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July 3, 2023

Unlock Your Potential: SMT Mindset Training

Unlock Your Potential: SMT Mindset Training

Are you feeling stuck in life and need help getting unstuck? Steve Ramona and Joey Drolshagen have the answer in their latest episode of Doing Business with the Servant's Heart. The two discuss the power of Smt (Subconscious Mindset Training) and how it helps people bridge the gap between knowing and doing.


In the episode, Steve and Joey talk about the Life Ignited Institute, which is in the process of launching and will certify coaches with the Smt method. The Institute will provide coaches with the tools they need to grow their business, such as marketing systems, and is expected to launch sometime next year.


Joey encourages people to get a vision of the life they want to live and focus on their blessings instead of their problems. He emphasizes the importance of servant leadership, which is putting the needs of others first and leading based on serving them. Steve and Joey also have a conversation about taking action and overcoming fear. Steve is offering an Amazon gift card to six people who reach out to Joey.


Joey is a coach who has been developing Smt since he was 23 years old. Smt is a process that helps people understand the subconscious, which holds all of our programming, paradigms, patterns, and beliefs. It helps people shift their subconscious conditioning to bring alignment to their knowing and doing. Joey's coaching has helped clients improve their marriages, relationships with their children, and how they view themselves.


Steve has been working with almost 1000 clients over the past decade and has offered guaranteed results. He has minimized the investment coming in and has an incremental profit sharing between him and his clients. Steve believes that people need to identify their own unique success roadmap and develop systems of accelerating habits that work for them. He suggests shifting the way people talk to themselves and tapping into the subconscious conditioning that is holding them back.


Joey only works with a limited number of clients at a time so that his schedule allows for extra support if needed. He offers a 100% money back guarantee, but nobody has taken him up on it in many years. He only works with clients for a year so they don't become dependent on him.


Steve and Joey are discussing how to help people achieve success. They both encourage people to reach out to them and to take action. Steve is offering a $25 Amazon gift card to the first five people who reach out to Joey. People can reach out to Joey at coachwithjoey.com to schedule a ten minute call.


Steve and Joey plan to have a part two of their conversation, so stay tuned for more inspiring advice from these two experts. In the meantime, take Joey's advice and believe in yourself, follow your instincts, and take action to reach your goals.