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Felix Cavaliere from The Rascals!!

It's a beautiful morning with Felix from The Rascals! :)

#music #therascals #halloffame #songs #rocknroll #vocals #goodlovin #beautifulmorning #podcast #dawnversations @DollyParton @billyjoel @felixcavalieresrascals449 #newyork #sony #longisland

The Rascals...

• The Rock N Roll Hall of Fame

• Musicians Hall of Fame

• Grammy Hall of Fame

• Songwriters Hall of Fame

• Vocal Group Hall of Fame

• Hit Parader Hall of Fame

• Hammond Hall of Fame

Links for your reference:

Main: www.therascalstour.com (http://www.therascalstour.com/)

Instagram: rascalsontour

Felix Cavaliere

 www.felixcavalieremusic.com (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.felixcavalieremusic.com_&d=DwMFaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=cjQNU_zbHMozIL-de9YRSDDdekZfM3UuNt51CxObOK8&m=uKbELMa5vmVxgxIJfm9_wDzpj6QMJlabx-8Yu5XZF-s&s=pAkPZpBthrsD2_4JhkeqZUZJfMV0UD9qDwZItMperGo&e=)

Facebook: felixcavalieremusicmusic

Twitter: @felixcavaliere


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