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I wish this podcast was a daily podcast! I absolutely love it and Jim is the best!

Informative and passionate
I absolutely loved your special episode on the assassination attempt yesterday. It is great to hear passion in podcasting. You are absolutely right to be angry and to call out people who find this funny or who enjoy the state of our country. Thank you for telling it like it is with every episode. I also enjoy all your other shows. Keep up the great work.

Can’t get enough!
This podcast is THE BOMB! Just WOW! The way Jim Chapman tells a story is so powerful! It’s like listening to a kid on Christmas! My life is being taken over by my favorite three podcasters all in Louisiana! I might have an addiction! KEEP IT UP! Can’t wait to listen to the next one!

This podcast is wonderful and has quickly become my favorite. I use to dread Mondays but that has changed because I know on Monday we get a new episode. Every episode is worth the listen… fantastic job keep it up you’re knocking it out of the park!💪🏼

A must listen
This is an explosive, fantastic, mind blowing podcast from the first episode and onwards. You have got to give this a listen! Very well done, highly recommend!

Love the show, Jim!
Great podcast! Keep up the good work! I love all your shows.

Listen to every episode.Jim Chapman’s in-depth study leaves no stone unturned. A very friendly voice to hear. Don’t miss out.

This podcast is great. All of the episodes are great.

Oh my word
More on diddy. I am hooked.

Love the clarity of the stories
The mixture of telling the story with audio/court findings makes for a great listen. The only problem is if you are listening with headphones, the ear blast of commercial volumes was rough.

Well done!
Incredible research, great delivery. Good on ya!

Very well done!
Great listen, P diddy episode.

5 star
Great podcast! Good voice and dude really comes with details!! - Toledo mailman

GROIN as in COIN! Not “Growing!” (Still love ya, Jimothy!)

This is the podcast to go to hear a detailed telling of scandals. Jim Chapman does a fantastic job of researching and explaining of these real life events. It’s also a great place to receive all the details in one spot. Thank you Jim for all that you do to bring us these stories.

Love this podcast!
I heard about this podcast from listening to Real Life Real Crime which I listen to daily. Love all the guys podcasts (except sports, sorry) & can’t wait for more content from this one! Keep up the great research and reporting.

Great podcast!
Stumbled across this podcast and already went through all the shows. Good host and good voice. Very good story telling. I’d like to comment on sparker525’s comment. You should be disgusted by what these people do. In my opinion, the hosts use of language is the least of MY concerns, whether he is quoting or not. Open your eyes, because this stuff happens all the time, everyday and all over the world. Sex trafficking, sex slaves…whatever you want to call it, is the second fastest growing crime industry and it’s only getting bigger. Offended by language! I’m offended by your lack of knowledge about things happening in our own backyards. You should probably go back in your bubble, people like you can’t handle the truth! To the host, can’t wait for more shows! 👍🏼

5 stars!
You do a great job of telling these stories! Full of details and very interesting! Thank you for creating this podcast.

Enjoy the great research and storytelling!

Way to geaux Jimothy!!!! Another successful podcast!

Hooked Again!
Hooked on another podcast! Great, well researched, informative show. Can’t wait for the next week to hear the next one.

Can’t wait for the next episode! I use to watch wrestling back in the day & I am in complete shock at the details of this story!

Amazing podcast
Looks like Jim has done it again with another podcast!!!

Shock Factor is a level 10
I’ve been trying to write a review for this series and there are no words to describe the level of narcissism, mid controlling, psychotic behavior of one person to another. I never knew a person like this could exist. Thank you Jim for bringing this story to light and giving it to us in this “tell-all” podcast. I am a huge fan of all your podcasts! Please keep them coming!

Loving it!!!
Loving your new podcast, Jim!! Had to tune into it as soon as you mentioned it on RLRC today. You are a great storyteller. Your voice is soothing yet captivating. You do your research and cut out unnecessary filler. I also like that while you give your opinion on things, you don’t have an agenda to try and sway us to. Can’t wait for future episodes!!

I’m rarely at a loss for words…
I was shocked to hear such disgusting and degrading behavior, especially from a “celebrity” or “mogul” or what I refer to as trash. What I was not shocked at was your meticulous details and ability to keep my interest the whole way, Jim. I’m a fan & lifer of RLRC and also love your work on Unspeakable. This Mississippi chick is in your corner, whichever & however many podcasts you make great!!

Jimothy has done it again!!!
This is truly your calling my friend. I can’t wait for the episode!!!

Jim Chapman AMAZES us AGAIN with yet ANOTHER addicting podcast! I was hooked from the first episode & cant wait for more! NOT for the faint of heart; he REALLY does his homework & spares NO details in the VERY raw truths of telling us WHAT & HOW it REALLY happened in his storyline! Just WOW, cant wait for MORE!

Nailed it!
Jim Chapman and Envision Podcast Studio has taken on the hottest case and it’s shocking! Love it and can’t wait for the next episode! Y’all this is fire! Woody Overton

Can’t wait for more!
So excited to see this new adventure unfold for you. You are obviously a detailed person and that shines through from episode 1!