20

Rich Bennett 17:20
where you play the record backwards? Paul is dead or whatever. 

Derek Pentz 17:23
Mm hmm. 

Rich Bennett 17:24
But something. I mean, that could be interesting because you think of a lot of the studios. 

Derek Pentz 17:29
Oh, they're all haunted. Oh, 

Rich Bennett 17:31

Derek Pentz 17:31

Rich Bennett 17:31

Brad Cox 17:32
Yeah. Yeah. 

Derek Pentz 17:32
Oh, yeah. 

Rich Bennett 17:33
And the song's the gift. Now, who is it? By yourself or Skip? Skip, Skip. I can never say that. 

Derek Pentz 17:43
Schizo, Calypso. 

Brad Cox 17:44
The war has been a. 

Rich Bennett 17:45
You said this. 

Derek Pentz 17:46
I like it, though. 

Brad Cox 17:47
I know, but it's what happens when you name a band when you're 18 and then 

Derek Pentz 17:49

Brad Cox 17:49
you're stuck. 

Derek Pentz 17:50

Brad Cox 17:50
You're five albums deep. It's like, I guess that's the name. There's nothing we can do. 

Rich Bennett 17:53
Well, no, the same thing is happening. 

Brad Cox 17:55
What's that? 

Rich Bennett 17:56
The same thing. Things happened with movies. 

Brad Cox 17:58

Rich Bennett 17:58
The one. 

Brad Cox 17:59
Well, The Wizard of Oz. 

Derek Pentz 18:00
Yeah, that's true. 

Brad Cox 18:01
Well, The Wizard of Oz. 

Derek Pentz 18:02
There's like, a munchkin that, like, hung himself. 

Brad Cox 18:05
Yeah. Yeah. The Wizard of Oz. 

Derek Pentz 18:06

Brad Cox 18:07
I don't know if that's law 

Rich Bennett 18:08

Brad Cox 18:08
or not, but it's. 

Derek Pentz 18:09
It's it's something, though. And you got Judy Garland just being Judy, which, you know. 

Rich Bennett 18:14
The one that I remember. The biggest one I remember is three men and a baby. 

Brad Cox 18:19
I do remember that. 

Rich Bennett 18:20
Yeah, well, apparently at one point there's a little boy in the window. 

Brad Cox 18:24

Derek Pentz 18:24

Rich Bennett 18:25
It's the spirit of a little boy. 

Derek Pentz 18:26
And I know in poltergeist making that they had. 

Rich Bennett 18:28
Oh, that. 

Derek Pentz 18:29
A lot of experiences. 

Brad Cox 18:30
Well, Caroline died. 

Derek Pentz 18:32

Brad Cox 18:32
The old preacher was he had cancer, he was dying and he died. So that. 

Derek Pentz 18:38
Oh, yeah. I got to watch that. 

Brad Cox 18:39
Porter's too is, like, underrated, but it's. 

Derek Pentz 18:42

Brad Cox 18:42
Yeah. Yeah. 

Rich Bennett 18:43
There's a man that when I said, What about horror movies today compared to the old days? 

Derek Pentz 18:50
Like I was watching the 

Rich Bennett 18:51

Derek Pentz 18:51

Rich Bennett 18:52
or suck. 

Derek Pentz 18:52
It doesn't do it. There's something about the old school. 

Brad Cox 18:55

Derek Pentz 18:56
Especially from the eighties. 

Rich Bennett 18:58
I'll go back even further 

Derek Pentz 19:00

Rich Bennett 19:00
than that. You give me the old Vincent Price one. 

Derek Pentz 19:02
Yes. Joan Crawford in Straight Jacket is one of my favorites. 

Rich Bennett 19:05
I've never seen them. 

Derek Pentz 19:06
That one is good. She did it right after what ever happened to Baby Jane. And it is Joan Crawford being Joan fucking Crawford. It's amazing. 

Rich Bennett 19:13

Because my favorites are always like Frankenstein. 

Derek Pentz 19:18
Hmm. I do Go down Frankenstein. 

Rich Bennett 19:21
Not me. Still, Young Frankenstein is awesome, but that was a scary. 

Derek Pentz 19:27
Oh, with the dude from Everybody Loves Raymond. He plays Frankenstein. 

Rich Bennett 19:30
Oh, Peter Boyle. Yeah. Yeah. Him. 

Derek Pentz 19:32

Rich Bennett 19:32

Derek Pentz 19:32

Rich Bennett 19:33
Feldman, Gene Wilder. 

Derek Pentz 19:34

Rich Bennett 19:34
I think that was the. If I'm not mistaken, that may have been the first one that Gene Wilder wrote. 

Derek Pentz 19:40

Rich Bennett 19:41
Mel Brooks helped them, I think. I can't remember. That's another thing. What to do if some of the wealthy celebrities lived. Because, you know, when Gilda passed, even though he. 

Derek Pentz 19:54

Rich Bennett 19:55
It was I think it was very hard on him. 

You do know who Gene Wilder is? 

Brad Cox 20:01

Rich Bennett 20:01

Derek Pentz 20:02
Willy Wonka. 

Rich Bennett 20:03
Well, yeah, the good Willy Wonka. 

Derek Pentz 20:05
Yeah, that's true. 

Rich Bennett 20:06
He added a lot in that to. 

Brad Cox 20:07
Did he? 

Rich Bennett 20:08
Oh, yeah. Like when he's walking out and the king gets stuck and he rolls. Originally they wanted him to like. 

Derek Pentz 20:15
That was all improv. 

Rich Bennett 20:16

Derek Pentz 20:16

Rich Bennett 20:17
They decided to do that the 

Brad Cox 20:18

Rich Bennett 20:18

Brad Cox 20:18
was the girl that was the blue bear. 

Rich Bennett 20:20
The blueberry. 

Brad Cox 20:21
Who was she? 

Rich Bennett 20:22
I don't know. I can't remember. 

Brad Cox 20:23
I think it was her that I'm thinking of. But there was a girl that used to come in the bank all the time and she would tell people it was a. 

Rich Bennett 20:30
The blueberry. 

Brad Cox 20:32
I don't know 

Derek Pentz 20:32

Brad Cox 20:32

Derek Pentz 20:32
Veruca, I think she was the spoiled one. 

Brad Cox 20:35
That's not. 

Rich Bennett 20:35
That's the one that became the blueberry. 

Derek Pentz 20:37
Oh, really? Okay. 

Rich Bennett 20:38

Brad Cox 20:39
Well, that's who I'm referring. She used to come to the bank all the time and tell people that she was that actress. And we 

Rich Bennett 20:44

Brad Cox 20:44
were. What? Well, we didn't know what to make of it. Like, either she was obsessed or she had a name change. We don't know. 

Rich Bennett 20:51

Brad Cox 20:51

Rich Bennett 20:52

Brad Cox 20:53
that was a cool movie. 

Rich Bennett 20:54
There's shit. And that's another thing I would like to do. Go to the. 

Derek Pentz 20:59
Oh yeah. And can't see all the objects too. Like has all that energy because you think about it all, Theodore is, is coming back from like the Greek tradition of, like worshipping Dionysus. So it's a spiritual ritual. So it makes sense that ghosts and stuff will come through it. Because I would say what's going to be the shitty play that summons Dionysus after centuries of trying? 

Rich Bennett 21:19
They're always going out and finding. Objects. 

Derek Pentz 21:22

Rich Bennett 21:23
Which could have something attached to it 

Derek Pentz 21:26

Rich Bennett 21:26
as well. 

Derek Pentz 21:27
And a lot more objects are haunted. People think it's the homes. It's the objects. So. 

Brad Cox 21:31
Which is weird. 

Derek Pentz 21:34
That's why you have like haunted museums and stuff that are awful. 

Rich Bennett 21:36

Derek Pentz 21:37
It objects, but then you get it where it's like too crammed with ghosts and stuff. 

Rich Bennett 21:41
What was the dog's name? 

Brad Cox 21:42

Derek Pentz 21:43
There's Robert, there's Annabelle. And I had a freaky story with Annabelle when I went to the Horror museum in Vegas. I walked past it and I keep a spare box on it and said my drag name. I was there, like, not in drag on vacation. This is like three or four years, right? It was right before the pandemic. 

Rich Bennett 21:58
They keep a spirit box on the doll. 

Derek Pentz 22:00
Oh, yeah, Well, they have. Well, Zak Bagans is a hoarder and collects all that stuff, so he's a bunch of horny dolls and he has spear boxes on the most famous ones because they'll talk through it and like, I walked past it and. 

Brad Cox 22:12

Derek Pentz 22:12
A.B. and I remember the tour guide was like that. Who's that? And I just got goose bumps. And I was like, Well, that's my drag me. I'm like, Here we go. 

Brad Cox 22:20
You saw that or brought that up 

Derek Pentz 22:22

Brad Cox 22:22
on my show? Yeah. 

Derek Pentz 22:23
Was another that one, because I still can't figure that one out. 

Rich Bennett 22:28
What would your reaction be if you're just out there and all of a sudden your voice 

Derek Pentz 22:32
Schizo clips of. 

Rich Bennett 22:33
my. Cross. Nobody else is around. 

Brad Cox 22:37
I don't know. I. I probably be a little freaked out. 

Rich Bennett 22:41
Get goose bumps. 

Brad Cox 22:42
A little bit. Yeah. 

Rich Bennett 22:43
Leave a trail. 

Brad Cox 22:44
But I think my reaction would be like, what? What do you want? 

Rich Bennett 22:49
Yeah. I mean, 

Derek Pentz 22:50

Rich Bennett 22:50

Brad Cox 22:51
What do you need? 

Rich Bennett 22:52
When my wife and I went to Boonesborough, we stayed at the Boonesborough. In Boonsboro, which is owned by Norway. Which apparently Bird barked as she. 

Derek Pentz 23:02

Rich Bennett 23:02
There's a spirit there. A young girl who her fiancee was in the battle at Antietam. She didn't know he died. I mean, I found this out because we went downstairs for breakfast. All these women were talking about it, said the one lady said her husband went into the library upstairs and the door shut. Nobody could get it open. 

Derek Pentz 23:24

Rich Bennett 23:25
Of course, I find all this sad that they were leaving. 

Brad Cox 23:28

Rich Bennett 23:29
And I told my wife, I said, I want to go back there and take my gear, go up in the library and see if she'll talk to me. I would just love to do that. I would love on a podcast, like if a spirit could sit there where one of you are and talk to them. Find out, you know? 

Brad Cox 23:47
How am I doing? 

Rich Bennett 23:48
Yeah. What's going on? Why are you still here? You're. 

Brad Cox 23:51

Rich Bennett 23:51
What is it that is true. 

Brad Cox 23:54
What's keeping you here? 

Rich Bennett 23:55
Yeah. Yeah. You know. Are you mad at me? I. Did I do something to piss you off? 

Brad Cox 24:02
It'd be weird to have unfinished business when none of us really have a clue what we're doing here in the first place. 

Derek Pentz 24:07
Very true. 

Brad Cox 24:07
Is it like you die? And then something is like, Well, by the way, you were supposed to have done this. Oh, well, had you told me before I got here unwillingly. Maybe I would have done said thing. But now you want me to hang around. Life and fix it. 

Derek Pentz 24:24
It's like, Wait a minute. 

Brad Cox 24:25
I can't even. 

Derek Pentz 24:26
That's the. Yeah. You're like, Wait, because I've had spirits where you tell them they're dead and they're like, Oh, okay. 

Brad Cox 24:31
Well, this got awkward in a hurry. 

Rich Bennett 24:34
And. Yeah, I. Ah. 

Derek Pentz 24:37
Like, Wait a minute. 

Rich Bennett 24:40
You got this. You don't have the spirit box on yet. 

Derek Pentz 24:42
I can turn it on. 

Rich Bennett 24:43
Turn it off because we're in case we're pissing somebody off. I want to know about it. 

Derek Pentz 24:50
All right. So just an. 

Rich Bennett 24:52
Give us that lady's phone number. 

Derek Pentz 24:55
Oh, it just said. Yeah. 

Rich Bennett 24:57
Are you going to give us a. 

Derek Pentz 24:59

Rich Bennett 24:59
You're going to give us a fair number. 

Derek Pentz 25:00
That was clear as day. Do you want to talk? 

Rich Bennett 25:03
I saw those of you listening there does paranormal investigating. He brought a spear box so that it's that noise you're hearing. That's what that is. Like I said in the beginning, I've had four different people. Tell me that that sound like radio that there's. They sensed a presence here. 

Derek Pentz 25:25
Me being one of them. 

Brad Cox 25:26
Oh, here in the actual. 

Rich Bennett 25:28
Oh, yeah. 

Brad Cox 25:29
In the world. 

Rich Bennett 25:29
She'll be back there. 

Brad Cox 25:30

Rich Bennett 25:30

Brad Cox 25:31

Rich Bennett 25:31
There's been times we've had meetings in here. It never fails, especially at nighttime, right around 730, that TV will kick on and back off. 

Brad Cox 25:41
How long is this structure been here? 

Rich Bennett 25:43
Lyons built it in 19. 74. 75. 

Brad Cox 25:46
Do you realize, though, what was the theory? You called it The stone. 

Derek Pentz 25:50
Tape theory. 

Brad Cox 25:50
The stone tape theory 200 years from now could be happening and they could be experiencing this moment 

Derek Pentz 25:56
Very true. 

Brad Cox 25:57
right now. It could be our energy. 

Derek Pentz 26:01
Yeah, because it's own tape theory. So it's like you're listening to a recording or like interacting with like a movie. It's like the ghosts aren't actually intelligent or real. There's kind of reliving it and you just experience. 

Rich Bennett 26:14
What if we're reduced? 

Brad Cox 26:15
That's what I mean. 

Derek Pentz 26:16
I would love. 

Rich Bennett 26:16

Derek Pentz 26:17
I would love it. 

Rich Bennett 26:17
Dude. You're like, Holy shit, man. You're tripping my freakin mind now. Wow them almost like time travel. 

Brad Cox 26:26
Well, kind of. I mean, times in theory, not real. 

In a linear sense while we're here. It is, but I don't think that it's really real. 

Rich Bennett 26:35
I would say, let's turn the lights off, but then we won't be able to see shit. 

Derek Pentz 26:39
Well, I'm used to it. 

Rich Bennett 26:40

Brad Cox 26:41
So yeah, I tend to not mess with it at all. 

Rich Bennett 26:46
The lights are just 

Brad Cox 26:47

Rich Bennett 26:47
like, Oh. 

Brad Cox 26:48
Because I feel like it's. It's a door that I try to keep shut anyway. 

Rich Bennett 26:53
The only thing 

Brad Cox 26:53

Rich Bennett 26:53
I won't mess. The only thing I won't mess with is Ouija boards. 

Derek Pentz 26:58
This is the same thing as a Ouija board. 

Rich Bennett 26:59
What the hell are you talking about, Willis? 

Derek Pentz 27:01
This is the same thing. This is just an updated version of it. 

Rich Bennett 27:04
You told me last. 

Derek Pentz 27:05
All the Ouija all the Ouija board is is just it's the Victorian way of communicating with spirits. It's the same thing as this, only this is updated. But you're completely protected. I know how to use it. If anything does come through, I can contain it. 

Rich Bennett 27:17
I feel like Ouija board was actually more or less designed to bring in like, evil. 

Brad Cox 27:24
Well, no, it's not really for that. It's worse for communicating with the dead. But I think unless you actually engage in it, you're kind of like you're not talking to it. 

Rich Bennett 27:34

Brad Cox 27:35
Derek is. So. 

Derek Pentz 27:37
Something just came through. They came through over two. 

Rich Bennett 27:40
Yeah, but if I'm asking who it is I'm talking 

Brad Cox 27:43
You just did. 

Rich Bennett 27:44

Derek Pentz 27:48
Came through. So it'd be cool for listeners to like, analyze it. 

Rich Bennett 27:53

Derek Pentz 27:54
Write us what you hear. 

Brad Cox 27:57
Yeah. How loud will that be in the mix? That could just be a cool sound effect going on the whole time. 

Rich Bennett 28:03

Derek Pentz 28:04
That's the thing. 

Rich Bennett 28:04
She could turn to gain a. The good thing is because I can always edit it to. 

summary by. 

If you're here. Were you a member of the Japanese Lions Club? 

Spirit Box 28:25
When it. 

Rich Bennett 28:32
Were you a member of the job title Recreation program? 

The other thing is. 

Although I've been here since. 

Spirit Box 28:48

Derek Pentz 28:52
But water's hold energy kind of like wall. 

Rich Bennett 28:58
Water does. 

Derek Pentz 28:59
Oh, yeah. 

Rich Bennett 29:00

Derek Pentz 29:00
Oh, yeah. That's why ships are really haunted. 

Spirit Box 29:02

Derek Pentz 29:04
There's a body of water. Some maybe like under. It like. 

Rich Bennett 29:11
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. Hold up. Backup. Explain this about an underwater 

Derek Pentz 29:15

Rich Bennett 29:15
spring again. 

Derek Pentz 29:15
if you have like an underground spring something or anything. It'll actually. 

Rich Bennett 29:22

Derek Pentz 29:23
Water. Like there's something 

Spirit Box 29:24
Something about. 

Derek Pentz 29:24
about it. Where? 

Rich Bennett 29:28
Sister's house. What she knows is on an underwater. 

Derek Pentz 29:32
She of any like she more active. 

Spirit Box 29:34

Rich Bennett 29:36
She has activity there. 

Both of my parents were on whom? Hospice. 

But I thought we had activities. 

Derek Pentz 29:46
But when they were in hospice, did they have any type of like. Did they say anything when they were like in the process of crossing over? Because that's something that I've. 

That was something. We're like, I know with my grandfather. He would say like, Oh, so-and-so. 

Died. So he was. 

Spirit Box 30:05

Derek Pentz 30:08
That was happening. I'm thinking if there had an underground space. 

Brad Cox 30:13
Speaking of Grandfather's, you know, I told you, I've. It's one thing to see a TV. Come on. Another thing when somebody mindfully changes. Watch the. 

Spirit Box 30:25

Brad Cox 30:25
So say. 

Derek Pentz 30:26
Oh, yeah. 

Brad Cox 30:27
So he always wanted to watch golf, right? So we'd be like in the other room doing our thing and we'd look over and you'd see like, you know, somebody like on a clicker like 0 to 3 and all of a sudden golf would come on and be like, okay, I guess he wants to watch golf today. It's a little bit different than the TV just turning on or maybe the. The remote. Something 

Rich Bennett 30:44

Brad Cox 30:44

Rich Bennett 30:46
That's pretty wild. 

Brad Cox 30:47
Yeah, this was just the kind of things that became normal. And we're just like, Okay. That's what it is like. 

Derek Pentz 30:52
But also to have that connection. Like you knew he liked to watch golf and 

Brad Cox 30:55

Derek Pentz 30:55
he was specifically going to the Golf Channel. Like that stuff from like you. 

Brad Cox 30:59
I feel like when my daughter saw him walk into the closet. I think that was him. That was him saying goodbye, as if maybe his whole point of sticking behind was to make sure. 

Rich Bennett 31:09
Because you haven't said anything. 

Brad Cox 31:11
Not since we left that house. 

Rich Bennett 31:13
So where are you living at now? You don't sense anything, whether it's 

Spirit Box 31:17

Rich Bennett 31:17

Brad Cox 31:19
Yeah, but there's plenty of people that would come over for parties or whatever. 

Spirit Box 31:29

Brad Cox 31:29
They don't want to stay. You know. 

Rich Bennett 31:33
There's been times. 

Brad Cox 31:33
I don't know how much of that was me, but. 

Rich Bennett 31:35
Yeah. Because in my house. And now my daughter was. 

She was very young. I don't know 

Spirit Box 31:46

Rich Bennett 31:48
my father. 

There's times where 

Spirit Box 31:52
For all 

Rich Bennett 31:52

Spirit Box 31:53

Rich Bennett 31:53
my wife 

Spirit Box 31:54

Rich Bennett 31:54
and my daughter. 

Spirit Box 31:54

Rich Bennett 31:55
At the same time a different. Will like. We can smell my father. Because he smoked Winchester. 

Brad Cox 32:01

Rich Bennett 32:02
Cigarettes so had that to. 

Derek Pentz 32:03
Oh, yeah. 

Rich Bennett 32:05
My brother. He had that. 

Weird thing is, the last dog I had, was. I can sense the dog. 

Spirit Box 32:14

Derek Pentz 32:15
Well, animals will come back. 

Rich Bennett 32:17
Oh, there's. 

Derek Pentz 32:18
Oh, yeah. 

Brad Cox 32:18
Hopes? I hope so. 

Rich Bennett 32:20
Where I live. There's. 

Brad Cox 32:20
Not that I would channel that. Biggie. 

Derek Pentz 32:23
You're like, Come back. 

Rich Bennett 32:26
My best friend used to live across 

this. May of 80. 


Derek Pentz 32:36

Rich Bennett 32:47
But I was I was sitting there, so I remember the big green electrical box. 

Brad Cox 32:52

Rich Bennett 32:53
So I'm sitting on that in his front yard. 


And I swear to this day, I'll always sit and talk and. 

People that lived in live in the house 

Spirit Box 33:12

Rich Bennett 33:14

Spirit Box 33:14

Rich Bennett 33:15
Said that they've sensed. 

Spirit Box 33:17
And we did 

Rich Bennett 33:21

Spirit Box 33:21

Derek Pentz 33:21

Rich Bennett 33:23
The house next. 

Spirit Box 33:26

Rich Bennett 33:26
So the people that live. 

She contacted me. She goes, Hey. Who 

are some of. 

But yeah, it's just all kinds. Nothing evil will happen. But they. 

Derek Pentz 34:11
Well, that's the thing about a lot of these girls that people. They instantly go to like Demon or Darkness. And I'm like, Very rarely is it that. 

Rich Bennett 34:18
Some of them are jokesters. 

Derek Pentz 34:19
Yes, some of our pranksters. And most of the time they're. 

Brad Cox 34:21
That's why I say rascals. 

Derek Pentz 34:22

Rich Bennett 34:22

Derek Pentz 34:23
I'm like, You just kind of have to, like, talk to them like, people. And they will. They're. Jeremiah to say theater He is. 

Brad Cox 34:30
As a ghost. 

Derek Pentz 34:31
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. He was a jazz musician in the twenties. Killed up on the balcony. 

Brad Cox 34:36
Oh, God. 

Derek Pentz 34:37
And he's just a good time dude. And like, he kind of has attachment to me. Me a dollar because in. 

He kind of followed me, 


He would be he would be like a performer. 

He just he would fit right in. 

Rich Bennett 35:01
That'd be pretty damn. 

Brad Cox 35:03
You always hear about the various things. 

The Chesapeake. College had a. 

Derek Pentz 35:12

Brad Cox 35:12
Apparently. Yeah. And so and I heard about that when I started working. I would work late night. What I thought were. 

Well, maybe was. 

Spirit Box 35:23

Rich Bennett 35:23

Brad Cox 35:24
But yeah, it's just. It's a vibe. 

Derek Pentz 35:27
Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's how a lot of these hauntings are, is that you can pick up on their vibe and. 

Brad Cox 35:31
Something's here. I don't know what it is. It's not really doing anything, but. 

Derek Pentz 35:35
Love it. So there is there are a lot of hauntings that. 

Brad Cox 35:38
I think in the old theater, a lot of people did have exposure. 

Derek Pentz 35:41
Because I'm getting ready to actually do an investigation and see. 

Brad Cox 35:44
Are you? 

Derek Pentz 35:45
Film it and because they have the Hilton mansion there. So it's like. 

I'm surprised they let me have full access. 

Spirit Box 35:53

Derek Pentz 35:54
Like there's so many hauntings there. And also in Essex, I'm like, I know. As you have done. You have. Oh, they did. 

Brad Cox 36:01

Derek Pentz 36:02

Brad Cox 36:03
Yeah. Just because you. 

Spirit Box 36:04

Brad Cox 36:05
I mean, it's tore down and for. 

Derek Pentz 36:06
Oh, that means that they might be. 

Brad Cox 36:09
Well, I don't know if you can get on the construction site. 

Derek Pentz 36:11
Oh, that's true. a very. Isn't 

Brad Cox 36:15
But. Yeah. 

Derek Pentz 36:15
there like an old house there? 

Brad Cox 36:17

Derek Pentz 36:17

Brad Cox 36:18
The Hayes High house now. I might be just worth going over and talking to some of. Their experience is here. And. 

Rich Bennett 36:24
Supposedly the. 

Brad Cox 36:25
Yeah. Yeah. It would make sense if you ever walk in there. It's pretty. Old school. 

Rich Bennett 36:30
Actually. Have you ever done that? Like. 

Derek Pentz 36:33
I haven't. But one of the teams I work with, Animal and I have. And they've gotten a lot of stuff actually, 

Rich Bennett 36:39

Derek Pentz 36:39
in the museum and around the ground. It's like it's massively haunted. A lot of times it's like saying. Now time. I think there's an innkeeper and there's. A lot of like industrial. 

Rich Bennett 36:53
What about the opera? 

Derek Pentz 36:56
I, I know people that have had experiences. That's one of the places I do want to investigate. I've heard that there's a little girl that's in backstage. There's a another actor that's on stage. That place is massively. 

Rich Bennett 37:08
And you also. You didn't you do the. 

Spirit Box 37:13

Derek Pentz 37:13
We did. The owner is not. 

Spirit Box 37:16

Rich Bennett 37:17
What's the name of it again? 

Derek Pentz 37:17
The Spencer Silver Mansion. 

Rich Bennett 37:18

Derek Pentz 37:19
I have investigated that. The owner is. 

She's open to it, but. But she made the comment like. She doesn't want to scare away her guests. 

Brad Cox 37:31

Spirit Box 37:31

Derek Pentz 37:31
Which is something that. 

Brad Cox 37:32

Derek Pentz 37:33

Brad Cox 37:33
for weddings or whatever. 

Derek Pentz 37:34
And I'm like, I get that. But at the same time, I'm like. 

Rich Bennett 37:37
It would attract more. 

Derek Pentz 37:38
Yeah. Like, that's the thing about the paranormal is there's a huge interest in it. Like, that's why Gettysburg is what it is. Point Pleasant, West Virginia. It's. People go there to explore that type 

Brad Cox 37:48
For sure. 

Derek Pentz 37:48
But there's a lot of. A whole lot. 

Brad Cox 37:51
We've got the Jericho Bridge. Leary, Danger Benjamin. 

Derek Pentz 37:54
Lehrer. Déja vu. I want to investigate. Really? 

Brad Cox 37:57
The same kind of thing. They'll they'll kind of downplay. I did a report. Haunted areas in Harford County back in like 2000, 6000. 6000. The project. 

Derek Pentz 38:07
Can you send me that? 

Brad Cox 38:08
If I. If I could find. 

Derek Pentz 38:09
I would love to watch a. 

Brad Cox 38:10
Yeah, but. But that's that's one more. They'll downplay it a little. 

Derek Pentz 38:15

Spirit Box 38:15

Derek Pentz 38:16
Because there's a lot of places like, I know. MacGregor's And how. Stephanie is totally open to it. Like, I've investigated that a few times. Massively haunted. The Odyssey Salon in Aberdeen. I got my hair done. That place is. And injury the owner like he's talking of. There are places that are cool with it, and there's other places that are like. 

Spirit Box 38:35

Derek Pentz 38:37
Odyssey has had some. Because I was there actually getting my hair toned like. When I do that, I normally have Abby, my stylist. Tell on my face. And I sent out. It takes 20 minutes because I normally like to Lavender. 

And I was there and I kept feeling like there was a kid bouncing a ball near me. And I said something to Abby, and she's kind of witchy and. She was like, Oh, yeah, you know, the you know, the kid that's here. So. And Andrea's mom, Heidi, is in there. And then on the spa side where the oil is and like all the like 

Spirit Box 39:11

Derek Pentz 39:11
you get all. Spa staff. 

Spirit Box 39:13

Derek Pentz 39:14
There's like a man there who's a shoe store. 


Brad Cox 39:20
Al Bundy's in there. 

Derek Pentz 39:22
Yeah. Just like, Oh, let's have some oxfords. 

Brad Cox 39:26
Yes, Magos. 

Rich Bennett 39:27
Imagine all the places. 

Derek Pentz 39:30
Oh, my God. I would love. 

Spirit Box 39:31

Derek Pentz 39:32

Spirit Box 39:32

Derek Pentz 39:32

Spirit Box 39:32

Derek Pentz 39:32
there so badly because Perriman is, like, super haunted. 

Rich Bennett 39:36
Oh, yeah. 

Derek Pentz 39:36
And I. 

Brad Cox 39:37
Positive would be a great place to go. 

Derek Pentz 39:39

Brad Cox 39:40
That entire town. 

Derek Pentz 39:41

Rich Bennett 39:42
Especially the ways. 

Derek Pentz 39:42

Rich Bennett 39:43
Served with the building in every. 

Derek Pentz 39:44

Rich Bennett 39:47

Derek Pentz 39:47
But I know the DOD has that place locked down, and I know to. 

Rich Bennett 39:50
You're told that your naval base there. 

Derek Pentz 39:53

Spirit Box 39:54

Derek Pentz 39:54

Spirit Box 39:54
want to. 

Derek Pentz 39:55
That's like one of my dream places to ever investigate. I know my dad and my step brother are firemen and have. Some calls out there and most of the firemen have had. Is out there, but they have it so locked down, you can't even. I've I've snuck on there and did it like a few. Teenager and. Vibes happening. And I thought I saw a sailor, so. 

Rich Bennett 40:18

Derek Pentz 40:20
That place I want to go. That's like my. To go there. 

Brad Cox 40:30
Not intentionally. 

Derek Pentz 40:32

Brad Cox 40:33
I think they might be investigating me or the other side is. 

Rich Bennett 40:37
What about the Ghost Tours? 

What's your take on? 

Derek Pentz 40:43
Well, Lanier, who I work with, she does a tour through have degrees. So she. 

Spirit Box 40:48

Derek Pentz 40:50
He comes at it from the way I do. So there's a little bit of theater and like, she's really, like, factual in history. 

Brad Cox 40:54
Yeah. Bella does 

Rich Bennett 40:55

Brad Cox 40:55

Derek Pentz 40:55

Brad Cox 40:56

Derek Pentz 40:56
because some of them can be a little like foo foo. 

Brad Cox 40:59

Derek Pentz 41:00

Rich Bennett 41:01
My thought. Is it? 

The tool goes to the. Guide to whatever it is. Paint pictures in your head. 

Derek Pentz 41:10

Rich Bennett 41:11
So you may see something. But not really see something. 

I mean, like reading a book. 

Derek Pentz 41:18
Well, you could, man. Humans can manifest stuff. And that's something I've experienced many times. Where? They kind of get it like they think something's there. So then they start giving an energy and they actually manifest. I forget the term for it, but it is a thing that we've. 

Brad Cox 41:35
Hallucination or. 

Derek Pentz 41:36
Sort of. But if people start like they feel some things and then they start adding like characteristics to it, you'll manifest. 

Spirit Box 41:44

Derek Pentz 41:47
Which. Oh, yeah. 

Which I. 

Spirit Box 41:54
I want. 

Derek Pentz 41:54
I love the. 

Studio Graveyard Experiment is my favorite. 

Rich Bennett 41:59
You talk about that 

Derek Pentz 42:00
Yeah, that's. 

Rich Bennett 42:01

Derek Pentz 42:01
Yep. Well, I have weird synchronicities 

Rich Bennett 42:04

Derek Pentz 42:04

Rich Bennett 42:04
Well his. His tombs above. Great. Because he didn't want to be. He didn't want 

Brad Cox 42:08

Rich Bennett 42:09
to touch. 

Brad Cox 42:09
the ground. 

Derek Pentz 42:10

Rich Bennett 42:10
So apparently his. 

Spirit Box 42:12

Brad Cox 42:14
A mortuary or. 

Derek Pentz 42:18
I don't. Because now it's like. Lab in the. 

Brad Cox 42:22

Derek Pentz 42:22
So I think they've changed it. But that place I actually I was there just playing around, ran into actual like family, like my pence last name, like, was there cancer? 

Spirit Box 42:35
Whether people. 

Derek Pentz 42:35
People like how they fit my face. I had that happen. And then, like the next time I went up there, I was walking around. There's a Zenobia. And I'm like, I that name like is not a common name and everything else is like a wrote it off the grave except the name Zenobia. That's a weird segue. 

Rich Bennett 42:55
How often do you go out of state to do this? 

Derek Pentz 42:59
Very rarely anymore. Occasionally Pennsylvania. But for the most part, I want to stay here in Maryland because I'm like most of the stuff is super haunted. 

Brad Cox 43:07
I was going to send you to Mystic, Connecticut. 

Rich Bennett 43:09

Derek Pentz 43:11
Yeah, love it. 

Rich Bennett 43:12
I was going to say to Cleveland, Ohio, to the Franklin. 

Derek Pentz 43:16
Oh, that's been Oh yeah, I know people that investigated that. That place is super haunted. 

Rich Bennett 43:20
I know. 

Derek Pentz 43:23
Eastern State and Philly. That's one. I actually have investigated that. That's a that's. It was dark, but it was fun. I kind of got this spare box out, and I was. 

Play poker with. We had stuff. 

Spirit Box 43:39

Derek Pentz 43:40
Pouch Island does have stuff, so I haven't investigated. I've been there and felt staff. So that definitely. 

Rich Bennett 43:47
Been. Point lookout. Southern Maryland. 

Derek Pentz 43:52
Oh, is that the Civil War 

Rich Bennett 43:53

Derek Pentz 43:53
P.O.W. camp? 

Rich Bennett 43:54

Derek Pentz 43:54
Yeah, that's. That's one of my places I want to go. 

Rich Bennett 43:57
Apparently the lighthouse is very high. 

Derek Pentz 43:59
Oh, yeah. 

Rich Bennett 44:00
I think lighthouses are. 

Derek Pentz 44:01
Well, the Conquer Point Lighthouse. I did investigation a few weeks ago there, and we had some. 

Rich Bennett 44:08
The lighthouse itself. 

Spirit Box 44:09

Rich Bennett 44:10
What about the house? 

Derek Pentz 44:11
Oh, there was a lot of stuff in the house. There was. It was funny because we went upstairs. To be a brothel. And we kept getting stuff come through in the brothel that we were like interrupting the the girls working. 

Rich Bennett 44:23
The lighthouse keepers house was. 

Derek Pentz 44:25

Rich Bennett 44:25
I thought I'd take it after the lighthouse. 

Derek Pentz 44:27
It was. 

Rich Bennett 44:27
Shut the hell. 

Derek Pentz 44:28
Yeah, it was one. 

Rich Bennett 44:28

Derek Pentz 44:29
It's like during the racetrack days of having degrees. And then during the sixties and seventies, it was a nightclub. So you have a lot 

Brad Cox 44:36

Derek Pentz 44:36

Brad Cox 44:37
of wild energy. 

Derek Pentz 44:38

Spirit Box 44:38

Derek Pentz 44:38

Spirit Box 44:38

Derek Pentz 44:38
they expanded used to have an addition. That's where. And then also in the early nineties, they found like they think it's a mob murder. They found the body in the. 

I think it's pretty funny. But when we were upstairs. 

Rich Bennett 44:56
That is. 

Derek Pentz 44:59
It wasn't the historical building. It was the historical building, but it wasn't what it is now. So it was more of like the. 

He'd like a bale of fish with them and, like, screws in his eye. 

Brad Cox 45:13

Rich Bennett 45:13

Derek Pentz 45:13
Yeah. They found him with like. 

Spirit Box 45:15

Derek Pentz 45:16
Like just fish in a bucket. That buried with him and then screws in his eyeball. 

Rich Bennett 45:22
I guess they couldn't find two. 

Spirit Box 45:23

Derek Pentz 45:24
I was like. 

Rich Bennett 45:24

Brad Cox 45:26
So weird. 

Derek Pentz 45:27
Because that's what because I always because I was reaching out to like the people that, like, run the board of like, the lighthouse. Like what histories? We need the documentation and we found it. 

Rich Bennett 45:37
That mob godfather is pissed. He's like, when I said, bury him with the fishes. I didn't mean a bucket of fish. 

Brad Cox 45:44
Took me literally. 

Derek Pentz 45:45
Yeah. And there's also a cryptic. 

Brad Cox 45:47
Bury him with the fish. 

Derek Pentz 45:51
There's also a scripted creature that lives at the top of it. There's been this sightings dating back to the 1800s. Documented. There's this weird humanoid figure with like very far apart spread spread top of. 

Rich Bennett 46:07
Of the lighthouse. 

Derek Pentz 46:08
Yes, similar to it, 

Brad Cox 46:09

Derek Pentz 46:09
which made me super happy. I mean, I have the muffin. 

Brad Cox 46:12
Hey, I saw them all. 

Rich Bennett 46:13
Oh, okay. 

Spirit Box 46:14
Okay. Yeah. 

Rich Bennett 46:17
I mean. 

Brad Cox 46:17
The movie, actually. 

Derek Pentz 46:18
Morton Prophecies. Mark was the best. He's the best. Richard Gear's in it. 

Brad Cox 46:23
Are you familiar with the Mothman? 

Rich Bennett 46:25

Derek Pentz 46:25

Rich Bennett 46:25
not. No. 

Brad Cox 46:26
You need to just do a Google search for the Mothman. 

Derek Pentz 46:29
He's my sugar daddy. 

Rich Bennett 46:31

Derek Pentz 46:31
I always joke that the most fans of my sugar daddy. 

Spirit Box 46:35

Rich Bennett 46:35

Spirit Box 46:35

Rich Bennett 46:36
more serious thing for me. 

Brad Cox 46:38
He's accepted. 

Rich Bennett 46:39
I can only think of Mothra. 

Derek Pentz 46:40

Rich Bennett 46:41
Godzilla and Mothra. 

Derek Pentz 46:44
To have. 

Rich Bennett 46:44
Mothman is. 

Brad Cox 46:46
Ben. I can't remember. Exactly. 

Derek Pentz 46:49
Point Pleasant, West Virginia. So in case they just add an unsolved mysteries, that's 

Spirit Box 46:54
You have to 

Derek Pentz 46:54

Spirit Box 46:54

Derek Pentz 46:54

Rich Bennett 46:55
But they did a movie about. 

Derek Pentz 46:56
They did. There's a movie about it in the early 2000s. Unsolved Mysteries covered it. They just recently covered it. In the most recent batch that got released, they revisited it. He is a he's a wing Tom annoyed with. Red eyes. That was. Pleasant 13 months leading up to the Silver Bridge disaster over the. Ver. And he. T.A., which. 

So. But also if you look at the mythology of. And in to Indigenous mythology, a lot of indigenous cultures have a winged harmony. Creature, just like the moth. 

And now he's seen in Chicago. 

Rich Bennett 47:38
Well, he can fly his arm off. A big ask. 

Brad Cox 47:42

Rich Bennett 47:43
I never. 

Derek Pentz 47:43
Well, if you see him, tell me. Owes me money, So. 

Rich Bennett 47:45
I did hear of. Somewhere down in southern Maryland, too. There's a military base down there. 

Spirit Box 47:52

Rich Bennett 47:53
Where they. Said they were like. Taking humans. 

Brad Cox 47:59
Place in the DNA and. 

Derek Pentz 48:00
Well, yeah, 

Rich Bennett 48:01

Derek Pentz 48:01
I just recently connected with Brian Goodman, who is like, a ghostwriter for, like. 

Brad Cox 48:06

Rich Bennett 48:07

Derek Pentz 48:07
And he was telling. Yeah, he was telling me about the about the Goat Man and Billy. 

Rich Bennett 48:12
Yeah, that's it. That's. 

Derek Pentz 48:12
Yeah. And it's I think it's attached to Force Haven Asylum, which is another like jury. Investigation place of mine in Laurel that led. 

Spirit Box 48:20
Dee. Dee 

Derek Pentz 48:20
They they 

Spirit Box 48:20

Derek Pentz 48:21
said that might have happened. 

Rich Bennett 48:23
What I've heard is that. 

Derek Pentz 48:26
Oh yeah. Well, it's right there near the. 

Rich Bennett 48:28
Yes, he could have been. 

Derek Pentz 48:28

Rich Bennett 48:30
You got to be in. 

Derek Pentz 48:31
That's very true. 

Rich Bennett 48:34
Resemble that. 

Derek Pentz 48:35
Well, also, does it say does it make you insane? That's something. That's something I joke with my brother in 

Rich Bennett 48:40

Derek Pentz 48:40

Rich Bennett 48:40
father always said they did brainwash me. 

Spirit Box 48:43

Rich Bennett 48:43
In which I think back then, yeah, the military had to brainwash you because you had to be ready all the time. Now? I have no idea. 

Who knows? 

All right, Brad, I'm trying to put you. Make you a little uncomfortable, but I just got of. 

Spirit Box 49:01

Derek Pentz 49:03
That was something. 

Rich Bennett 49:04
Yeah. All right. If there's anybody in here. Let us know. 

Came here I wanted. I'm giving you the opportunity to talk to us. Is there anything you would like to say? 

Derek Pentz 49:27
They've been shy today. 

Rich Bennett 49:30
If you don't want to be on the podcast, just say so. I can edit that part out. 

You even had the Mog father here, I mean. 

Do you know anybody here? 

Derek Pentz 49:50
I'll have to analyze that that. 

Spirit Box 49:52

Rich Bennett 49:58
If you know somebody. 

Apparently they. 

Spirit Box 50:13

Brad Cox 50:13

Spirit Box 50:14

Rich Bennett 50:14

Spirit Box 50:15
whoa, whoa. 

Rich Bennett 50:19
Are you doing bad? 

Brad Cox 50:20
Others chose to. 

Rich Bennett 50:21
He's looking at the books. Why is there a book in the. 

Derek Pentz 50:24
Eight, silly. 

Rich Bennett 50:24
They're getting ready to smack me in the back of the head. 

Brad Cox 50:27
I would tell you. I would tell you. 

Rich Bennett 50:28
Yeah. After it hit me, probably. 

Brad Cox 50:30
Yeah, man. 

Rich Bennett 50:31
All right. So to wrap it up, one of your favorite stories that you haven't told yet. 

Brad Cox 50:36
All right. 

Rich Bennett 50:37
Tales, experiences, whatever. 

Brad Cox 50:40
No, I had. I had one. Kind of cued up that I was going to share with 

Spirit Box 50:44

Brad Cox 50:44

Spirit Box 50:44

Brad Cox 50:44

Oh, yeah. So one day we were. Having we we would light candles. We would kind of do this. And. 

Rich Bennett 50:59

Brad Cox 51:01
Essentially. Yeah. So. 


Basically I went out, got the mail, came back, all of the sudden it. Which was really weird because we've been there for 

Spirit Box 51:18

Brad Cox 51:18
Cox all. And. The next day I went out to get the mail. Check the box. 

And that was a key. We still don't know what it. 

Rich Bennett 51:32

Derek Pentz 51:33

Brad Cox 51:34
I'll find out someday. We still have it. We just. 

Derek Pentz 51:37
You will probably it will be the weirdest thing, randomly not even thinking about it. And you're like, where's the. find it that that's. 

Brad Cox 51:45
That one's. That one's one that really trips Lisa up a lot. Weird. It's all the stuff. 

Spirit Box 51:52


Rich Bennett 51:54
Wow. What about for you? 

Derek Pentz 51:57
Oh, well. Franklin Street and have you guys. The most haunted street. 

Rich Bennett 52:02

Derek Pentz 52:03
I have my best friend lives there. And then. 

And we were outside smoking and. Had like I think it was a large round 

Spirit Box 52:16

Derek Pentz 52:16
and just. 

Spirit Box 52:17
when you talk about. 

Derek Pentz 52:18
Out and probably. Head or something. So that's something like we were out there smoking and I could feel something because 

Spirit Box 52:24

Derek Pentz 52:24
I kind 

Spirit Box 52:24

Derek Pentz 52:24
of when you go silent, you. I like working out president. And I got that feeling like, 

Spirit Box 52:30

Derek Pentz 52:30
Oh, something. 

Spirit Box 52:30
come here. 

Derek Pentz 52:31
The frickin, like, had blinking. And then it got really cold and this was like back in June. 

Spirit Box 52:37
I wonder why. 

Derek Pentz 52:40
My friend got freaked out and 

Spirit Box 52:43

Derek Pentz 52:43
don't engage 

Spirit Box 52:44

Derek Pentz 52:44

Spirit Box 52:44

Derek Pentz 52:45
I know what I'm handling with. And so was kind of talked to it and did the spirit box cake cake 

Spirit Box 52:51

Derek Pentz 52:52
that I was a. So that was probably I know that's like the most recent one. That's. It's not so much spooky, but. 

Rich Bennett 52:59
Yeah. So with me, it's not really 

Spirit Box 53:03

Rich Bennett 53:04

Spirit Box 53:04

Rich Bennett 53:04
as kids. 

Spirit Box 53:07

Rich Bennett 53:08
Older brother 

friends who come. Loved having light calling 

Spirit Box 53:14

Rich Bennett 53:14
for Aggie. That was the thing everybody want. Yeah. You always say odds 

Derek Pentz 53:19

Rich Bennett 53:20
Black Aggie. So they were downstairs. 

Spirit Box 53:23
At the time we had. 

Rich Bennett 53:27
So my brother's girlfriend was. 

Everybody's got. Earl. I was upset. 

Spirit Box 53:36
Do not know 

Rich Bennett 53:38
Mother was. 

Spirit Box 53:39
my mom. 

Derek Pentz 53:43
Oh, good. 

Rich Bennett 53:43
So she goes out on the back porch. With a long. 

Spirit Box 53:47

Rich Bennett 53:48
And she's listed in the. Wraps on that window. You hear them all scream. Like my brothers. The first one upstairs. 

Brad Cox 53:59
I'll get him 

Rich Bennett 53:59

Brad Cox 53:59

Rich Bennett 53:59
hear his girlfriend yelling? Terry, He's she. He just threw her off his lap. Daniel. But as we said, science is all 

Spirit Box 54:10

Rich Bennett 54:11

Spirit Box 54:11
the time. 

Derek Pentz 54:11
They're fun to do. I love doing. 

Rich Bennett 54:14
I haven't done one. If I did, I would want to talk. 

Spirit Box 54:19

Rich Bennett 54:20
If I could talk to my brother, that would be awesome. I would love. I could do that. 

Spirit Box 54:27

Rich Bennett 54:28

Spirit Box 54:28

Rich Bennett 54:29

Spirit Box 54:30

Rich Bennett 54:30
That would. That would make my day. That would. 

Derek Pentz 54:35
Because I'm trying to contact plays Star. 

Rich Bennett 54:37
I thought you did. 

Derek Pentz 54:38
We did. But she has she has not come through yet. 

Brad Cox 54:41
Whose plays star. 

Derek Pentz 54:42
Was a burlesque dancer from Baltimore who owned the 2:00 Club. And like the. 

Colorful romance. 

Spirit Box 54:53

Derek Pentz 54:54
A lot. Are you feeling something? Oh and I we did an exhibit of our I did with at work at sea. And we had stuff come through with her artifacts, but she has not. 

Spirit Box 55:06
I want. 

Derek Pentz 55:07
Want her to come through. She. She had a house in Joppa. 

But yes, she has a come through. I'm. 

Brad Cox 55:15
Keep working on. 

Derek Pentz 55:15
I'm trying. 

Brad Cox 55:18

Derek Pentz 55:20
Are you trying to get a. 

Brad Cox 55:21
I think he's trying to find. What you're. What you're talking about. 

Derek Pentz 55:25
Like there is death. I feel stuff. 

Spirit Box 55:30
In the long term. 

Rich Bennett 55:32
Had a. Back in the day, they had stag. 

Star was there. 

Derek Pentz 55:40
Love that woman. 

Rich Bennett 55:42
We. A news article somewhere. 

Derek Pentz 55:45
I love Blade. 

Brad Cox 55:46
Hmm. All right. 

Derek Pentz 55:47
I got. 

Rich Bennett 55:48
Right down the road. 

Derek Pentz 55:49
Well, one of the things I got from that exhibit. She would sign stuff like Let's Fly Yours, Blaze Star And I got one of her like burlesque. 

Spirit Box 55:57

Derek Pentz 55:57

Spirit Box 55:57

Derek Pentz 55:57
that. I have it hung in my bathroom now and. I love that lustily yours and. 

Rich Bennett 56:05
Funny thing. 

Brad Cox 56:05
And I swear to say it. 

Rich Bennett 56:06
One of our. One of our past members who. 

He was the one. 

With all these new. He would tell them all about. Their reaction was the same thing that Brad said. 

Spirit Box 56:28

Rich Bennett 56:29
If I knew. Talking, what, 50 years? 

Derek Pentz 56:33
Yeah. She was big and I think she 

Brad Cox 56:35
I mean, 

Derek Pentz 56:35
had the. 

Brad Cox 56:35
I know who Roxie Starr is. That's my cat. 

Spirit Box 56:38

Rich Bennett 56:40
Sure I know. Blaze Star Susie. Always Susie and Susie's. Go, go. Remember. Got to go in Aberdeen. 

Brad Cox 56:48

Derek Pentz 56:49
When was this? 

Rich Bennett 56:51
I never been there. It 

Brad Cox 56:53

Rich Bennett 56:53

Brad Cox 56:54
Wink, wink. 

Rich Bennett 56:55
Route 40 in Aberdeen. All right. I knew you all remember Charlotte's. 

Derek Pentz 57:04
I know places. 

Rich Bennett 57:05
I never get there either. 

Brad Cox 57:06
All right. 

Derek Pentz 57:07
When I used to dance, I no place in D.C.. 

Brad Cox 57:10
Wasn't there one in Bel Air where Uncle Georges is? 

Well, not Uncle George. I guess it's McGurk's. 

Rich Bennett 57:18
There may have been. Who knows? 

Derek Pentz 57:20
I don't think there's any strip club. 

Rich Bennett 57:25
The yogurt at a North Point Avenue or Scapes. 

Derek Pentz 57:29
I don't know. I don't think there's a place you can do pole dancing as like a. 

Spirit Box 57:36

Rich Bennett 57:36
There was. 

Derek Pentz 57:36
It's in 

Spirit Box 57:37

Derek Pentz 57:37
Baltimore County. I checked it. I checked it out. 

Rich Bennett 57:40

Derek Pentz 57:40
Cause I miss pole dancing. That's like, my fave. 

Rich Bennett 57:43
Have you ever tried that? I'd be afraid to. 

Brad Cox 57:47
Just afraid you're going to fall down or. 

Rich Bennett 57:49
First, I'm going to smash the boys, man. 

Brad Cox 57:52
Right. Right. 

Rich Bennett 57:55
Michael Jackson. 

Derek Pentz 57:57
We get talked. 

Rich Bennett 57:58

Derek Pentz 57:59
You get top up. That's the drag term. 

Rich Bennett 58:04
I don't know if you know this or not. See, women think they have problems. They get older, they say their boobs sag. Pelley Same thing happens, guys. 

Derek Pentz 58:13

Rich Bennett 58:15
Not their boobs. It's like their balls drop. 

Brad Cox 58:17
It could be the moves to. 

Rich Bennett 58:18
Well, yeah. Yeah. You know, a lot of these bodybuilders. 

There. You need them. You need a. 

Derek Pentz 58:26
A bird left. 

Rich Bennett 58:27
No what they call for men. 

I remember the old Seinfeld episode, the Bruce. There was a. 

Derek Pentz 58:37
To say a spank for men. 

Rich Bennett 58:39
The men's bra to hold up your boobs. 

Well, this go with this. We went a total of 30. 

Brad Cox 58:48
This is 

Derek Pentz 58:48
It happened. 

Brad Cox 58:48
totally derailed. Totally 

Rich Bennett 58:51

Brad Cox 58:52

Rich Bennett 58:52
God. I So those of you listening, if you have any. Stories that you 

Derek Pentz 58:58

Rich Bennett 58:58

Derek Pentz 58:59
I That was the same woman that 

Spirit Box 59:01

Derek Pentz 59:01

Rich Bennett 59:01
Say it like she said. Me. 

Derek Pentz 59:03

Rich Bennett 59:04
If you have any stories you would like to share. Hit me up, either leave a voicemail, send me an email, whatever. Just go to the website. You can do it all from there. And. 

Derek Pentz 59:15
And if you have any. If you want your house investigated or like you want me and my team to come. Message me. 

Rich Bennett 59:20
Contact Derek. Don't contact me or Brad. 

Derek Pentz 59:22
I am a professional actor. Skater. 

Rich Bennett 59:24

Derek Pentz 59:24

Rich Bennett 59:24

Derek Pentz 59:25
could figure it out. 

Rich Bennett 59:26
Brad is going to be busy writing the book. 

Spirit Box 59:28

Rich Bennett 59:28
I'm going to be busy. Is Goodell, Goodell and this. 

My father. I want to thank you, sir. 

Brad Cox 59:39
Yes, sir. Always good 

Rich Bennett 59:41

Brad Cox 59:41

Derek Pentz 59:41

Rich Bennett 59:41

Derek Pentz 59:41

Rich Bennett 59:43
Zenobia. Always good. 

Derek Pentz 59:44
Saying, I got to see Brad's a live podcast taping. 

Rich Bennett 59:47
Hard to get him on 

Derek Pentz 59:48

Rich Bennett 59:49
an episode. 

Brad Cox 59:49
It is hard to get me on the episodes just because of my work schedule. It's tough. 

Rich Bennett 59:53
I know. 

Derek Pentz 59:53
Like when he said you were coming? I was like, Yes. 

Brad Cox 59:55
Yeah, it was. Yeah, man. I 

Rich Bennett 59:58
And that 

Brad Cox 59:59
feel more 

Rich Bennett 59:59

Brad Cox 59:59

Rich Bennett 59:59
last song you really. 

Brad Cox 1:00:01
Which one? Oh, wicked sides or. 

Rich Bennett 1:00:05

Brad Cox 1:00:06
Come undone. 

Rich Bennett 1:00:08
I think that was it. 

Brad Cox 1:00:09
Was it the rock and roll song? Like the AC DC Kind of I. 

Rich Bennett 1:00:12

Spirit Box 1:00:12

Brad Cox 1:00:13
That was probably the most reason I 

Rich Bennett 1:00:15

Brad Cox 1:00:15

Rich Bennett 1:00:15
all of them. 

Brad Cox 1:00:15
One of them sounds like tool and one of them sounds like. It's like. 

Derek Pentz 1:00:19
Love it, though. I started adding them to my. 

Brad Cox 1:00:21
Coming down is really cool. So actually. With the episode a little bit. So I wrote that song about. Schizo Calypso logo which is. Fire logo Facebook. Fire. And I I've always used that in all the artwork. And I feel like what's happened over time is like The Velveteen Rabbit I 

Spirit Box 1:00:39

Brad Cox 1:00:39
kind of gave 

Spirit Box 1:00:39

Brad Cox 1:00:40
her. A life. And now she now exists outside. 

Derek Pentz 1:00:44
You might have manifested. 

Brad Cox 1:00:45
I think so. And so I wrote that song about how these things kind of like. It's not in your control. 

Rich Bennett 1:00:52

Brad Cox 1:00:52
But. Kind of tied to it. 

Derek Pentz 1:00:55
I feel like that was an Obama because it's like I created this entity and then it's like. She's not like I want I've retired 

Brad Cox 1:01:02

Derek Pentz 1:01:02
from. Drag performing, but she's still a part of stuff. Evolved in more than one little. 

Rich Bennett 1:01:11
Alien things. Tell everybody something very important. Both of you guys tell everybody where they can, the name of the podcast and where they can. 

Derek Pentz 1:01:20
Hashtag rockstar live coffee break. You can find it everywhere. Podcasts are on. 

Brad Cox 1:01:27
That mouthful graffiti podcast. You can find it anywhere there's podcasts or you can go to Brad William Cox dot com. For all the fun books and. Music. 

Rich Bennett 1:01:36
CDs file a file actually releases. 

Brad Cox 1:01:41
have them. But no, I don't. I just didn't. 

Rich Bennett 1:01:44
Focus on. 

Derek Pentz 1:01:46
And I have some more music on some of my Spotify. 

Brad Cox 1:01:48
Do you really? I'm going to send you 

Derek Pentz 1:01:49

Brad Cox 1:01:49

Derek Pentz 1:01:49
please do. I love. 

Brad Cox 1:01:51
But I'm not going to send it to you tonight. 

Derek Pentz 1:01:54

Brad Cox 1:01:54
Dark and you're probably in a weird headspace anyway, said 

Rich Bennett 1:01:58

Brad Cox 1:01:58

Rich Bennett 1:01:58
is it weird that I have you and Big Infinite on the same playlist? 

Brad Cox 1:02:03
I don't know what big for. Although I've heard of it, I just can't picture. What is it? 

Rich Bennett 1:02:07
They are. 

Brad Cox 1:02:09

Derek Pentz 1:02:09

Brad Cox 1:02:09

Derek Pentz 1:02:09
Lawley There are local like. 

Brad Cox 1:02:11
Okay. Okay. 

Derek Pentz 1:02:12
They kind of have that like an L.A. vibe, like that folksy L.A. rock vibe. 

Brad Cox 1:02:15

Derek Pentz 1:02:15
But they. I love painting, too. There's. 

Brad Cox 1:02:19
Okay, then. I have heard of 

Derek Pentz 1:02:20

Brad Cox 1:02:20

Derek Pentz 1:02:20
yours. I feel like yours is more like rock and. Rock and roll softwares. There is a. 

Spirit Box 1:02:27

Brad Cox 1:02:27
Yeah, definitely. As the catalog went on. But like, you get back to, like, records, like Stagnation, where it's been. Whole concept album Tire. 

Spirit Box 1:02:35

Brad Cox 1:02:36

Derek Pentz 1:02:36

Brad Cox 1:02:37
That's a dark album. Dark place. Listen, I were watching all these prophecy videos, drinking a lot, getting a lot of weird. 

Spirit Box 1:02:45

Brad Cox 1:02:45
So the further back you go, the weirder again. 

Derek Pentz 1:02:48
Oh, I'm excited. 

Rich Bennett 1:02:49
I can't. 

Brad Cox 1:02:50
I just feel like I'm on the other side of it, and that's why I don't mess with that anymore. 

Rich Bennett 1:02:52
I can't. 

Derek Pentz 1:02:52
No, I understand that. 

Brad Cox 1:02:53
Shut the door. It's like one of those ghost traps now. 

Derek Pentz 1:02:57

Rich Bennett 1:02:58
I think I'm going to have to put my. Earbuds in. 

don't know how good I can do with the ear buds to some of the. 

Derek Pentz 1:03:07
Mm hmm. 

Rich Bennett 1:03:09
I hear somebody on there say. What the hell? 

Derek Pentz 1:03:16
And I paint to it. So I'll see. What? What? 

Rich Bennett 1:03:18
Somebody in the song saying, Brad, what the hell? 

Derek Pentz 1:03:20
No, I mean, I paid to music, so I'm like, there. I'll see if something comes through, because when I paint, I can. 

Brad Cox 1:03:27
That would be awesome. 

Rich Bennett 1:03:29
Guys, I want to thank you so much. And you just gave me an. 

Derek Pentz 1:03:34
Oh, I'm down. 

Spirit Box 1:03:35