Sept. 3, 2024

124 Dr Death: Michael Swango, One of Many

We are BACK, baby! With a brand new co-host! Sandra is the new CKCB co-host. She is simply amazing!

We're covering a serial killer doctor, Michael Swango. Dubbed by his college medical school classmates, working on actual patients as Double 0 Swango, License to Kill, he slipped through the cracks because he had the highest body count of any other student.

But, that didn't stop him from becoming a doctor on an internship, as well as an ambulance medic, where he began poisoning his coworkers food and drinks. Before too long, the jig was up, and he fled to Zimbabwe, where he continued his murderous habit. Ultimately, he was brought to justice, but this is a crazy story.

#SerialKiller #Cult #TrueCrime #TrueCrimeComedy #TrueCrimeComedyPodcast #TrueCrimePodcast #MurderousDoctors #MichaelSwango