Welcome to Destigmatize Mental Health Podcast!
Aug. 30, 2023

Season 2 Episode 6: My Mental Health Journey & My Leap of Faith!

Season 2 Episode 6: My Mental Health Journey & My Leap of Faith!

Hey podcast world. This is Ramon Sanchez, I am an Associate Clinical Social Worker out in California and Host of Destigmatize, a Roundtable mental health podcast where professionals I know, members of my community, and some of my friends can discuss topics worth destigmatizing. 

For this episode, I invited Jose Eseberre, aspiring world traveler from Bakersfield CA. I've invited Jose to make an announcement all while being able to talk about his journey of self-discovery & mental health. Jose agreed to come on destigmatize to be able to give his prospects to any who are  going through similar experiences as well as his advice for anyone who wants to take a leap of faith.