A podcast for expat UK property investors
Feb. 1, 2023

Drive to Survive From Singapore

Drive to Survive From Singapore


Property can be a lonely place, and even more so as an expat investing in UK property, so the more Expat Property Stories we hear, the better for our Expat Property Community.

Peter Sell is an expat property investor based in Singapore and, in this episode, he recounts the resourceful way in which he found his mentor and UK property partner, the challenges he has faced growing his portfolio in Liverpool and his five year property plan.

He has so far bought three buy to lets: one via Right Move, one via auction and one off market. 

Pete was greedy and chose two Desert Island Property Discs: The Long and Winding Road, by The Beatles and Tubthumper by Chumbawumba.

Please rate, review and follow the show at www.expatpropertystory.com