Dr. Bette Daoust

Dr. Bette Daoust Profile Photo

Author, Speaker, Crafter

I’m Dr. Bette Daoust—a former business professor turned international best-selling author and crafting
My love of crafting started at a young age. As a girl, I made my own clothes and home decor. And my love of crafting only got stronger as I got older and shared my passion with my daughters. 

About 5 years ago, I found Cricut and Design Space, and I haven’t stopped crafting with these tools since!

Sept. 2, 2024

Starting a Craft Business After Retirement with Bette Daoust

Are you entering retirement and want to start a side hustle? It may be the perfect time to start a craft business! Our guest this week did just that and started her handmade business at the age of 72. Learn from her experienc...