Sept. 17, 2020

7: Making Air Travel Safe for People with Food Allergies

7: Making Air Travel Safe for People with Food Allergies

Lianne Mandelbaum - The No Nut Traveller

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Eating at a Meeting

Lianne Mandelbaum founded No Nut Traveller in 2013 after a negative flight experience that she encountered with her son. She speaks at conferences nationwide and encourages individuals with food allergies to share their travel stories both positively and negatively, to reach out to legislators and help them create policies that help individuals with food allergies.

Lianne is passionate about educating the general public on what it's like to live with a food allergy and is on a mission to make the skies more accommodating for those with food allergies.

"When did food become more important than a person's mental and physical well-being?"

Policies, labeling, transparency, personal responsibility, auto injectors, cleaning, training, emergency in the air, Lianne talks about the business opportunity airlines have to create a safe and inclusive travel experience.

Through her website, social media and advocacy efforts Lianne has helped change the lives of so many people with food allergies when they travel.


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