Aug. 15, 2024

123 Insane Canadian Cult, His Rest Christian Fellowship PART 2: Interview with a Survivor

Tonight, we’re going back to the Canada binge, and episode 104, the Insane Canadian Cult, His Rest Christian Fellowship, led by sadistic cult leader, Rima Ailing. She was horrible. I recommend you go back and listen to that episode before listening to this one, if you haven’t yet.

But the story didn’t end when Ep 104 did. It went on for another 20 years, and I’m joined tonight by Desti, who was born into this cult to the Haywards, who talked about (Not very nicely) in Ep 104. She is Nate’s little sister.

She bravely tells her story about growing up in the cult in its second chapter, and in many ways, the second chapter was worse than the first. BUT, this story has the most satisfying end of any cult story I’ve ever heard.

Desti is amazing, and I admire her. So, once again, buckle up for an insane story, but at least this one has a happy ending.


Part 1: