In this 10th episode in the “Murdaugh” series, Jim Chapman brings you into the complex case of Curtis Edward Smith, linked to disbarred attorney Alex Murdaugh. Initially seen as a drug dealer, Smith’s role unfolds into conspiracy and attempted...
In this 10th episode in the “Murdaugh” series, Jim Chapman brings you into the complex case of Curtis Edward Smith, linked to disbarred attorney Alex Murdaugh. Initially seen as a drug dealer, Smith’s role unfolds into conspiracy and attempted suicide involving a scheme for insurance fraud. Jim details the ominous circumstances leading to Murdaugh’s desperate plea for help and examine Smith's unreliable accounts, alongside significant financial transactions hinting at money laundering. As Jim navigates the timeline, he delves the dark intertwining of addiction, crime, and the unsolved murders within the Murdaugh family.
#murdaugh #AlexMurdaugh #SLED #Southcarolina #investigation #podcast #exposed #curtisedwardsmith
01:45 The Arrest of Curtis Edward Smith
11:06 Who is Cousin Eddie?
16:01 Eddie's Involvement in the Shooting
17:47 Eddie's Financial Troubles
19:23 The Failed Lie Detector Test
29:28 Eddie's Release and Future
The “Murdaugh case details” may be disturbing for some listeners. Exposed: Scandalous Files of the Elite provides the“latest update on the Alex Murdaugh case” throughout its ”Murdaugh” series podcast. Discover “the impact of the Murdaugh trial ” can be followed by subscribing wherever you listen to your podcasts.
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