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Feb. 13, 2015

#14 – Musician – EDM Artist – DJ John Hitta – 2015-02-11

#14 – Musician – EDM Artist – DJ John Hitta – 2015-02-11

Meet the New Face of EDM: The Extraterrestrial DJ!!!

DJ John Hitta BlockToday’s podcast episode features the rising south Florida EDM artist, DJ John Hitta!!! Not just a disc jockey, but an out-of-this-world performer, no one is precisely sure where DJ John Hitta originates from; but, we at Curve the Cube feel so honored to have him creating our music beds!!!  He is definitely a uniquely-styled EDM artist, and, with his intergalactic apothecary of rhythmic instinct, he manages the mood of a crowd, engages all senses, and puts on a real show!  To see him perform live is a real treat!!

So, when the man behind the mask agreed to take the time out of his hectic schedule to talk to me about just how he creates his craft, I was all in!!  We ended up only being able to offer you guys a podcast over the phone due to scheduling conflicts (and I really try to avoid “phone”casts), but it was well worth it!  He talks not just technique, but inspiration—the real spirit of EDM.  He shares details about his growth in the industry, how he has journeyed from being a radio DJ to EDM artist, and what defines his music today.

Now, DJ John Hitta is facing the opportunity of a lifetime! He has a chance to represent Florida at the Hard Rock Rising festival in Barcelona, Spain!!  This would be an amazing opportunity for him to play to a crowd of over 60,000, and it is up to all of his fans (like YOU!) to get him there.  So, check out his music on ReverbNation or SoundCloud (some of which is FREE to download).  Then, click here to quickly cast your vote!  Seriously, it’s super easy…

Send DJ John Hitta to Hard Rock Rising!

Let’s do this, EDM family!!!  Let’s rise up as #HittaNation!!!  And, don’t forget to follow him on Twitter to keep up with his show schedule. Happy Friday the 13th, everybody!!

Music Bed courtesy of DJ John Hitta!!!

DJ John Hitta

Copyright Flint Stone Media, LLC 2015.