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July 11, 2023

Creating an Irresistible Offer: Value Beyond Money

Creating an Irresistible Offer: Value Beyond Money

We all know how hard it can be to make a sale, especially when you’re asking for a high-dollar commitment. It’s important to make sure your prospects feel safe and comfortable when making that decision. That’s why Craig Andrews and Steve Ramona, two experienced entrepreneurs, have developed an “irresistible first-time offer” to help with this process.


In a recent podcast episode, Craig and Steve discussed how to create an irresistible first-time offer for customers and how to make sure they feel valued. Craig shared his experience with COVID-19 and how his wife's words of encouragement and prayers helped him through it. He also discussed how to write an About Us page in the voice of the chief investment officer, how to create a high-ticket offer, and how to charge what you are worth. Steve shared his experience in the hospital and his business, which focuses on making people feel good and not just making money. He also discussed how he asked his wife to stay home and rest so she could take care of him.


Craig has since developed an “irresistible first-time offer” which is like a coffee date that leads to high ticket sales. This offer is meant to make prospects feel safe and comfortable when making a high-dollar commitment. Craig is offering a guide and a self-paced course to help people avoid mistakes and put together a first-time offer. The course is limited to 23 days and can be accessed at alliesforme.com. Craig believes that by going through the course and changing the way they do high ticket sales, people will be able to serve their customers better and feel better about themselves.

Steve and Craig also discussed the concept of leaving money on the table and delivering value. Steve talked about Robert Chaldini's concept of reciprocity and how his goal is to make his clients feel like they are getting more than they paid for. Steve has taken offers and increased them, and it usually increases business and top-line revenue. Steve believes that people should be charged for services in order for them to value them.


High ticket offers should be an impulse purchase and not an amount of money that someone has to explain to their spouse. For B to C, high ticket offers should be less than $1,000. For B to B, high ticket offers should be less than $500. Craig believes that high ticket offers depend on who is writing the check.


Finally, Steve advises the audience to have empathy for their audience and to be confident in charging what they are worth. Steve initially told Michael, his brother's friend, to come back later when he asked for help with marketing. Steve was struggling with survivor's guilt at the time. Steve advised Michael to buy his first-time offer, which was a $5,000 marketing plan for about $500. Steve's survivor's guilt has diminished away, but not completely.


If you’re looking for practical advice and data-driven insights on how to create an irresistible first-time offer and make sure your customers feel valued, then check out Craig’s self-paced course at alliesforme.com. By following Craig’s advice, you’ll be able to make more sales and serve your customers better.