Oct. 15, 2020

15: Equal Eating - What does that Mean?

15: Equal Eating - What does that Mean?

Kyle Dine

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Eating at a Meeting

Kyle Dine is an internationally trusted food allergy advocate, educator and performer. Having severe allergies himself and having "married into" celiac disease, he is very familiar with the struggles of communicating his dietary needs to people who are responsible for making and/or ordering food for him at restaurants and events.

After experiencing the worst food allergy reaction of his life in 2005, he decided to begin helping other food allergic individuals avoid anaphylactic reaction like his by spreading food allergy awareness and education through music.

https://www.kyledine.com/ https://equaleats.com/ https://www.instagram.com/equal_eats/ https://www.facebook.com/EqualEatsCo https://www.linkedin.com/in/kyledine/

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