Lisa Jones is the Director of Recovery for Metro North Mental Health. This is a lived experience role that sits within the Metro North Mental Health Executive Leadership Team and provides leadership to the Metro North Mental Health lived experience...
Lisa Jones is the Director of Recovery for Metro North Mental Health. This is a lived experience role that sits within the Metro North Mental Health Executive Leadership Team and provides leadership to the Metro North Mental Health lived experience workforce.
Lisa has experienced acute mental health challenges in her life and now uses her passion for mental health and recovery to ensure the lived experience voice is included at all levels of service planning, development, and improvement.
Lisa is also a passionate holistic health ambassador. This passion has led her to study various complementary modalities, and she is also a practicing yoga teacher. Lisa passionately believes that everyone can lead a meaningful life.
Lisa mentions MYROLE in the show:
My ROLE stands for My Registry of Lived Experience. If you have a lived experience as either a consumer or carer and would like to be involved in improving services, you can register as a member of My ROLE and get offered paid opportunities to participate in committees, projects or other things that can lead to service improvement. My ROLE is specific to Metro North Mental Health and to date we have involved members in some exciting opportunities. So, if you are passionate about mental health and wanting to improve services contact for more information.
Music by Tim Moor -
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