Oct. 9, 2021

Masala News 02 - Monkey Drivers

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Crimes From The East

Take off your thinking cap and put on the dum dum one for this edition of Masala News where we discuss how important it is to welcome simian schumachers & also a unique contest that will leave you scrunching your nose up.

Take off your thinking cap and put on the dum dum one for this edition of Masala News where we discuss how important it is to welcome simian schumachers & also a unique contest that will leave you scrunching your nose up.

Not actual picture of the event we talk about but clearly you can see that Monkeys in Buses is quite common in India. Let the Monkeys Drive! :D

The Farting contest held in Surat was a dud when only 3 contestants showed up yet none was able to expel a gas cloud worthy of the $150 grand prize. You think you can do his?





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Co-Host, Digital Art Designer