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Julie Falls

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The Highly-Educated Consumer

Co-host | From the surf of Miami to the hills of Hollywood, Julie Falls spends her days working in the entertainment industry and the rest of her time questing after all things skin throughout Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, and anywhere her job takes her. She is the ultimate super-curious and highly-educated consumer our listeners can relate to - making her the perfect counterpart to the rest of the Facially Conscious team. Known as Julie.com (@juliefdotcom) to her friends, she knows way more than she should for someone who’s never gone pro. In fact, for every skin care product, procedure, ingredient, or tool out there, there’s a good chance Julie’s already looked into it. If there’s a question about skin or skin care, Julie.com’s the one to ask it - and the highly skilled pros at Facially Conscious are the ones to answer.