The award-winning weekly guide to everything happening around the world… underwater. Every week we cover all the latest about Scuba, Freediving, Dive Travel, and the Oceans. We also talk to THE most interesting people in the dive world, from world-famous underwater pioneers to fearless modern explorers.
We run a lot of our site on Wordpress so it felt natural to start our first website on there. We built a whole podcast specific website combined with a podcast specific theme.
We're very used to writing content in Wordpress so felt that it would come naturally but like so many themes out there it didn't quite hit the spot. Design looked "okay" but found it hard to match what we really wanted as a look and feel.
We also had all the usual technical things we needed to sort around SEO for search engine ranking, metadata to be able to share appropriately on socials. It all takes time and needs to be constantly tweaked to work correctly.
Finally the whole editing and creating process on Wordpress was just overly complicated. Yes it's a visual editor but it's not designed for creating simple, but effective podcast pages and everything needed to be crafted manually, creating more work on our weekly workflow.
Unlike our Wordpress experience it has been an absolute joy to work with Podpage. From the moment we signed up it was incredibly easy to get setup and create a beautiful website that fit with our branding and showcase our episodes.
Podpage has provided actual rockstar support all the way through. We submitted a couple of requests early on and not only did we get the answer but found that tweaks had been already applied to the website so we didn't even need to figure stuff out ourselves!
We also love the voicemail feature - we have a listener contributed section called ""best dive ever"" that we needed listeners to have an easy way to record direct on their device. We tried a few solutions but having something built into Podpage was epic!
By far the most useful thing for us is timesaving. Previously we had to manually handcrank each episode in wordpress, now it all automatically happens directly importing from our Buzzsprout RSS feed and we get notified by the Podpage bot that an episode has been imported. This saves us at least an hour each week on manually crafting content that we can now use for more value add activities around producing our podcast or promoting it.
Finally the way features are added all the time to the platform is brilliant, there is constant innovation and listening to your customers/publishers which is incredibly valuable."
"Automated import of episodes from Buzzsprout that make our website work on autopilot and save us hours of work each week.
Tagged episodes to allow us to group our seasons together
Add sponsors to seasons and episodes
Beautiful and easy to create additional pages
Voicemail to power our listener contributed ""Best Dive Ever"""