In this spine-tingling Halloween episode of "Exposed: Scandalous Files of the Elite," host Jim Chapman delves into the unsettling connections between horror cinema and urban myths. He reveals the chilling tales surrounding the infamous "Poltergeist"...
In this spine-tingling Halloween episode of "Exposed: Scandalous Files of the Elite," host Jim Chapman delves into the unsettling connections between horror cinema and urban myths. He reveals the chilling tales surrounding the infamous "Poltergeist" set, plagued by a series of eerie misfortunes, and uncovers disturbing events linked to "The Exorcist" and "The Conjuring."
Additionally, he takes you on a journey through Hollywood’s haunted hotspots, including the notorious Cecil Hotel and the fabled cursed vehicle of James Dean. This captivating episode is packed with fascinating Halloween trivia and features a countdown of the most terrifying films, all while embracing the ghostly essence of the season and shedding light on Hollywood's scandalous underbelly!
#halloween #hollywood #exposed #podcast #poltergeist #jamesdean
02:28 Cursed Movie Sets
06:43 The Exorcist's Hauntings
08:41 True Stories Behind The Conjuring
10:18 Ghosts on Set
13:07 Urban Legends of Hollywood
17:54 Haunted Hospitals
18:37 The Beverly Hills Bermuda Triangle
20:13 Ghosts of the Colorado Street Bridge
21:01 The Hollywood Sign Ghost
21:15 Halloween Fun Facts
28:16 Top Scary Movies Poll
29:26 Avril Lavigne Conspiracy Theory
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