A Tick Bite Changed the Trajectory of her Life
Stepheni Norton’s journey from chief yeoman in the U.S. Coast Guard to Southern California community farmer of pre-WWII fruit, vegetables and herbs began with a dream … and an insect bite.
As farmers, Stepheni and her husband Mike, are working to preserve community, local foods, cultures and traditions, and to ensure that everyone has access to good, clean, and fair food. They also offer what they call a FARMacy CSA, which offers members fruits and vegetables that meet anti-inflammatory, Candida, and diabetic dietary needs.
https://www.wddickinson.com/ https://www.instagram.com/w.d.dickinson/ https://www.facebook.com/w.d.dickinson https://www.linkedin.com/in/stepheninorton/ https://slowfoodusa.org/ark-of-taste/
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