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Nov. 22, 2023

"Coping Through Grief and Business with Clayton Stenson: EOS Journey to Connect Vision - Integration

This video is about Clayton Stenson’s journey of grief and business. Clayton is a servant leader who helps visionaries and integrators work together in a healthy way. He learned how to be compassionate and listen to others through his experience of grieving the loss of his son. Clayton believes that everyone has a gift to offer the world and that we should use our gifts to serve others. He is passionate about helping businesses succeed and he believes that the key to success is having a strong team with a clear vision.

Clayton shared his story of how he went through a difficult time after his son died. He learned that grief is like waves that come and go, and that it’s important to be patient with yourself and to allow yourself to feel your emotions. He also learned that it’s important to have people around you who can support you during difficult times.

Clayton also talked about his work as an integrator. He helps visionaries and integrators work together in a healthy way by creating systems and processes that help businesses run smoothly. He believes that it’s important for everyone on a team to understand their roles and responsibilities, and that communication is key to success.

Clayton’s story is a reminder that even in the midst of grief, there is hope and healing. He is a shining example of how we can use our gifts to serve others and make a difference in the world

[00:00:02] Overcoming Adversity with Clayton Woodruff: Founder and CEO of EOS
[00:03:48] The Impact of Grief and How to Support Someone Going Through It
[00:07:12] The Impact of Grief and Loss on Business Leadership.
[00:10:50] The Importance of Visionary and Integrator Roles in Marriage
[00:14:35] The Impact of Coaching on Relationships Between a Visionary and an Integrator
[00:17:53] Improving Processes and Systems to Avoid Failure
[00:21:19] The Benefits of EOS and Traction for Businesses.
[00:24:24] God's Gifts and Their Uses for Service


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Intro Song is “Connected" from the “Gratitude” Album by James Kevin O’Connor Music Row Recording Artisthttps://open.spotify.com/track/5u7vgVTItXKAJcNwImg7E4?si=90baa52f0bab468b&nd=1