Feb. 6, 2024

Do You Really Need All The New Microphones?

Do You Really Need All The New Microphones?

Do You Really Need All The New Microphones?

"The difference is if you're already using it, and you already have a Cloudlifter, there's really not much of a reason for you to get an SM7DB instead of an SM7B." - Shure SM7DB vs. SM7B


Beautiful people of Planet Earth! You've heard the buzz about the Shure SM7DB and its predecessor, the legendary SM7B. Well, it's time to cut through the noise (and the compression) for a no-frills, head-to-head battle of the mics.

The New Kid on the Block: Shure SM7DB

The Shure SM7DB is the fresh face with a trick up its sleeve—a built-in preamp. No more Gain Hunger Games! This bad boy comes ready to amplify your voice without the need for extra gear. It's like having a Cloudlifter built right in, designed by the same folks, no less. We love our Cloud Microphones Cloudlifters for Shure (see what we did there?) and they actually activated the same circuitry for this microphone and Shure Incorporated designed it to fit right inside! Booyah!

The Veteran: Shure SM7B

The SM7B is the mic that's been there, done that. It's a classic for a reason, but it's a bit of a diva when it comes to gain. You'll need a separate Cloudlifter to get it to sound not only loud enough - but to get the best potential "broadcast-like" sound out of it.

The Verdict

If you're already rocking an SM7B with a Cloudlifter, you might not need to switch. But if you're all about streamlining your setup, the SM7DB could be your new best friend. It's a one-cable wonder that might save you some cash, too.

Sound Check: No Processing, Just Pure Voice

In the video below, we've stripped these mics down to their birthday suits—no processing, just pure, unadulterated sound. Both mics are set to the same gain level on the RODECaster for a fair fight.

The Switcheroo

As you see in the video, we flip between the SM7DB and the SM7B, and you'll hear the difference—or maybe you won't. The SM7DB might sound clearer, while the SM7B could give you that warm, fuzzy feeling inside.

Final Thoughts

Both mics are top-notch, and with a little EQ or compression, you can make either one sing your tune. It's all about finding that perfect starting point for your voice and then adding the magic.

So, savvy entrepreneurs and podcasting pioneers, whether you're sticking with your trusty SM7B or eyeing the shiny SM7DB, remember: it's not just about the mic—it's about making your message heard. Now go out there and make some noise (the good kind)!

Check out the video, and if you like what you see and hear - please like and subscribe to the channel, because every time you do: a Blue Yeti gets it's wings!