In the middle of the Pandemic in 2021, Bharti Kaste was sick with worry over her missing family. Her 21 yr old sister Rupali was missing along with their mother, sister & 2 young cousins. Rupali had been in a relationship for 3 years with their l...
When 22 year old Shabnam & Salim fell in love, they knew very well that it was forbidden between their communities in Amroha, India. Did they elope & start a new life away from society's gaze? No. They instead chose to murder an entire family of 7 in...
In 1999, an entire family of 6 in Hokandara Sri Lanka was wiped out in a day full of brutality by an unscrupulous moonshine dealer & his goons. The killers were caught almost immediately & the main witness told a story of how he & another juvenile re...
In Part 2 we talk about the motives Cadell Jeanson Raja gave for the murders of his family - Astral Projection, the Devil, all made him sound mentally unstable. We also talk about Remote Viewing & Astral projection, how strange & esoteric...
In April of 2017 in a foreboding home in Nanthancode Kerala, 4 members of a family were found hacked to death. Their decomposing remains had been set on fire. Missing from the scene was the family's 30 yr-old son Cadell Jeanson Raja, a recluse who ra...
When members of the Thomas family started to drop dead with identical symptoms and under mysterious circumstances, one person was present for all the deaths - the loving, doting Joliyamma. Her cyanide laced web of murder didn't even spare the life of a 2...
Akku Yadav was a violent and relentless gangster who terrorized the Kasturba Nagar slum for 13 years with the blessing of local authorities. In 2004, people had suffered enough and an angry mob brought his life to a horrific end just like he did with so many innocent victims.
We talk about Cyanide Mohan's MO - his choice of victim, his sick game of deceiving women before he killed them with killer pills.
Part 1 of our 2 parter on the prolific Serial Killer Mohan Kumar dubbed Cyanide Mohan for his choice of Murder Weapon. Convicted of killing 20 women and believed to have killed at least 12 more by snaring them with promises of marriage.
The Stoneman Serial Murders- From 1985 to 1989 a crazed Psychopath roamed the dimly lit streets of Mumbai & Kolkata, brutally smashing the heads of his victims with a heavy Rock. But was this the work of a single man or just a series of copycat murders? ...