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If you're stuck in your creative journey, you are about to get "un-stuck" as Jim & Chris talk to the incredibly unique solopreneur Chris Krimitsos, the author of "Start Ugly."
Many talk about “Culture” and “Community” as it relates to their companies or events – but there are few people on the planet who have truly woven both of these key elements into their business like Chris has done with Podfest.
Chris Krimitsos will inspire you to clear your path and start ugly today!
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Full Episode Transcript:
Chris Krimitsos - Start Ugly
Are you stuck in your creative journey today? We talked to the incredible unique solopreneur Chris Krimitsos. Chris the author of startup, many talk about culture and community as it relates to their companies or events. But there are few people on the planet who have truly woven both of these key elements into their business.
Like Chris has done with PodFest. Chris will inspire you to clear your path and start ugly today. What's up. How's it going guys? Thank you for that intro. I love the intro to your show is amazing. Thanks, man. Yeah. Yeah. Those things are fun to make. They really are. It's exciting. It's exciting. I can't believe that we have you.
You're fresh off pod master masterclass right last week. And I always think to myself after seeing you on the screen so many times during pod Fest and the virtual stuff that you're doing and the masterclass I'm thinking to myself, do you just go to sleep for four days? I did this weekend. I slept in the afternoons.
I I barely recovered, but yeah, it does take a lot out. What happens is you wake up still with adrenaline the next morning, and then you pass out in the afternoon after you go. As the last stretch was a five day stretch and then you've you recover over a couple of days, for sure.
It's unbelievable. And so for those of you, and you don't know yet what pod Fest is, you cannot change your channel, go to another anything, because you're now talking to the person. If you've ever thought about doing a podcast, if you've ever thought about starting a YouTube channel, you've ever thought about doing anything from a content creator standpoint.
This is the man who can get your mind junk cleared. If you pick up this book, I'll start ugly and really get you on your path and get all of that stuff past you. Because I think Chris I've used start ugly thing. I put this book. Behind me in my office. I do, zoom calls and everything. And like we all do, and I put it behind me.
And the one of the reasons why is that I'm always referring to it so I can just point to it. But also it's like this post-it note for ugly. It just shouts at people and they're like, Does that say ugly behind you? So it's a nice little conversational thing as well. And it looks like you actually put a sticky note on it, right?
Yeah. My favorite story about the sticky note graphic was my friend has his mom saw the book on the table and she goes, why would you put a post-it note to deface your friend's book? And she got really upset with them and he couldn't stop laughing cause she didn't realize it was part of the book cover and she was admonishing her son.
Like how could you do this to Chris's book? Start off by talking about this premise. I'm very familiar with it. I use it all the time and I knew that on me. And if you say start ugly, a lot of people think we'll just go without doing anything. And that's not really what you're talking about.
You're talking about doing it the right way and just clearing some stuff out of the way before doing it. So if you would just maybe unpack the the startup. Yeah. So start ugly. It's very simple. It's not, it's no matter how we all start at anything. If you look back on it, you're like, wow, that was a start ugly.
Even if you had it buttoned up. So the premise is not start ugly, stay ugly. It start ugly and perfectly execute from the beginning. But most overachievers use the word perfectionism to get started and most not necessarily underachievers, but people that are afraid of getting started. They'll say they're not ready yet.
So you have those two extremes, but underlying both of those is fear. So it's t...