UFO's - Let's get Desi with it!

Move over Roswell! Enough with the American monopoly on UFO/UAP sightings! Come listen as we talk about some old & new cases from the Indian subcontinent.
Reddit Writeup - https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/ostig6/ufo_sighting_from_bihar_india_1954_what_did_800/
With all the hubbub around UFO’s or UAPs as they are now called by US Military Intelligence, I thought we could explore reports of sightings in the East!
The 1950’s is when the golden age of UFO sightings began essentially. Many believe the devastation caused by the Nuclear Bomb in Hiroshima & Nagasaki is what caught the attention of other beings in the universe.
We are nothing but a slightly smart Ape but after 6th Aug 1945 we became somewhat smart Apes with Extinction level weapons.
Extraterrestrials or ET’s were perhaps alarmed at our cruelty & naivety about how fragile we are as a species. As a result, they probably started to patrol & observe us a whole lot more especially around nuclear sites?
**Bihar, India 1954**
In the fall of 1954 around 800 villagers in Bihar saw something undeniably a UFO in the sky.
The residents of 3 villages in the Manbhum district saw a grey disc shaped craft as it descended over a Mica mine in that region.
One of the Managers at the Mica mine, Mr. Ijapada Chatterjee also claimed to have seen the saucer.
He said that the UFO was approximately 12 feet in diameter & had descended emitting a whirring sound like that of a car motor.
It hovered for a few minutes over the mine and then some sort of smoke or vapor billowed out from under it as it shot up into the sky at incredible speed which left the doors & windows of the buildings rattling like it would after an earthquake.
Here's the interesting part about this sighting -
This mica mine also supplied Beryllium to the US Atomic Energy Commission which was a US military agency for Nuclear research. Is this link just a mere coincidence or causation for the UFO sighting?
In 1954, I don't believe there existed Drone based technologies that could perform such complex and high speed Vertical Take off & Hover functions.
While you are are here let me tell you about another case from India:
**Delhi Flying Club Sighting 1951**
NICAP is an American UFO research group formed by Civilians. This story was taken from the NICAP.
March 15, 1951; New Delhi, India: 10:20 a.m. local time. George F. Floate, a chief aerial engineer, along with his two assistants, observed a swirly white cloud that appeared in the sky from north to south about 700 feet in length approximately 4,000 feet high near the Delhi Flying Club hanger.
The cloud increased in length and at the end of it a bullet shaped object appeared approximately 100 feet long and as big around as a Douglas C-47.
The witnesses shouted out and 20 people rushed out of the hanger and saw the metallic cigar-shaped object. The object headed south for about 3 minutes where it made an apparent loop coming back over the field.
The object, after recovering from a dive leveled straight again & proceeded to the SW until out of sight. The speed of the object was estimated to be three times greater than cruising speed of a British Vampire jet – 400mph x 3 = 1200mph.
The total time the object was observed was approximately seven minutes. US Air Force [Project Blue Book](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Blue_Book) evaluated this sighting as an [UNIDENTIFIED].
The fact that the witnesses were all involved in aviation in some way adds a bit more credence to this sighting. They’d know of the capabilities of man made aircrafts of their era well!
As for it being a blimp, even if we ignore the high speed of the UFO, keep in mind that Blimps like the [HALE-D] made by Lockheed Martin were showcased in 2011 and even then they crashed.
They were certainly not a class of sophisticated aircraft capable of looping around and flying at 1200mph or even half of that in 1951. Current cruising speeds of Blimps is 70mph!
So, what do you think about this sighting?
Hope you found this intriguing, let me know what you think on Instagram!
Hindustan Times Archived reports of UFO's in India in the 50's - http://www.noufors.com/the_hindustan_times.html
Bihar Mica Mine sighting archived Times of India report from 1954 - http://www.project1947.com/fig/1954a.htm
PIA Pilot sighting 2021 - https://tribune.com.pk/story/2281596/pia-pilot-spots-ufo-maybe-not
Praveen Mohan's video on the Onake Kindi Cave Paintings - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlyvqFvy8ws
Charama Cave Paintings - https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/10000-year-old-rock-paintings-depicting-aliens-and-ufos-found-in-chhattisgarh/articleshow/38435091.cms
Nepal Pokhara UFO - https://thehimalayantimes.com/nepal/ufos-nepal-cia-reported-two-sightings-49-years-ago
Mexico's Popocatépetl Volcano! - https://mexiconewsdaily.com/mexicolife/mexico-attracts-people-from-outer-space-as-well/